属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 西班牙足球 Spanish Football
1 | 我没有跑完全程的耐力。 | I lacked the stamina to run the whole length of the race. | |
2 | 我们缺少时间和金钱。 | We lacked both time and money. | |
3 | 我上次的一份工作缺乏多样化,我老是在做同样的事情。 | My last job lacked variety; I was doing the same things all the time. | |
4 | 沃林顿的粗野中包念着一种高雅的气质,这是另一个人的华丽外表所缺少的。 | In Warrington’s very uncouthness there was a refinement, which the other’s finery lacked | |
5 | 吴道子打破了长期以来沿袭的顾(恺之)陆(探微那种游丝但无变化的描法,。 | Unlike his predecessors, Gu Kaizhi and Lu Tanhui, whose stroke lines were slender and forceful but lacked variety | |
6 | 五角大楼的高级官员担忧没有足够的弹药攻击它。 | Pentagon brass was concerned that it lacked the firepower to hit it | |
7 | 行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人名义订立的合同,未经被代理人追认,对被代理人不发生效力,。 | Absent ratification by the principal, a contract concluded on his behalf by a person who lacked agency authority, who acted beyond his agency authority or whose agency authority was extinguished is not binding upon the principal unless ratified by him | |
8 | 学校报告单说马克精力不集中,这影响到他的学习。 | The teacher’s report said that Mark lacked concentration, and this was affecting his work. | |
9 | 亚述帝国和波斯帝国没有出产石头,人们使用晒干的黏土砖。 | The Assyrian and Persian empires, which lacked stone outcroppings, used sun-dried clay bricks. | |
10 | 炎热的夏天,植物缺水。 | In the hot summer the plants lacked water. | |
11 | 一些回教基层领袖拒绝到某家卖酒的餐馆出席晚宴,显示他们缺乏应有的宗教知识来判断他们身处的环境。 | The few Muslims who did not want to attend the grassroots function where alcohol was served showed that they lacked the religious knowledge to assess the context they are living in. | |
12 | 一种缺乏自己天然免疫系统的特殊小鼠。它们的身体不能抵御疾病。因此,通常生下来几个月后便死去。 | A special kind of mice that lacked a natural immune system of their own. Their bodies are not able to fight disease. So they usually die a few months after birth. | |
13 | 拥有1850万居民的墨西哥城缺少一个能适当管理其地理区域的、可以为其当前交通问题的解决创造条件的政治机构。 | Mexico City, a metropolis with 18.5 million inhabitants, lacked a political structure that could properly govern its geographical area, which set the stage for its current transportation problems. | |
14 | 由于系统缓冲区空间不足或列队已满,不能执行套接字上的操作。 | An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. | |
15 | 有能一日用其力于仁矣乎。我未见力不足者。盖有之矣,我未之见也。" | Is there anyone who has devoted his strength to humaneness for a single day? I have not seen anyone who has lacked the strength to do so. Perhaps there has been such a case, but I have never seen it." | |
16 | 有些东西他并不具备,那是谨慎处事,躲避麻烦,是种救人免灾的愚笨。 | There was something that he lacked : discretion, aloofness, a sort of saving stupidity | |
17 | 鱼和肉等动物蛋白是维生素B12的主要来源,而病人的膳食在其大部分生活时间时明显地缺鱼少肉。 | Animal protein in the form of meat and fish being the main sources, his diet had lacked both, apparently for most of his life. | |
18 | 杂乱且不连贯的论证 | a rambling argument that lacked any consistency. | |
19 | 在测试期间,Vera是被蒙上眼睛的。的确,只有当她被蒙上眼睛时,她才能用她的皮肤识别东西,同时发现,她虽然能用手指识别东西,但等到她把手弄湿时,这本领就显不出来了。 | During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. lt was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet. | |
20 | 在我可怕而又美丽的壮年岁月中,;我需要的是亚麻布而从来不是时间 | In the terrible, Beautiful age of my prime,/I lacked for sweet linen but never for time | |
21 | 这次表演缺乏生气. | The performance lacked verve. | |
22 | 这就可以补足他们缺的书本知识。 | This will make up for what he lacked in book knowledge. | |
23 | 这项发展地方工业的规划因缺乏很好的调查研究而被搞糟。 | This project for developing local industries was chucked out because it lacked good investigation and study | |
24 | 这些都是今天拥有而过去不曾或不完全具备的条件。 | These are conditions we totally or partially lacked in the past, but we enjoy today. | |
25 | 这株植物因为缺乏水分而死。 | The plant died because it lacked moisture. | |
26 | 自己的不毛之地与别人较为富庶的地方形成了对比,一旦这种不相称变得突出起来,古代北欧人便利用他们水手和武士的技能开始从其他部落那里夺取他们所需的东西。 | The barrenness of their own land contrasted with the comparative richness of others.Once the disparity became apparent, the Norsemen began to employ their skills as sailors and warriors to seize what they lacked from other peoples | |
