1 | 和其他国家的人一样,美国人的喝酒习惯也大不相同。 | drinking habits vary widely among Americans as the3 do among people from other lands | |
2 | 后来她又到过许多国家,最后来到了尼罗河畔。 | Afterward, roaming over many lands , she reached at last the banks of the Nile. | |
3 | 见于美国西南部到秘鲁的干旱地带和从新泽西到德州的盐沼泽地,当地俗称寒鸦。 | These species are found in arid lands of the southwestern U.S. to Peru and in salt marshes from New Jersey to Texas, where they are locally called jackdaws. | |
4 | 她渴望随同她的眼光和心灵一块去旅行,往南去,去到南方蓝色的天宇之下,越过阴霾的天地,进入那美好与阳光的国土。 | She longed to travel as her eyes and her mind travelled, south, south to the azure skies, to the lands of beauty and sunshine beyond the greyness | |
5 | 经人类的作用而使植物在异地归化的情况,亦属于同样原理。 | The same principle is seen in the naturalisation of plants through man’s agency in foreign lands | |
6 | 就像我们在第二章所看到的那样,宪法 | As we saw in Chapter 2, congressional power under the property clause to regulate the use of private lands is not altogether clear | |
7 | 跨过世界上所有的沙地,太阳那把火焰剑尾随于后,向西边,向黄昏的土地移动。 | Across the sands of all the world, followed by the sun’s flaming sword, to the west, trekking to evening lands | |
8 | 拉丁美洲和加勒比区域干旱和半干旱土地区域技术合作网 | Regional Technical Cooperation Network on Arid and Semi-arid Lands in the Latin American and Caribbean Region | |
9 | 来自各国的专家 | Experts from all lands | |
10 | 联邦拥有的土地(不包括印第安人保留地)在西部各州所占的比例,从华盛顿州的30%一直到内华达州的近90%不等,平均约为50%。 | The percentage of federally owned lands , excluding Indian reservations, in the western states ranges from about 30% in Washington to almost 90% in Nevada. The average is close to 50% | |
11 | 林业主管部门应当指导农村集体经济组织和国有的农场、牧场、工矿企业等单位编制森林经营方案 | The competent forestry authorities shall guide rural collective economic organizations and state-owned farms, pasture lands , industrial enterprises and mines in the formulation of their forest operation programs. | |
12 | 领主在领土上实施最高权利的封建主 | A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands . | |
13 | 陆地就象雾气一般消失 | They melt like mist, the solid lands | |
14 | 那支枪跌跌撞撞地在屋瓦上移动,然后重重地撞在门厅走廊的线脚上(斯科特·图罗) | The gun scutters over the tiles and lands against the molding of the hallway with a thump(Scott Turow) | |
15 | 贫瘠的海湾周围土地除了具有富饶的冲积层的美索不达米亚平原外,很少生产其它东西,仅能养活渔民、椰枣培植者和游牧民等的少量人口。 | The arid lands surrounding the gulf produced little else and, except for the rich alluvial lands of the Mesopotamian plain, supported a small population of fishermen, date growers, and nomads | |
16 | 普里沃尔诺耶村座落在苏联南部斯塔夫罗波尔地区地势微有起伏的平原上。 | The village of Privolnaye is spread out amid gently rolling steppe lands in Stavropol territory of Southern Russia | |
17 | 七频道:晚8:30:《贝弗立山的警察》第二集,阿列克斯.福利作为一个秘密警察搞出许多乱子来。他躲藏在一只昂贵的衣橱里,里面挂满了意大利名牌服装和丝绸领带,只字不提红色法拉利救火车的事。 | CHANNEL7:8:30p.m.:Beverly Hills Cop II. Alex Foley is stirring up more trouble as an undercover cop who lands himself in an expensive wardrobe of Italian suits and silk ties ,not to mention the fire-engineered Ferrari. | |
18 | 其中的星星则是来自火焰王国姆斯帕尔海姆的火花。这个新创的世界被称为“人世”,因为它处于火地与冰地之间。 | and the stars in it are the sparks from the fire-land of Muspelheirn The new world thus fashioned was called Midgard, as being placed midway between the lands of frost and fire | |
19 | 强盗们,实际上是逼上梁山的亡命之徒,啸聚在邻近低地的城寨里。 | Marauders, or men that had been driven to that desperate mode of life, quartered themselves in the fastnesses nearest to the low lands | |
20 | 乔治·奥凯利一直觉得,让江河改向、高山让路,让世界上那些了无生机的不毛之地兴旺发达起来,这该有多么浪漫啊! | It had seemed romantic to George O’kelly to change the sweep of rivers and the shape of mountains so that life could flourish in the old bad lands of the world where it had never taken root before | |
21 | 让渡,转让送出某种东西的动作或例子,尤指为了个人利益占用自然资源或公共的土地 | The act or an instance of giving something away, especially the appropriation of natural resources or public lands for private gain. | |
22 | 人们经常因为杀死过多的动物和毁坏土地而破坏自然平衡。 | People often upset the natural balance by killing off many of the animals and destroying the lands . | |
23 | 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。 | If low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged | |
24 | 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。 | If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation | |
25 | 如果宪法赋予国会有权把公共土地划作某种特别用途,那么宪法肯定赋予国会防止任何私人集团干扰以贯彻决议的权力。 | If the Constitution gives Congress the power to dedicate public lands to a particular purpose, it must surely give Congress the power to effectuate that decision by preventing interference from private parties | |
26 | 上部击球击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中 | A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin. | |
27 | 蛇科响尾蛇亚科洞蛇属极毒蛇类,遍布美洲热带各种生境,从耕地到热带森林。 | Extremely venomous pit viper (genus Bothrops), found in diverse tropical American habitats, from cultivated lands to forests. | |
28 | 史笃司太太把她送进一间小房,那里面可以使人联想到海上的生活和异邦的风土。 | Mrs. Sturgis led her into a little room redolent of the sea, and foreign lands | |
29 | 市区重建及屋宇部〔规划环境地政局〕 | Urban Renewal and Buildings Division [Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau] | |
30 | 他到过许多遥远的国家。 | He has visited many distant lands . |