1 | --(第二天早晨大雨倾盆,玛拉和凯蒂在屋内。)--玛拉:我得把这锁环修一修。--凯蒂:我一直都这么告诉你。--玛拉:昨天坏了两次。噢,凯蒂,现在几点钟了? | --(Next morning, the rain is pouring down, Myra and Kitty in their room.)--MYRA: I shall have to get this catch mended.--KITTY: Well, I’ve been telling you.--MYRA: It broke open twice yesterday. Oh, Kitty, what time is it? | |
2 | --(夫人关上门,走了。)--玛拉:她为什么这么残酷、可恨。--凯蒂:啊,老扫帚,她总是那样跟我们说话。别怕. | --(Madame closes the door behind, leaves the room.)--MYRA: Oh, why is she so cruel and hateful.--KITTY : Ah, the old broomstick, she talks to us all like that. Never mind. | |
3 | --(夫人望着凯蒂,伸出手。)--凯蒂:什么事,夫人?--夫人:纸条,凯蒂,刚交给你的纸条。--凯蒂:噢,只是个老朋友的,我过去演出时认识的一个男人……- | --(Madame looks at Kitty . The note that was handed out.)--KITTY: Yes, Madame?--MADAME: The note, Kitty. The note that was handed to you .-KITTY: Oh, it’s just from an old friend, a man I used to know in a show… | |
4 | --(回到宿舍,玛拉给凯蒂看她买的新衣服。)--凯蒂:你去哪了?我担心死了。我以为你和那男孩在一起,但他打来了好几次电话。 | --(Back in the dormitory, Myra shows Kitty a dress she’s just bought.)--KITTY:Well, where have you been? I’ve been worried to death. I thought you were with the boy but he phoned a couple of times. | |
5 | --(回到住处)凯蒂:玛拉?哦,这些是什么?你去商店偷东西了?--玛拉:哦,凯蒂,亲爱的。罗伊还活着!他回来了,他在伦敦。--凯蒂:罗伊?不! | --(back at the rooming house)--KITTY :Myra? Well what’s all this? Have you taken to shoplifting?--MYRA: Oh Kitty, darling! Roy’s alive! He’s back, he’s here!--KITTY:Roy? No! | |
6 | --(凯蒂冲出剧院。)--凯蒂:噢,上尉,上尉!等等。我是凯蒂,玛拉的朋友。你想什么地方见她?--罗伊:什么,玛拉?噢,你好。--凯蒂:我很好,谢谢,你想在什么地方见她? | --(Kitty runs out from the theatre.)--KITTY: I do very well, thank you, but where do you want to meet her?--ROY:What, Myra? Oh, how do you do?--KITTY: I do very well, thank you, but where do you want to meet her? | |
7 | --(凯蒂和玛拉一起离开了芭蕾舞团。工作难找,生活艰难。一天,玛拉收到罗伊母亲的来信,表示希望见到她。)--凯蒂:哦,我再不用跑芭蕾了。我讨厌了劈叉。你和我,亲爱的,会去演一出小剧目。 | --(Kitty leaves the ballet together with Myra. But a job is hard to find and the life is harsh.)--KITTY: Well, no more ballet for me. I’m sick of being highbrow with my feet. You and I, ducky, are going to get into a revue. | |
8 | --(玛拉出现在门口。)--凯蒂:玛拉,你去哪啦?到底是什么事让你在这样的晚上出去?出去还淋了雨,现在上楼去睡觉 | --(Myra appears at the door.)--KITTY : Myra, where have you been? Whatever made you go out on a night like this? You went and got caught in the rain, too. Now you come on upstairs and get into bed. | |
9 | (玛拉回到剧院。)--凯蒂:玛拉,亲爱的。他走了吗?和他说话了?你根本没看到他? | (Myra returns to the theater.)--KITTY : Myra, Myra darling. Did he leave? Did you talk to him? Didn’t you see him at all? | |
10 | (跑近窗边)他还在,他还在!--凯蒂:等等。必须穿上雨衣。你的伞在那边角落。给,穿上。现在,我先出去。 | (Runs to the window)He is, he is!--KITTY : Wait a minute. I’ll get your Macintosh. Your umbrellas in the corner, there. Here, put this on. Now, I get to go first. | |
11 | (敲门声。)--凯蒂:哦,一定是巴塞特小姐来要房租的。--玛拉:记住我们的排练。 | (Knock at door)--KITTY : Oh it’s Mrs. Basset for the rent.--MYRA: Remember our rehearsal. | |
12 | -(雨越下越大,玛拉不经意向窗外望去,突然发现屋外雨伞下站着一个人,是罗伊。她不敢相信自己的眼睛.)--玛拉:凯蒂,凯蒂!快看,他在这! | --(The rain becomes heavy. Myra looks out of the window casually. Suddenly she sees a figure under an umbrella outside the house. It’s Roy. She couldn’t believe her eyes.)--MYRA: Kitty , Kitty look! He’s here! | |
13 | “我认为你的反应恰到好处,”基蒂说。 | “I think your response was appropriate.”Kitty said | |
14 | 此时那只靠吃“猫快餐”而长成大块头的“大猫”根本就不理睬她,而是把注意力放在了这位总统的小腿上。 | The big cat, meanwhile, shavingsgrown quite bulky on "Kitty Snax"[=Snacks], simply ignores her and focuses on the president’s calf | |
