属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雄文胜武 Mightier than the swor
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本政坛 出身很重要
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阁楼下的生活 仆人的自述
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-幻灭的上班族 屌丝之梦
1 | 旅法华工与留法勤工俭学生 | Chinese Labourers and Chinese Students in France | |
2 | 民工们硬是打通了这座大山,修成了隧道。 | The peasant labourers really [actually; literally] hewed a tunnel through that rocky mountain | |
3 | 民工们照着去做,果然浑身是力,干活很轻松,减轻了劳苦。 | Doing what they were told to, the labourers all found themselves much stronger than before and the work much easier to tackle | |
4 | 名单上再加上几个工人的名字。 | Add a few more names of labourers to the list. | |
5 | 内地民工大量地涌入经济日益繁荣的沿海城市,形成了一股又一股的淘金热。 | The flooding of inland rural labourers into the booming coastal cities has triggered off money rushes one after another. | |
6 | 农村劳动力外出收入转移对家庭的微观效应 | Three Promotions: The Micro-effect Upon Families Caused by the Income Shift of the Country Labourers Working in the Towns and Cities | |
7 | 农业的生产投入和农田水利等基础建设,应当由农业经营组织和农业劳动者投入资金和劳动积累,国家应当给予扶持。 | Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers shall put in fund and labour accumulation in input to agricultural production and capital construction such as irrigation and water conservancy works, and the State shall grant support thereto. | |
8 | 农业工人通常整个夏天都出去帮工。 | Farm labourers used to hire themselves out for the summer | |
9 | 农业劳动者在生产中应用先进的农业技术,有关部门和单位应当在技术培训、资金、物资和销售等方面给予扶持。 | When agricultural labourers apply advanced agro-techniques to their production, the departments and units concerned shall give assistance to them in aspects of technical trainings, funds, materials and sales. | |
10 | 农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者应当保养土地,合理使用化肥、农药,增加使用有机肥料,提高地方,防止土地的污染、破坏和地方衰退。 | Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers shall keep good maintenance of their lands, make a rational use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increase their application of organic fertilizers so as to improve soil fertility and prevent the land from pollution, destruction and soil fertility declination. | |
11 | 任何组织和个人不得强制农业劳动者应用农业技术。强制农业劳动者应用农业技术,给农业劳动者造成损失的,应当承担民事赔偿责任,直接负责的主管人员可以由其所在单位或者上级机关级予行政处分。 | No organization or individual shall force agricultural labourers to apply agro-techniques. Anyone who forces agricultural labourers to apply agro-techniques and thus causes losses to agricultural labourers shall be liable for civil compensation. The competent personnel in charge and other persons held directly responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the units they belong to or organs at higher levels. | |
12 | 实行劳动合同制,把劳动者的责任、义务和权利通过法律形式予以明确规定,这有利于增强劳动者的责任感 | The implementation of labour contract system whereby the labourers ’ responsibilities, duties and rights are clearly provided in the form of law, is good to enhance the labourers’ sense of responsibility | |
13 | 试论农业产业化对农村劳动者的新要求及农村职业教育的应对 | The New Requirements of Agricultural Industrialization upon Rural Labourers and the Corresponding Measures of the Vocation Education in Rural Areas | |
14 | 他们是移居他国的劳工。 | They are emigrant labourers . | |
15 | 突然涌来的民工潮给当地政府带来许多意想不到的困难 | The sudden influx of rural labourers has caused a myriad of unexpected trouble to the local government | |
16 | 土地改革的主要的和直接的任务,就是满足贫雇农群众的要求。 | The main and immediate task of the land reform is to satisfy the demands of the masses of poor peasants and farm labourers | |
17 | 外出务工人员新发肺结核病流行病学、临床及影像学特征 | Study on Epidemiological, Clinical and Image Characteristics of New Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Migrant Labourers | |
18 | 外资企业不得雇用童工。 | Foreign-capital enterprises may not hire child labourers . | |
19 | 向农业劳动者推广未在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性的适用性的农业技术,给农业劳动者造成损失的,应当承担民事赔偿责任,直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员可以由其所在单位或者上级机关级予行政处分。 | Anyone who popularizes to agricultural labourers agro-techniques which have not been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization and thus causes losses to agricultural labourers shall be liable for civil compensation. The competent personnel in charge and other persons held directly responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the units they belong to or organs at higher levels. | |
