1 | 金镶五嵌的工艺品,在这家商店,琳琅满目。 | In this shop, handicraft articles inlaid with gold and jade are a feast for the eyes. | |
2 | 金玉满堂,莫之能守;富贵而骄,自遗其咎; | When bronze and jade fill your hall It can no longer be guarded. Wealth and place breed insolence That brings ruin in its train. | |
3 | 仅类别就有工具、武器、日用器物、佩饰、礼器等五类 | Jade objects of that time include production tools, weapons, daily utensils, ornaments and sacrificial vessels. | |
4 | 经过魏晋隋唐至元明清,玉器的题材和造型都更加世俗化。 | From the Wei and Jin to the Qing dynasties, jade objects took on a more secular aspect in their shape and design | |
5 | 究竟那玉不知是怎么个来历?上面还有字迹? | can you tell me where that jade of his came from, and what the inscription on it is? | |
6 | 军官连小老婆都随身带来了--满脸娇气的女人周身珠宝。 | The officers had brought their concubines along-baby-faced women hung with jade | |
7 | 君子比德于玉,无故玉不失身。 | A man of virtue considered his jade to be the symbol of his virtue and he took great care not to lose it. | |
8 | 阆风岩,是七星岩的最东峰,岩高耸如削,与玉屏岩之西峰对峙,气势雄伟。 | The easternmost of the seven crags is named Liang’Feng or Bracing Breezes. Facing Yu’Ping or Jade Screen to the west, it is a towering, precipitous crag with a majestic outline | |
9 | 老马用于外租的衰弱的驽马;老马 | A worn-out horse for hire;a jade . | |
10 | 两个著名的历史故事如《完璧归赵》、《荆轲刺秦王》,都有两米长。 | Two examples are the historical stories, Return the Jade Intact To The State Of Zhao and Jingke Killing The Qin Emperor, both of which are about 2 meters in length. | |
11 | 隆冬时节,北国的哈尔滨,已是一片银白,变成了一座粉妆玉琢,光华夺目的冰城。 | This could indeed apply to Harbin in deep winter when the city becomes a sparkling world of ice and snow, a world molded in jade and silver, so to say | |
12 | 每年3月3日那天,王母娘娘摆完蟠桃宴,玉帝就带领各路神仙,到万香山来观赏长寿花。 | On the third day of the third moon each year which is the day the Fairy Mother Queen gives her banquet of peaches, the Jade Emperor will take the gods after the banquet to the Mountain of Ten Thousand Fragrances to see the longevity flower | |
13 | 你出5卢比,我就能卖给你一副玉项圈。 | I can give you a jade necklace for five rupees | |
14 | 你姑妈去世时,舍不得你妹妹,无法处,遂将他的玉带了去了 | when your aunt was dying and was unwilling to leave her, the best she could do was to take the jade with her instead. | |
15 | 你喜欢金子还是翡翠。 | Will you prefer gold of jade ? | |
16 | 你这个糟女人! | You saucy little jade ! | |
17 | 披巾、下垂的绶带以及所系不同形状的玉佩,既表现了人物不同的身份,也增加了造型的变化。 | And jade pendants attached to some of the scarves and belts symbolize the wearers’ different status and to make the figures appear more diversified. | |
18 | 其他玉雕跟这件相比大为逊色。 | Other jade carvings pale beside this | |
19 | 迁葬时,墓中果有玉环。 | Later when Yue Fei was reburied with full ceremony, a jade ring was indeed found with his body | |
20 | 清代的大型玉器十分精彩 | Some very large jade wares were made in the Qing Dynasty. | |
21 | 裙边系着豆绿宫绦,双鱼比目玫瑰佩 | She had double red jade pendants with pea-green tassels attached to her skirt. | |
22 | 仁慈宽厚的玉皇大帝听从了别人的建议去安抚你。 | The kind and most tolerant Jade Emperor was advised to pacify you. | |
23 | 仍旧带着项圈,宝玉,寄名锁,护身符等物 | and he still wore the torque, the precious jade , a lock-shaped amulet containing his Buddhistic name, and a lucky charm. | |
24 | 如果你不是由人行横道穿过马路,就被称为“不守交通规则的行人”。 | If you do not cross at the crosswalk, you are called "jade -walkers." | |
25 | 如来降临南天门,问悟空:“你有什么本领,要来夺取玉皇大帝的宝座?” | Buddha hurries to the scene and says to the Monkey, What temerity for an idiot of a monkey to try to seize the throne from the Jade Emperor! | |
26 | 如现藏在故宫博物院的《大禹治水图》,重达5吨,从来料到制成共18年时间。 | The Dayu Controlling Water jade ware, for example, weighs about five tons, and its production took 18 years. | |
27 | 神通广大的孙猴,被太白金星骗到天上,玉皇大帝封他为“弼马温”。 | Though Monkey was versatile and boasted supernatural powers, Great Sage as he was called, was fooled into coming up to heaven by the Great white Planet. The Jade Emperor conferred upon Monkey the title of Protector of the Horses. | |
28 | 时逢三五便团圆,满把晴光护玉栏. | On the fifteenth the moon is full, bathing jade balustrades with her pure light. | |
29 | 说不尽那光摇朱户金铺地,雪照琼窗玉作宫.更见仙花馥郁,异草芬芳 | Words fail to describe those brilliant vermilion rooms, floors paved with gold, windows bright as snow and palaces of jade , to say nothing of the delectable fairy flowers, rare plants and fragrant herbs. | |
30 | 孙大圣叫巨灵神去给玉帝报信:若依他作“齐天大圣”,不动刀枪,否则打上灵霄宝殿。 | Great Sage Sun asked the Mighty Magic Spirit to forward his message to the Jade Emperor that if he was conferred the title of "the Great Sage Equalling Heaven," he would refrain from attacking the Heavenly Palace of the Jade Emperor. |