1 | 不过,这支队伍美中不足的地方是,辩手们严肃有加,幽默不足,脸部也缺乏表情。 | One drawback of the Chinese team, however, is that they were too serious and lacked humour. Besides, their facial expressions could have been more animated. | |
2 | 不过在庭长的上方,有一个耶稣受难像,这是在他从前受判决的时代公堂上缺少的东西,足见他当年受审判时上帝并不在场。 | Only above the President’s head there hung a crucifix, something which the courts had lacked at the time of his condemnation: God had been absent when he had been judged | |
3 | 不用说,实际生活当中她远比温斯顿游刃有余,对伦敦周围又是了如指掌,这全是她无数次集体野游积累的经验。 | She obviously had a practical cunning which Winston lacked , and she seemed also to have an exhaustive knowledge of the countryside round London, stored away from innumerable community hikes | |
4 | 出现在古代中国、印度和埃及。16世纪蔓延到西半球的欧洲,对缺乏抵抗力的欧洲人具有毁灭性。 | It was known in ancient China, India, and Egypt. It came to the Western Hemisphere with Europeans in the 16th century and devastated the native population, which lacked resistance. | |
5 | 出曰:"二三子何患于丧乎天下之无道也久矣,天将以夫子为木铎。" | When he came out, he said, "Friends, don’t have any doubts about your master failing. The world has certainly lacked the Tao for a long time now, but Heaven will use your master to awaken everyone." | |
6 | 但表面还不够光滑。 | But the surface lacked smoothness. | |
7 | 但是,商业性质的戏剧艺术是听命于那些业务经理的,因而缺乏艺术的连续性,这种缺乏在20年代变得越发严重。 | But, being dominated by business managers, the commercial theater has often lacked artistic continuity, a lack that became increasingly critical in the 1920s. | |
8 | 但他没有钱贿赂工头来留用他。 | But he lacked the money to bribe the foreman into taking him. | |
9 | 但我却什么都不缺,他既当父亲又当母亲。 | But I lacked for nothing, for he was both father and mother to me. | |
10 | 钓鱼给公众留下的印象没有什么难以描述的,无非是所有的活动都必须包括啤酒,蚯蚓和谁都能戴的帽子(查尔斯·利尔森) | Fishing has lacked a certain je ne sais quoi in terms of its public image,as all activities must that involve beer,worms and one-size-fits-all gimme caps(Charles Leerhsen) | |
11 | 范小姐就缺少这样一个切切私语的盘问者。 | Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately | |
12 | 赫斯渥的家说不上有这种温馨的气氛。这个家缺乏宽容体谅和关心爱护,而没有了这两样,家还算什么家呢 | Hurstwood’s residence could scarcely be said to be infused with this home spirit. It lacked that toleration and regard without which the home is nothing. | |
13 | 即使是拉萨,也不具备健全的城市运行体系,市政设施几 | Even Lhasa lacked a sound urban operating mechanism of any sort and had scarcely any of the amenities of a proper city | |
14 | 姜维苦守冀城,粮草缺乏。一日带兵劫粮,蜀兵乘虚取冀城。 | Jiang Wei tried every possible means to protect Jicheng City, although he lacked the necessary army provisions. One day Jiang Wei led his soldiers to seize army provisions. The soldiers of the Shu State took advantage of this and seized the city. | |
15 | 将军们声称,他们既没有足够的兵力在阿登森林继续发动进攻,也没有足够的兵力在阿尔萨斯发动进攻,对于这些话希特勒充耳不闻。 | To the protests of the generals that they lacked sufficient forces either to continue the offensive in the Ardennes or to attack in alsace he remained deaf | |
16 | 她不很高大,这种风韵也许可以说便是美。她的皮肤微微地带点褐色,她的四肢充满着某种安胸的风致,她是身躯应有饱满的流畅下附的华丽,不过现在却欠缺着什么东西。 | She was not very tall, a bit Scottish and short; but she had a certain fluent, down-slipping grace that might have been beauty. Her skin was faintly tawny, her limbs had a certain stillness, her body should have had a full, down-slipping richness; but it lacked something. | |
17 | 她缺的就是训练。 | All that she lacked was training. | |
18 | 她缺乏适应力。 | She lacked the ability to adapt easily. | |
19 | 她缺少适应能力。 | She lacked the ability to adapt easily. | |
20 | 她以前从未找过工作,所以胆子很小。怕被人看穿她在找活干,让她感到一阵无以名状的羞愧,因此她赶紧加快步子,装出一副有事在身的那种人常有的漫不经心的神气。 | She had never done this thing before, and lacked courage. To avoid a certain indefinable shame she felt at being caught spying about for a position, she quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference supposedly common to one upon an errand. | |
21 | 她以前也作过这样的许诺,但都不足信. | She’d made such promises before,and they lacked conviction/didn’t carry much conviction. | |
22 | 旧的计划经济体制缺乏真正保护知识产权的概念 | The old planned economic system lacked a true concept of intellectual property rights | |
23 | 看来除去多方面的特性之外,她也具备深沉之处,只是对她所降临的这个世界还缺乏了解和适应的能力--也许只是由于海丝特忧心钟仲才误以为如此。 | Her nature appeared to possess depth, too, as well as variety; but-or else Hester’s fears deceived her-it lacked reference and adaptation to the world into which she was born. | |
24 | 老校长缺乏魄力. | The old headmaster lacked drive (was lacking in drive ). | |
25 | 没有点勇气是不行的,这个勇气来自人民的拥护 | We would not be able to do this if we lacked courage, the courage that comes from the support of the people. | |
26 | 没有拐杖,就用一根棍子作临时代用品 | lacked a cane but used a stick as a makeshift | |
27 | 那场演出缺乏技巧,令人失望。 | It was a disappointing performance which lacked finesse. | |
28 | 那时的许多领导人物,还没有马克思主义的批判精神,他们使用的方法,一般地还是资产阶级的方法,即形式主义的方法。 | Many of the leaders lacked the critical spirit of Marxism, and the method they used was generally that of the bourgeoisie, that is, the formalist method | |
29 | 那位教师在学生面前缺乏自信。 | The teacher lacked assurance in front of his class. | |
30 | 那些不相信阿波罗登月行动的人们认为,当时美国的科技水平还不足以将人发射上月球。 | Those who doubt the Apollo moon landings insist that the US lacked the technology to send humans to the Moon at that time. |