属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
1 | ||1:作者同样纠正了一些对历史的夸大、误解和简单化现象。||2:在对纳粹迫害的记述概要中,经常可以看到集中营对奴隶劳工非人的虐待和毒气室的使用。||3:但德国人除了用毒气毒死和活活累死大批人之外,也枪杀和饿死了数以百万计的人。||4:仅在1941年的几天内,纳粹在东线枪杀的犹太人数量,就比所有集中营的囚犯人数还要多。 | ||1:He also corrects exaggerations, misapprehensions and simplifications.||2:The bestial treatment of slave labourers in concentration camps, and the use of gas chambers, are commonly seen as the epitomes of Nazi persecution.||3:But the Germans also shot and starved millions of people, as well as gassed and worked them to death.||4:In just a few days in 1941, the Nazis shot more Jews in the east than they had inmates in all their concentration camps. | |
2 | 《人与鼠》的故事随着两个流离失所的工人展开,他们叫乔治和伦尼,在美国加州农村的艰苦环境下不得不相依为命。 | It follows two migrant labourers , George and Lennie, who must rely on each other in the harsh environment of rural California. | |
3 | 巴林是个例外,除了一些可驱逐走的外国打工者,该国没有渴求自由的劳动大众。 | Bahrain excepted, they suffer no toiling masses yearning to be free, aside from deportable foreign labourers . | |
4 | 包括劳工,小摊贩和本地劳动者。 | That includes people like labourers , street vendors and domestic workers. | |
5 | 比如乡村生活中的工匠、劳工,附近卡莱尔的贫困纺织工等等。 | from the life of the village, its craftsmen and labourers , to the poor weavers of nearby Carlisle, | |
6 | 大多数民工的受教育程度不超过中学水平。 | Most of the migrant labourers have no more than a middle-school education. | |
7 | 但外籍工人在台湾停留的最高年限仅为5年,5年后他们必须离开,不能再回来。 | But foreign labourers are allowed to stay in Taiwan for only up to five years and then must leave and not come back. | |
8 | 但这些在会议上以农民身份登记的人,实际上是没有任何茄子种植经验的无土地劳动者。 | But most of these men, registered at the consultation as farmers, were in fact landless labourers with no aubergine experience. | |
9 | 但这一次,民工和大学毕业生的高失业率可能对社会稳定构成更为致命的威胁。 | This time, however, high unemployment of migrant labourers and university graduates could pose a more deadly threat to social stability. | |
10 | 但只有不足7000人的广东居民被允许去投票而不是从其它省份六千多万血汗工厂工人。 | But only its fewer than 7, 000 Cantonese inhabitants were allowed to vote, and not the 60, 000-odd sweatshop labourers from other provinces. | |
11 | 的确,极端贫困是很难出现在新加坡的,公共住房形势好,不会滋生贫民窟,流动厨房(粥铺)总是有,外来劳工排成行。 | Public housing is in good shape; no slums are allowed to fester. Soup kitchens do exist, but foreign labourers are often first in line. | |
12 | 对于失业民工,政府应开展免费的继续教育项目。 | For jobless migrant labourers , the government should set up free continuing education programmes. | |
13 | 而且白领人士要比体力工作者要更快戒除掉吸烟这个嗜好。 | And white-collar workers are kicking the habit faster than manual labourers . | |
14 | 而这意味着超过十亿的城市消费者(一些是无地劳动者),他们中的很多人从贫穷国家的政治上来说是有影响力的。 | And that means over a billion urban consumers (and some landless labourers ), many of whom are politically influential in poor countries. | |
15 | 反纳粹的活动可能招来杀身之祸。数以千计的人被运走并被迫充当劳工。 | Anti-Nazi activity is lethal; thousands are shipped off to work as forced labourers . | |
16 | 更糟糕的是,失业民工和大学毕业生将集中在中国各地的城市。 | Worse still, both unemployed migrant labourers and graduates will be concentrated in urban areas throughout China. | |
17 | 关注农民工的语言生活状况 | Solicitude for Speech life Status of Peasant Labourers | |
18 | 官方媒体今年高调宣传,首次有3位“农民工”当选人大代表。 | State media have this year hailed the selection of the first three NPC delegates to represent "rural labourers " . | |
19 | 国家财政长期以来依靠流动劳动力的创汇,去年达到约10亿美元,占国民生产总值的22%。 | National finances have long relied on remittances from migrant labourers , which last year came to about $1 billion, or 22% of GDP. | |
20 | 国家统计局发布的数据显示,2004年,沿海城市的工资额高出内陆城市15个百分点。 | In 2004 coastal wages for migrant labourers were 15% higher than inland, according to a survey by the National Bureau of Statistics. | |
21 | 河北省农村劳动力跨地区流动的基本特征 | Major Characteristics of Inter-Regional Migration of Rural Labourers in Hebei Province | |
22 | 来自中国内地和香港的大约9000名民工将不得不另谋出路。 | About 9, 000 migrant labourers from China and Hong Kong will have to find jobs elsewhere. | |
23 | 劳动合同立法如何平衡劳动者与企业的权益 | On How To Balance Benefits Between Labourers And Enterprises By Labour Contract Legislations | |
24 | 劳动者自主择业,市场调节就业,政府促进就业 | labourers selecting their jobs on their own, markets regulating employment demand and supply, and the Government promoting employment | |
25 | 劳工曾经希望能回家,对于他们孩子来说,难以融入德国主流社会没什么稀奇的。 | It is no surprise that joining the German mainstream is hard for children of manual labourers who were once expected to return home. | |
26 | 路边,移民印度的劳工们排队等候到田野或者建筑工地干活,他们多数是比哈尔人。 | And on roadsides Indian migrant labourers , mostly Biharis, line up to work in fields and on building-sites. | |
27 | 论劳动者的地位弱势与权益保护 | The Position Disadvantage and Rights Interests Protection of the Labourers | |
28 | 论职业病危害向劳动者告知的法律制度 | Talk about law system on telling occupational diseases hazards to labourers | |
29 | 农村剩余劳动力转移的途径探析 | An Analysis of Solutions to Rural Surplus Labourers | |
30 | 农业剩余劳动力转移的适度规模及优化控制 | Moderate scale and optimal control on transfer of agricultural remainder labourers |