属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-图书馆藏书 Library book
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 孤独症 (2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉进入经济紧急状态 奥巴马或越权
1 | 在嘻嘻哈哈涂脂抹粉之后,她们把她套进一件天蓝色的绸衣服里,开胸低得使端庄的梅格一照镜子就脸红。劳里也参加了这个晚会,并公开表示他那出人意外的责难。 | and, after laughingly applying paint and powder, they laced her into a sky-blue silk dress, so low that modest Meg blushed at herself in the mirror, and Laurie, who was at the party, openly expressed his surprised disapproval | |
2 | 这个地名引起了一种模糊的恐怖,还令人想起一些阴森可怕、难以置信的小道新闻。 | The name evokes a shadowy terror laced with whispered details too gruesome to be believed | |
3 | 直到13世纪发明钮孔以前,在中世纪的欧洲是用带子或以胸针、夹子将衣服固定起来。 | In medieval Europe, garments were laced or fastened together with brooches or clasps until the buttonhole was reinvented in the 13th century. | |
4 | 治疗感冒最好的方法是在清咖啡中多加些朗姆酒。 | The best treatment for a cold is black coffee liberally laced with rum. | |
5 | 诸如添加碳的能控制肠胃胀气的烤豆,自身拥有抗脂成份的奶油蛋糕,富含Viagra的睡前饮料。 | Baked beans laced with charcoal that controls flatulence. Cream cakes with their own fat-blocking agents. Viagra-enriched bedtime drinks. | |
6 | ||1:马雷克·贝尔卡,波兰中央银行行长克服了各种让他和整个政府辞职的呼声,保住了他的职位。||2:波兰一家新闻周刊杂志Wprost公布了一段夹杂下流言语的录音,其中贝尔卡在去年七月签订了一项协议表明通过支持经济方式来帮助唐纳德·图斯克政府,条件是解雇时任财政大臣罗斯托斯基。 | ||1:Marek Belka, the governor of Poland’s central bank, kept his job, despite calls for his and the entire government’s resignation.||2:In an obscenity-laced recording leaked by Wprost, a news weekly, Mr Belka appears to be striking a deal last July to support the government of Donald Tusk by propping up the economy, in return for the sacking of the then finance minister, Jacek Rostowski. | |
7 | ||1:这部庞然巨著可以使读者看到作家个人思想的发展脉络。||2:在《二十六岁》中,可能听出老拉金对世界感到厌倦的语气,他将这些感受融入到艺术形式之中。回顾《才思枯竭的童年》一诗,拉金用一如往常的语调表达了后悔和厌世之感:“生活,你不是上帝,你是个残忍的老家伙。”||3:拉金不喜欢现代诗歌,亦反感实验主义的风潮;18岁的时候,他就已经对当代文学中缺乏风趣而深感绝望:“什么都比不上喜剧/怎能称之为诗句”||4:即使在拉金大学毕业之后,他基本上纠正了从孩童时期就有的口吃,但对拉金来说,女人依然是个谜。||5:现在,不再幻想着“吻的遐想”,他知道了自己本领有限:“一位丰满的英国美女/但我只能与她戴眼镜的朋友搭讪。” | ||1: The advantage of such a comprehensive volume is the possibility of tracing the development of a writer’s voice. ||2: It is possible to hear in his poem, “On Being Twenty-six” the tone of world-weariness an older Larkin would make into an art form, looking back on “the slag/Of burnt-out childhood” with his familiar tone of regret laced with misanthropy: “Life, you aren’t a god, you’re a bloody old sod.” ||3: He disliked modern poetry, or the vogue for experimentation; even aged 18 he despaired of the lack of wit in contemporary literature: “Nothing like comedy/Can ever be admitted as poetry.” ||4: Women continued to remain a mystery to him, even after he left university, and mostly lost the stammer he had had since childhood. ||5: Now, instead of dreaming of “The idea of a kiss”, he merely knew his limits: “A bosomy English rose/And her friend in specs I could talk to.” | |
8 | 另一个问题是IBM仍然相对古板的文化和红帽子自由文化之间的文化冲突风险。 | Another is the risk of a cultural clash between IBM’s still relatively strait-laced culture and Red Hat’s freewheeling one. | |
9 | 他们组了四种类型并安排每一类型中的7到15只老鼠,从三周大的时候就开始饮用掺有罗伊氏乳杆菌的水。 | They arranged for between seven and 15 mice of each of the four types to have, starting at the age of three weeks, their drinking water laced with L. reuteri. | |