27 | ||1:对于当时电子游戏产业面临的问题,科迪克表示这是因为缺乏纪律。||2:他说:“我们要在那些具有创造力、创业精神的人和懂程序的人中找到一个平衡。”||3:他把包装消费品公司的经理们请了过来,监督新游戏的研发并在消费者测试和市场营销方面提供专业意见,这些经理包括宝洁公司和百事公司的高管们。||4:但是他也意识到给设计者一个具有创造力的氛围也是十分重要的。||5:他说:“我们这一行业的关键就是某些事情自己能协调到位,而有些却无能为力。” | ||1: The problem with the video-game industry at that point, says Mr Kotick, was that it lacked discipline. ||2: “We needed a balance”, he says, “between people who would be creative and entrepreneurial, and people who knew processes.” ||3: He brought in managers from packaged consumer-goods firms, including Procter & Gamble and Pepsi, to oversee the development of new games and to provide expertise in consumer testing and marketing. ||4: But he realised that it was also important to maintain a creative environment for designers. ||5: “In our business the key is that certain things lend themselves well to process, and certain things don’t,” he says. | |
28 | ||1:即便如此,沃尔克仍然缺乏来自民众的安慰;而格林斯潘在位期间,则常常受到媒体与政客的称颂。||2:民主党人士认为,施行紧缩型货币政策的沃尔克要对他们1980年的落选负责。||3:米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)认为沃尔克的货币主义没做到位,而许多里根政府人士则对他的民主党身份抱有质疑。||4:八年的美联储生涯,沃尔克很少有“一举成功”的时刻。||5:1983年,他差点落选继任美联储主席的提名;1986年则由于在一次关键性投票中落败,近乎提出辞呈。||6:只有在后人的回顾里,才能慢慢发现沃尔克的荣望所在;而希尔伯在其所著传记里,应该很好地印证了这番观点。 | ||1:Yet Mr Volcker still lacked the consolation of popularity, unlike Mr Greenspan, who was praised by the press and politicians for much of his term.||2:Democrats blamed Mr Volcker for losing them the 1980 election because of his tight monetary policy.||3:Milton Friedman saw him as insufficiently monetarist, and many in the Reagan White House regarded him with suspicion as a Democrat.||4:Mr Volcker barely made it though his eight years at the Fed.||5:He nearly failed to be reappointed in 1983 and almost resigned in 1986, when defeated on a key vote.||6:It was only in retrospect that his reputation grew; Mr Silber’s well-written book should help cement it. | |
29 | ||1:即便是优雅的织锦画艺术本身也被变形为暴力。||2:在她的作品里,旋转的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。||3:针威胁着石头的亵渎,威胁着核心的穿透力。||4:拧那些从充满丹宁的河里捞出来的湿漉漉的织锦,让路易丝梦见了拧断父亲那个丰满的英国情妇的脖子。||5:她小时候在车间里的工作是为雕塑缺掉的脚画草图;她的妈妈,用精致的剪刀,从那些准备销往美国清教徒市场的织锦上剪掉生殖器。||6:因此喜欢用乳胶、蜡、铜或者大理石,以及奇怪的组合来拓展身体部位,比如1984年的“自然研究”,作品缺少头,但有很多乳房、阳具以及爪子。 | ||1: Even the gentle art of tapestry itself was transmuted into violence. ||2: In her works the spiralling spindle represented the beginning of chaos. ||3: The needle threatened the desecration of the stone, the penetration to the core. ||4: The twisting of the wet tapestries, lugged from the tannin-filled river, made Ms Bourgeois dream of twisting the neck of the plump English girl who had been her father’s mistress. ||5: Her childhood task in the workshop was to draw cartoons of the missing feet of figures;her mother, with delicate scissors, would snip out the genitals from tapestries destined for the puritan American market. ||6: Hence the liking for scattered body parts in latex, wax, bronze or marble, and the odd assemblages, such as “Nature Study” of 1984, where figures lacked heads but had multiple breasts, and phalluses, and claws. | |
30 | ||1:彭斯由西班牙队夺得2010年世界杯记录起,也以此为结尾。||2:那一次胜利以及两年前赢得的欧洲杯结束了那些让人扼腕的反复失败。||3:在此之前,在1964年之后,西班牙队从未赢过一项重要的荣誉。||4:数年来,他们缺乏和谐的合作。||5:来自巴塞罗那和皇家马德里,这两家西班牙顶级俱乐部的球星,在国内比赛中争执不断。||6:然而随着一个又一个教练的智慧领导,这一代球艺高超的球员正在用一场又一场的胜利延续国家荣誉。 | ||1:Mr Burns starts and finishes his account with Spain’s victory in the 2010 World Cup.||2:That and the European win two years before put an end to a sorry pattern of underachievement.||3:Spain had not won a major trophy since 1964.||4:For years their playing lacked harmony.||5:Footballers from Barcelona and Real Madrid, Spain’s two dominant clubs, fought like dogs in domestic matches.||6:But with wise leadership from successive coaches, a brilliant generation of players is now producing flowing, winning football in the national colours. |