1 | (二) 尊重农业劳动者的意愿; | 2. to respect the will of agricultural labourers ; | |
2 | (五) 实行科研单位、有关学校、推广机构与群众性科技组织、科技人员、农业劳动者相结合; | 5. to practise the combination of institutions of scientific research, relevant schools or colleges and popularization setups with mass organizations of science and technology, scientific and technical personnel, and agricultural labourers ; | |
3 | 大批流入劳工的居住区. | the housing of an influx of labourers | |
4 | 第二十二条 国家农业技术推广机构向农业劳动者推广农业技术,除本条第二款另有规定外,实行无偿服务。 | Article 22 Popularization of agro-techniques to agricultural labourers by national agro-technical popularization setups shall, except as otherwise provided in the second paragraph of this Article, be carried out gratis. | |
5 | 第二十二条 国家引导农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者按照市场的需求,调整农业生产结构,保持粮棉生产稳定增长,全面发展种植业、林业、畜牧业和渔业,发展高产、优质、高效益的农业。 | Article 22 The State shall guide agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers to adjust the structure of agricultural production according to market demands, ensure steady growth of cotton and grain production, achieve all-round development of crop-plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and develop an agriculture with high yield, good quality and high benefits. | |
6 | 第二十七条 国家鼓励和支持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者使用先进、适用的农业机械,提高农业机械化水平。 | Article 27 The State shall encourage and support agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers to apply advanced and suitable agricultural machinery for the purpose of raising the level of agricultural mechanization. | |
7 | 第二十条 农业劳动者根据自愿的原则应用农业技术。 | Article 20 Agricultural labourers shall apply agro-techniques on voluntary basis. | |
8 | 第二十一条 国家采取措施,从资金,农业生产资料、技术、市场信息等方面扶持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者发展农业生产。 | Article 21 The State shall take measures in the aspects of finance, means of agricultural production, technology and market information to assist agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers in developing agricultural production. | |
9 | 第二十一条 县、乡农业技术推广机构应当组织农业劳动者学习农业科学技术知识,提高他们应用农业技术的能力。 | Article 21 Agro-technical popularization setups at the county or township level shall organize agricultural labourers to study scientific and technological knowledge of agriculture so as to raise their ability of applying agro-techniques. | |
10 | 第九条 工会对职工进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育,民主、法制、纪律教育,以及科学、文化、技术教育,提高职工的思想、道德和科学、文化、技术、业务素质,使职工成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的劳动者。 | Article 9 A trade union shall educate workers in matters of patriotism, collectivism and socialism, democracy, legality and discipline and science, culture and technology, raise the ideological thoughts, ethics and scientific, cultural, technological and professional qualities of workers and enable them to become labourers with ideals, ethics, education and discipline. | |
11 | 第六十三条 违反本法规定,侵犯农业生产经营组织或者农业劳动者的合法权益,造成损失、损害的,依法承担民事赔偿责任。 | Article 63 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers , and thus causes any loss or damage to them, shall bear the liability for civil compensation according to law. | |
12 | 第三十四条 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当建立和健全农药、兽药、农业机械等可能危害人畜安全的农业生产资料的安全使用制度,教育农业劳动者安全生产。 | Article 34 People’s governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and improve the safe-use system of agricultural means of production such as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery which may endanger the safety of persons or livestock, and shall educate agricultural labourers to ensure safety in production. | |
13 | 第十九条 向农业劳动者推广的农业技术,必须在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性和适用性。 | Article 19 The agro-techniques to be popularized to agricultural labourers must have been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization. | |
14 | 第十三条 村农业技术推广服务组织和农民技术人员,在农业技术推广机构的指导下,农会农业技术知识,落实农业技术推广措施,为农业劳动者提供技术服务。 | Article 13 Agro-technical popularization service organizations of villages and peasant technical personnel shall, under the guidance of agro-technical popularization setups, disseminate agro-technical knowledge, carry out measures of agro-technical popularization and provide agricultural labourers with technical service. | |