10 | ||英国在关于2006年克格勃(KGB)叛逃者亚历山大·利特维年科(Alexander Litvinenko)谋杀事件的公开调查中发现,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)“可能”在双方不和后批准了此次谋杀行动。利特维年科在伦敦某餐厅喝下了掺有放射性钋-210的茶水后中毒身亡。两名俄罗斯人遭到指控,但他们否认参与了此次谋杀。|| | In Britain a public inquiry into the murder in 2006 of Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB defector, found that Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, had “probably” approved the killing following a feud.|| Litvinenko was poisoned by tea laced with radioactive polonium-210 at a restaurant in London. Two Russian men accused of the murder deny any involvement.|| | |
11 | 1982年秋季,芝加哥地区的7位居民在服用了含有氰化钾成分的强效泰诺后身亡。 | In the fall of 1982, seven people in the Chicago area died after ingesting Extra-Strength Tylenol laced with potassium cyanide. | |
12 | 80年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。 | In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management. | |
13 | Nielsen和他的团队从Aarbus附近的海底采集到聚集细菌的沉积物样本。 | Nielsen and his team took samples of bacteria-laced sediment from the sea floor close to Aarhus. | |
14 | 办公室是个一丝不苟的场所,这里的习俗与真实生活中的混乱、怪异并不契合得很好。 | The office is a straight-laced place, and its conventions don’t mesh well with the messiness and curiosities of real life. | |
15 | 悲痛与自憎自责交织。 | Grief is laced with self-loathing and remorse. | |
16 | 本发明属于非织造布和织物的复合材料技术领域,特别是涉及一种服饰用水刺复合非织造布。 | This invention relates to non-woven cloth and fabric compound material, especially relating to spun-laced compound non-woven fabric. | |
17 | 不过将所有课程串在一起的,是有关性别如何影响组织行为的教程。 | But laced through the curriculum are lessons in how gender affects organisational behaviour. | |
18 | 不论在世界任何地方,黄金鞋带将一律由安保人员安全送到订购客户手中,并为您系好鞋带,多么贴心的服务啊! | The gold laces will be delivered to you by security and "laced for you anywhere in the world. " Tie my shoes, Jeeves! | |
19 | 掺入三聚氰胺的奶粉曾在2008年导致至少6例死亡,30万名婴儿患病。 | Melamine-laced milk powder caused at least six deaths in 2008 and made 300, 000 babies ill. | |
20 | 宠物狗在吃了含三聚氰胺的狗粮后死亡。 | Dogs keeled over from melamine-laced pet food. | |
21 | 但是会对银行业造成冲击的预算不会得到市场的支持,特别当眼下与希腊联系紧密的借贷人的资产负债表开始出现漏洞。 | But a bank-bashing budget will not win the markets’ favour, especially as cracks begin to emerge in lenders’ Greek-laced balance-sheets. | |
22 | 对人们来说喝下含有20或30种化学污染物并不稀奇。 | It is not uncommon for people to drink tap water laced with 20 or 30 chemical contaminants. | |
23 | 对我来说,伟大的真理都与歇斯底里有关。 | For me the great truths are laced with hysteria. | |
24 | 对于奥巴马来说,他的核心原则就是左派和右派,中心内主义和进步主义的组合,还掺杂着自由主义。 | For Obama, his core principles are a mix of left and right, centrism and progressivism, laced with liberalism. | |
25 | 根据这一观点,奢华的过去十年可能让位于节俭新时代,让人想起上世纪50年代“勒紧裤腰带”的时代。 | According to this view, the past decadent decade will give way to a new era of thrift, reminiscent of the strait-laced 1950s. | |
26 | 海水里混合了硼酸,用以吸收控制棒没有吸收的多余中子。 | The seawater was also laced with boric acid, to soak up stray neutrons that the control rods missed. | |
27 | 海水中加入了硼酸,这是为了吸收掉反应堆控制棒中逸出的中子。 | The sea water was also laced with boric acid, which can soak up stray neutrons that the control rods miss. | |
28 | 黄怒波身着运动裤,看上去不像一丝不苟的共产党官员,而他的办公室也不是典型的中国商人的办公室。 | Dressed in sweatpants, he does not look the strait-laced apparatchik, nor is his office typical of a Chinese businessman’s. | |
29 | 减少机体体重和体内脂肪的增加。在有肥胖基因的小鼠中,食用含有绿茶提取物的食物的实验组小鼠体重和体内脂肪增加较少。 | Less weight and fat gain. Among mice with an obesity gene, those that ate chow laced with green tea extract gained less weight and less fat. | |
30 | 她穿着一件在侧面系带子的连衣裙。 | She was wearing a dress that laced up at the side. |