15 | 反哺之猫世间无。 | Do you ever know a kitty bring a mouse to the old cat? | |
16 | --夫人:凯帝。但是,那不意味着你们可以比先前的签约演出粗心些;芭蕾并不因为你们的演出而以为荣,是你们以芭蕾为荣的,还有问题吗?哼! | --MADAME: Kitty . But that doesn’t mean you should work with less precision than performing, seals, which precede you. You don’t honor the ballet by your presence in it, the ballet honors you. Are there questions? Humph. | |
17 | --夫人:可我的世界是。你们既然和我在一起,你们的世界也必须是。这一规定对玛拉不再生效。--凯蒂:哦,别解雇她。夫人。--夫人:我警告过你。你被开除了。--凯蒂:我从没听过这种不可理喻的…… | --MADAME: My world does. And while you are with me, so must yours. That prescription no longer applies to Myra.--KITTY : Oh, don’t sack her, Madame.--MADME: I warned you. You are dismissed.--KITTY: I never heard of such unreasonable… | |
18 | -夫人:我不需要提醒,我知道你曾是滑稽歌舞团的演员,你的行为……--玛拉:夫人……-凯蒂:玛拉:……--玛拉:不,凯蒂,夫人,是给我的。--夫人:那你念出来,请大声点。--玛拉:夫人,我……--夫人:念。 | --MADAME: I don’t need to be reminded that you were a chorus girl in a revue. Your behavior…--MYRA: Madame…--KITTY : Myra…--MYRA:No Kitty, it’s for me, Madame.--MADAME: Then you may read it. Aloud please.--MYRA: Madame, I …-MADAME: Read it, please | |
19 | --夫人:我对部队的行动没有兴趣。--凯蒂:今天早上她差点结婚了。--夫人:对社会事件也没兴趣。--可整个世界不是在芭蕾中开始和结束。 | --MADAME: I’m not interested in troop movements.--KITTY :She was to be married in the morning.--MADAME: Nor in social events.--KITTY: But the whole world doesn’t begin and end with the ballet. | |
20 | --夫人:小心点,凯蒂。--凯蒂:不,我不会再小心了。我受够了。两年来我一直想告诉她,现在,我告诉你。如果你不喜欢,也必须勉强忍受。我讨厌你,讨厌你的专制。 | MADAME: Be careful, Kitty .--KITTY: No I won’t be careful. I’m fed up with her. I’ve been wanting to tell her for two years and now I’m going to tell you. And if you don’t like it you can lump it. I’m sick of you and your tyranny. | |
21 | 付掉电话费后,公共储金里剩下的钱不够了。 | After we paid the phone bill there is little left in the kitty . | |
22 | 付掉电话费后,公共储金里剩下的钱不够了。 | After we paid the phone bill there was little left in the kitty . | |
23 | 基蒂缠着她妈妈要个洋娃娃。 | Kitty deviled her mother for a doll. | |
24 | 基蒂对我们抚育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她当了母亲之后,就开始改变她的腔调了。 | Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune | |
25 | 基蒂想把自己的记录逐步提高。 | Kitty would like to edge her record still higher. | |
26 | --即使我现在这样生活,然而上帝才知道……他们说这是最简单的方法,我不知道是谁想出这样的词,我只知道一件事------不该生为女人,我想你认为我很肮脏……--玛拉:哦,凯蒂… | --Even the life I’m leading, though God knows it…I’ve heard it called the easiest way. I wonder who ever thought up that little phrase. I know one thing… it couldn’t have been a woman. I suppose you think I’m dirt…--MYRA: Oh, Kitty … | |
27 | 她父亲给她取名基蒂。 | Her father named her Kitty . | |
28 | 她告诉猫咪,即她的日记,她很想“继续不断地试图找到一种方法变成自己想成为 | She tells Kitty , her diary, that she would like to "keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be and what I could be if... there weren’t any other people living in the world." | |
29 | 凯蒂,我把自己奉献给了他,毕竟这也是他的幸福。他爱我。他等待着我。在我心中,我也等待着他。告诉我我可以去到他的身边。告诉我,凯蒂。 | I devote myself to him after all it’s his happiness too, Kitty . He loves me. He’s waited for me. And in my soul, I’ve waited for him. Tell me I can go to him. Please, Kitty. | |
30 | --凯蒂:(笑)几天之后。--凯蒂:嗨。我回来了,工作没找到。--玛拉:你吓着我了。--凯蒂:是吗?对不起。啊,现在我算是安定下来了,你怎么样?--玛拉:运气不好。 | --KITTY : (laughs)Several days later.--KITTY: Hello. I’m back and I didn’t get the job.--MYRA: You startled me.--Kitty:Did I ? Sorry. Now that I am all settled , how about you.--Myra: No luck. |