20 | 沿海城市的经济繁荣吸引内地民工蜂拥而至,形成了一股又一股的淘金热 | The inland rural labourers flock to the booming coastal cities, triggering off money rushes one after another | |
21 | 也可以由该农业科研单位、该学校直接向农业劳动者和农业生产经营组织推广。 | or may be popularized directly to agricultural labourers and agricultural production and operation organizations by such institutions of agricultural scientific research and such schools or colleges. | |
22 | 一走到阳光明媚的街上,嘉莉的信心足了一些。马路上来来往往都是上班的人,公共马车上挤满了到大批发行上班的小职员和仆役,乘客一直挤到了车上的栏杆旁。 | Once in the sunlit street, with labourers tramping by in either direction, the horse-cars passing crowded to the rails with the small clerks and floor help in the great wholesale houses, and men and women generally coming out of doors and passing about the neighbourhood, Carrie felt slightly reassured. | |
23 | 原来农村不是平面的,而是有富的,有贫的,也有最贫的,有雇农、贫农、中农、富农、地主之分。 | The countryside turned out to be not a plane, but stratified into the rich, the poor and the very poor, into farm labourers , poor peasants, middle peasants, rich peasants and landlords | |
24 | 在发展生产的基础上增加农业劳动者的收入,提高其生活水平,建设共同富裕的文明的新农村,逐步实现农业现代化。 | and on the basis of the development of production, to increase the income of agricultural labourers , raise their living standards, build a new countryside of common prosperity and civilization and gradually realize agricultural modernization. | |
25 | 在中国的反对地主阶级封建剥削的斗争中,广大的贫雇农要求同时废除富农的封建和半封建剥削。 | In the struggle against feudal exploitation by the landlord class in China, the broad masses of poor peasants and farm labourers also demanded the abolition of feudal and semi-feudal exploitation by the rich peasants | |
26 | 做临时工来维持生活. | earn a living by casual labour (labourers ) | |
27 | ||1:此书中最好的作品当属讽刺文学。||2:一篇支持酷刑(某些一本正经的左翼人士便未能辨出其弦外之音)的斯威夫特式随笔可算在其中。||3:而另一篇极佳的戏仿之作更令人叫绝,此文模仿了语言学的马克思主义研究模式,其情节包括路德维希·维特根斯坦对苏联的一次(虚构的)访问,以及他与(作者创造出的)匈牙利学者L·列瓦伊的交往,这位匈牙利学者将奴工的咕哝声理想化,将之提升至无产阶级原始语的高度。 | ||1: The finest pieces in Mr Gray’s book are satire. ||2: One is a Swiftian essay in favour of torture (which some serious-minded lefties took at face value). ||3: Even better is a devastating parody of the Marxist approach to linguistics, involving a (fictional) visit by Ludwig Wittgenstein to the Soviet Union, and his relationship with an (invented) Hungarian academic, L. Revai, who idealises the grunts of slave labourers as a proletarian Ursprache. | |
28 | ||1:津岛雄二是一位已经退休的自民党政客,他的儿子津岛淳是家族中的第五代国会议员。他认为自己家族的影响力要归功于他妻子的舅舅的一个决定。1946年后,时任青森县知事的这个舅舅做出决定将土地分给了农场的劳动者,这些人非常感激,一直支持津岛家。||2:但是他认为这种体制中有一些问题。||3:他承认说,有太多的政二代“不是好事”。 | ||1:Yuji Tsushima, a retired LDP politician whose son, Juji Tsushima, is the fifth generation of MP in his family, attributes his family’s influence to a decision after 1946 by his wife’s uncle, the governor of Aomori prefecture, to hand over land to grateful farm labourers .||2:But he sees flaws in the system.||3:Having too many hereditary politicians, he admits, “is not good”. | |
29 | ||1:维多利亚及二十世纪初期的英国,佣人是继劳农群体后最大的工人群体。||2:而工人阶级的史料中却遗漏了这一群体。||3:同阶层的工人蔑视他们,认为他们是奴仆,社会地位让他们无路可寻,只能边洗餐盘边唱悲歌。||4:Ms Lethbridge通过完整人道的故事叙述,成功说明了那些歌声到底意味着什么。 | ||1:Victorian and early-20th-century domestics were the largest single group of workers in Britain after agricultural labourers .||2:Yet histories of the working class have neglected them.||3:Scorned by their peers as flunkeys, they felt constrained by their position from doing much more than sing rudely over the washing-up.||4:In telling their story so fully and humanely, Ms Lethbridge manages to suggest what the words to that song might have been. | |
30 | ||1:有着8,000美金税后年薪的朱和许多人一样想成为中产阶级。||2:他的工资在上海张江高科技园区并不算高,但很多收入更高的人也自称“屌丝”或者“码农”。||3:虽然他们的工资甚至超过了上海平均工资,2012年上海的城市人均可支配年收入达到了40,000元。||4:想要看起来成功的代价非常高。他们永远买不起那些豪车洋房。||5:他们只是工资的奴隶,成不了高富帅也娶不上白富美。 | ||1: With after-tax income of nearly $8,000 a year, Mr Zhu would look to many people in China comfortably on his way to the middle class. ||2: He is among the lower wage-earners at Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in Shanghai, but even many higher earners call themselves diaosi, or refer to themselves as “IT labourers ”. ||3: Though their salaries are above average even in Shanghai—which had China’s third-highest annual urban disposable income per person in 2012 at 40,000 yuan—the cost of appearing successful is stratospheric. ||4: A fancy flat and a cool car are well beyond their reach. ||5: They are wage slaves who cannot hope to be gao fu shuai—tall, rich and handsome—and marry a woman who is bai fu mei—fair-skinned, rich and beautiful. |