1 | 关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约 | Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters | |
2 | 关于药剂橙(一种美国部队在越南战争中使用的落叶剂和除劳剂)的立法,已经提供了最广泛的有毒物质因果关系的司法讨论。 | Litigation about Agent Orange, a defoliant and herbicide used by American forces in the Vietnam war, has provided the most extensive judicial discussion of toxic causation | |
3 | 加强对司法工作的监督,惩治司法领域中的腐败。 | We will tighten supervision over the judicial work and punish corruption in this field. | |
4 | 加强对执法活动的监督,推进依法行政,维护司法公正,提高执法水平,确保法律的严格实施。 | We should tighten supervision over law enforcement, promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law, safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented. | |
5 | 加强政法工作,依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动. | It is essential to improve procuratorial, judicial and public security work, cracking down on criminal activities according to law. | |
6 | 监狱法以法律形式规定了刑罚执行机关与侦察机关、检察机关和审判机关之间的关系和各自的职权。 | The prison Law provides for in a legal form the relationship between the penalty enforcement organs and the investigative departments (public security organs), procuratorates and judicial apparatus and the respective rights and obligations of these organs. | |
7 | 检察院也要对人民法院的审判活动是否合法实行监督。当发现判决和裁定有错误时,检察院将按照审判监督程序提起抗诉。 | It shall also oversee the judicial activities of people’ s court to determine whether they conform to the law and, when finding erroneous verdicts and rulings, it shall lodge a protest in accordance with a judicial supervision procedure. | |
8 | 建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法公正的司法队伍。 | We will build up a contingent of judicial personnel who are politically steadfast and professionally competent, have a fine style of work and enforce laws impartially. | |
9 | 尽管有上述规定,但是如依照临时司法措施中止或继续中止货物的放行:则应适用第50条第6款的规定。 | Notwithstanding the above, where the suspension of the release of goods is carried out or continued in accordance with a provisional judicial measure, the provisions of paragraph 6 of Article 50 shall apply | |
10 | 近年来,中国的司法和行政部门在其各自的职责范围内加强了保护商标专用权的努力。 | In recent years, China’s judicial and administrative bodies had stepped up their efforts to protect trademark exclusive rights within their respective authority | |
11 | 进一步健全权责明确、相互配合、相互制约、高效运行的司法体制。 | We should form a sound judicial system featuring clearly specified powers and responsibilities, mutual coordination and restraint and highly efficient operation. | |
12 | 纠正不正之风、打击犯罪活动中属于法律范围的问题,要用法制来解决 | While we are correcting unhealthy tendencies and cracking down on crime, we must leave matters that fall within the scope of the law to judicial institutions. | |
13 | 就司法机关而言.十多个高级法院和中级法院设立了知识产权法庭或专门小组。根据最近的报道,中华人民共和国最高人民法院也正在筹建知识产权法庭。 | As for judicial apparatus, more than 10 high and intermediate courts have established their intellectual property rights courts or panels of judges. And according to recent reports, the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC is also preparing to establish an intellectual property rights court of its own. | |
14 | 控诉加快了裁决过程 | The indictment set the judicial process in motion. | |
15 | 劳改几年放出来以后继续犯罪,而且更熟练、更会对付公安司法机关了。 | They were released after a few years’ remoulding through forced labour, resume their criminal activities, each time becoming more skilful and more experienced in coping with the public security and judicial organs. | |
16 | 联合国的司法机构,国际法庭有自己的图书馆,其他14个专门组织也有自己的图书馆。 | Its judicial organ, the International Court of Justice has its own library, as do the 14 specialised agencies. | |
17 | 两院“公告”颁布后的头20天里,已有500多名罪犯投案自首了 | In the first ten days following the “public notice” issued by the supreme people’s court and the supreme people’s procuratorate, more than 500 criminals surrendered themselves to the police or judicial departments | |
18 | 每一成员应在《WTO协定》对其生效之日后90天内向秘书处提交其在该日期己实施的与原产地规则有关的、普遍适用的司法判决和行政裁决。 | Each Member shall provide to the Secretariat, within 90 days after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement for it, its rules of origin, judicial decisions, and administrative rulings of general application relating to rules of origin in effect on that date. | |
19 | 民事审判制度的灵活性为人民提供了更多的便利.在事实清楚,遵循适当程序的前提下可以采取多种方式断案。 | The flexibility of the civil judicial system offers more convenience for the people. a variety of measures can be taken to settle lawsuits, so long as the facts are clearly investigated and proper procedures are adhered to. | |
20 | 南斯拉夫审判制度和检察制度 | judicial and procuratorial system of Yugoslavia | |
21 | 判决书还说:"尽管还没有事实证据能够证明他确实对微软怀有偏见,但我们认为杰克逊法官的行为严重玷污了地区法院的声誉,使人们对司法程序的公正性产生怀疑。 | ``Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously tainted the proceedings before the District Court and called into question the integrity of the judicial process,’’ the court added | |
22 | 全国共吊销卫生许可证5701家,取缔食品制假窝点20420个,注销、吊销营业执照12643户,移交公安、司法机关涉嫌犯罪人员344人。 | A total of 5,701 sanitation licenses have been revoked nationwide, 20,420 counterfeit products manufacturing spots crashed, 12,643 business licenses cancelled or revoked, and 344 suspects transferred to public security and judicial bodies | |
23 | 社会主义司法制度必须保障在全社会实现公平和正义。 | A socialist judicial system must guarantee fairness and justice in the whole society. | |
24 | 申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。 | The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order. | |
25 | 申请人请示获得司法复审撤消命令。 | The applicant seek judicial review to quash the order. | |
26 | 十几年后,是否凯萨·爱特纳仍是兰德案件狭义上的特例,或者,是否它在审判习惯中代表着一个主要变例,都仍然含糊不清。 | More than a decade later, it is still unclear whether Kaiser Aetna will remain a narrow exception to the Rands rule or whether it represents a major change in judicial attitude | |
27 | 是的。在某些情况下,审判人员、检察人员、侦察人员应当自行回避,或者由当事人及其法定代理人要求其回避。 | Yes. In certain situations, a member of the judicial , procuratorial or vestigatory personnel should voluntarily withdraw or be asked to withdraw by the litigants or their representatives. | |
28 | 司法程序(烈风警告期间聆讯延期)条例〔第62章〕 | Judicial Proceedings (Adjournment During Gale Warnings)Ordinance [Cap. 62] | |
29 | 司法独立,终审权不须到北京。 | It will enjoy independent judicial power, and there will be no need to go to Beijing for final adjudication. | |
30 | 司法人员薪级;司法人员薪级表 | Judicial Service Pay Scale |