15 | 第四十九条 国家在农村实施义务教育,发展农业职业教育,提高农业劳动者的文化技术素质。 | Article 49 The State shall implement compulsory education in the countryside, develop professional education of agriculture and enhance the cultural and technical qualifications of agricultural labourers . | |
16 | 第四十四条 国家运用税收、价格、信贷等手段,鼓励和引导农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者增加农业投入。 | Article 44 The State shall, by such means as taxation, price, credit and loan, encourage and guide the agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers to increase their input to agriculture. | |
17 | 第五条 国家鼓励和支持科技人员开发、推广应用先进的农业技术,鼓励和支持农业劳动者和农业生产经营组织应用先进的农业技术。 | Article 5 The State shall encourage and support scientific and technical personnel to develop, popularize and apply advanced agro-techniques; encourage and support agricultural labourers and agricultural production and operation organizations to apply advanced agro-techniques. | |
18 | 第一条 为了保障农业在国民经济中的基础地位,发展农村社会主义市场经济,维护农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者的合法权益,促进农业的持续、稳定、协调发展,制定本法。 | Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to ensuring the fundamental position of agriculture in the national economy, developing the socialist market economy in rural areas, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers , and promoting the continuous, steady and coordinated growth of agriculture. | |
19 | 二是经济厄运,即印度大量闲置的农村劳动力花着微薄的收入去购买由中国进口商品 | the economic nightmare of an India of underemployed farm labourers spending their meagre earnings on imported Chinese goods | |
20 | 工人们穿过泥泞的田地吃力地走回家去. | Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields. | |
21 | 工人们穿过泥泞的田地走回家去。 | Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields. | |
22 | 国家鼓励和引导农民从事多种形式的农产品流通活动。农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者,可以按照国家有关规定从事农产品收购、批发、贩运和零售活动。 | The State shall encourage and guide peasants to engage in various forms of circulation activities of agricultural products. Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, engage in activities of purchasing, processing, wholesaling, trafficking and retailing of agricultural products. | |
23 | 国家鼓励和支持农业劳动者参与农业技术推广活动。 | The State shall encourage and support agricultural labourers to participate in the activities of agro-technical popularization. | |
24 | 国家鼓励和支持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者在自愿的基础上采取多种形式,筹集体农业资金。 | The State shall encourage and support agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers to raise agricultural funds on voluntary basis and by various ways. | |
25 | 嘉莉的姐姐敏妮住的是公寓,那是当时对占据一个楼面的套房的称呼。公寓在西凡布仑街,是个工人和职员的居民区。这些人来自外地 | Minnie’s flat, as the one-floor resident apartments were then being called, was in a part of West Van Buren Street inhabited by families of labourers and clerks, men who had come | |
26 | 教育部门应当在农村开展有关农业技术推广的职业技术教育和农业技术培训,提高农业技术推广人员和农业劳动者的技术素质。国家鼓励农业集体经济组织、企业事业单位和其他社会力量在农村开展农业技术教育。 | Educational departments shall develop professional technical education and agro-technical trainings relating to agro-technical popularization in the countryside to improve the technical qualification of agro-technical popularization personnel and agricultural labourers . The State shall encourage agricultural economic collectives, enterprises and institutions, and other social forces to develop agro-technical education in the countryside. | |
27 | 进城务工就业农民子女义务教育政策执行研究 | Policy Implementation of Compulsory Education for Children of Migrant Rural Labourers to Urban Areas | |
28 | 劳动者手里有工具,没有工具的可以拿石头。石头都没有,有两个拳头。 | The labourers have tools in their hands and those without can use rocks, and if there aren’t any rocks even, there are always one’s two fists | |
29 | 李鸿章与清末华工问题 | Li Hongzhang and the Overseas Chinese Labourers in the Late Qing Dynasty | |
30 | 另有30%的黑人是白人农场的劳工、佃户和寄居者,他们的生活和工作环境与中世纪的奴隶相差无几。 | Thirty percent are labourers , labour tenants, and squatters on white farms and work and live under conditions similar to those of the serfs of the Middle Ages |