属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
属类:时事政治-America’s National Parks 国家公园-甘尼逊黑峡谷国家公园的荒野环境
1 | 他已把树篱中所有参差不齐的部分修剪掉了。 | He has trimmed off all the jagged pieces in the hedge. | |
2 | 他已树篱中所有参差不齐的部分修剪掉。 | He has trimmed off all the jagged pieces in the hedge | |
3 | 湍流无情地把她冲向岩石狰狞的瀑布口。 | The current was sweeping her inexorably closer to the fall’s jagged rim | |
4 | 岩上的石室洞,洞深多古迹、多怪石,历代题字大多集中在这里。 | Under it is a cave of the same name that is mysteriously deep, with many historic relics and jagged rocks and also a galaxy of carved inscriptions | |
5 | 一块锯齿状的玻璃 | A jagged piece of glass | |
6 | 一两天后,我们的耐心得到回报。激动的叫喊声把我唤进厨房。其中有一个蛋有点不一样,原先光滑的蛋壳现在满是深色锯齿状条纹。 | A day or two later, our patience was rewarded. I was summoned to the kitchen by shouts of excitement. One of the eggs looked different. Its once smooth surface was now covered with dark jagged lines. | |
7 | 用有灰度的象素值去平滑锯齿形边缘的出现,以减小混叠效应的可见性的处理技术。 | The process of reducing the visibility of aliasing by using gray scale pixel values to smooth the appearance of jagged edges. | |
8 | 有梭织机摩擦锯齿轮的改造 | Modification of the Frication Jagged Gear on the Shuttle Loom | |
9 | 这完全不是口吃,而是未被修饰过的声音,似乎这语言是从另一处迸发出来的,强有力的语气深入人心(b安妮·泰勒) | not a stutter exactly but a jagged sound,as if the words were being broken-off from some other,stronger current of words deep inside(bAnne Tyler) | |
10 | 这完全不是口吃,而是未被修饰过的声音,似乎这语言是从另一处迸发出来的,强有力的语气深入人心(安妮·泰勒) | not a stutter exactly but a jagged sound,as if the words were being broken-off from some other,stronger current of words deep inside(Anne Tyler) | |
11 | 做成锯齿状凿或刻边缘;使成锯齿状 | To notch or serrate the edge of;make jagged . | |
12 | ||1:北弗里兰县的尼必尔市市长Wilfried Bockholt说,“夜愈是寂静,风车的声音就愈震耳。”||2:他随即模仿了长达5米的风车翼片在桅杆上急速旋转的声音。||3:Bockholt是“市民风电场”背后的推动力量,然而于此项目,他却是喜忧参半。||4:曾以视野广阔盛名的尼必尔,现今却挤满了高低起伏的白风车。||5:他抱怨道,“风车完全改变了这儿的地形。” | ||1:“The quieter the evening, the more you hear it,” says Wilfried Bockholt, mayor of Niebull in North Friesland.||2:He mimics the sound of a 55-metre-long rotor whirling round a windmill’s mast.||3:He is a driving force behind the “citizens’ wind park”, but he has mixed feelings.||4:A region famed for broad horizons is now jagged with white spires.||5:“They alter the landscape completely,” he laments. | |
13 | 由于这些锯齿状的尘埃碎片表面温度过高,接触到宇航服时会把宇航服烧焦、使其碳化变黑。 | The jagged dust fragments blackened spacesuits, causing them to absorb too much heat. | |
14 | 这种海拔落差导致甘尼逊河聚集了速度和力量。随着时间的推移,这种力量雕塑了坚硬的岩石,并创造了黑峡谷国家公园中天然锯齿状的岩层。该过程被称之为侵蚀。 | This loss in elevation causes the river to gain speed and force. Over time, that force has carved and cut the hard rock, and created the wild and jagged rock formations found at Black Canyon. That process is known as erosion. | |
15 | Bellick仍在地下管道中,继续拼命地在棘螺栓上来回磨着绑住他的绳子。 | Bellick, still hidden underground, continues to furiously rake his restraints against the jagged bolt. | |
16 | 不产生新的隐患-无切口,锯齿边和未打磨的表面 | Create no new hazards - must not have shear points, jagged edges or unfinished surfaces | |
17 | 出发前的最后一分钟来了特赦令——天空中闪过一道锯齿状的闪电。 | Then a last-minute reprieve came in the jagged shape of a lightening flash across the sky. | |
18 | 打开电视,调到任何一个财经频道,滚动的报价、各种形状的图表会让你头晕眼花。 | Switch on any business TV channel and you’ll be bombarded with scrolling quotes and jagged graphs. | |
19 | 古老城市中层次不齐的尖塔就像根被折过的火柴,王子街花园就像绒毛纸板。 | In this universe, the jagged spires of the Old Town would be angled matchsticks, Princes Street Gardens a Fuzzy-Felt board. | |
20 | 海滩上,有一个不规则的正在融化的永久冻土层。 | On the beach there is a jagged layer of thawing permafrost. | |
21 | 海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里度假。 | The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays. | |
22 | 黑色的岩板被剧烈翻腾的熔岩切割得层次不齐。 | Black plates were cut by jagged cracks of orange, violently shifting and roiling. | |
23 | 环抱碧海的皓沙,耸立于葱绿平原之上、怪石嶙峋的山峰,让美景锦上添花。 | White sand beaches surrounded by turquoise blue waters and rocky jagged mountains towering over lush green plains add to the beauty. | |
24 | 回忆之前我们谈论的内容,海岸是分形,因为无论从哪个高度看,海岸线都是锯齿装的。 | To recall our earlier discussion, the seashore is fractal, since the coastline looks equally jagged from any height. | |
25 | 积雪覆盖的╱嶙峋怪异的群峰 | snow-capped/jagged peaks | |
26 | 急流劈波斩浪地冲过第四道“友好的”狭缝,加速前行,拍打在凹凸不平石块上。 | The river rips through the fourth "friendly" slot, picks up speed, and crashes onto the jagged rocks. | |
27 | 交错数组是数组的数组,因此,它的元素是引用类型,初始化为null。 | A jagged array is an array of arrays, and therefore its elements are reference types and are initialized to null. | |
28 | 九座山峰占据了斯诺登尼亚国家公园一半的面积,这里到处都是让人心惊肉跳的锯齿形峰顶、峡谷和狂风呼啸的高地。 | Nine mountain ranges cover fully half of Snowdonia with a breathtaking array of jagged peaks, gorges, and windswept uplands. | |
29 | 卡丝把她的高领衫脱下,我才看到那个——一道难看的凹凸不平的伤疤横在她的脖子上。 | It was then that Cass took off her high -necked dress and I saw it- the ugly jagged scar across her throat. | |
30 | 靠近黄土高坡,被起伏的山脉环绕,但是大同平坦而交通堵塞。 | Near the Loess plateau, it’s surrounded by jagged mountains, but Datong is flat and choked by heavy traffic. |