1 | 他们把土地分给农民。 | They had distributed the lands among the peasants. | |
2 | 他们指责以色列在巴勒斯坦领土内“犯有战争罪行、侵犯人权”,同时将以各种方式拒绝在巴勒斯坦被占领土服役。 | They accused Israel of "committing war crimes and violating human rights" in the occupied Palestinian territories. They will use different methods to refuse to fight inside the occupied Palestinian lands | |
3 | 他试图强行恢复罗马的土地和城市 | He attempted to enforce the restitution of the Roman lands and cities | |
4 | 他试图强行恢复罗马的土地和城市(乔治·P.R.詹姆士)。 | He attempted to enforce the restitution of the Roman lands and cities(George P.R.James. | |
5 | 他曾率领军队攻入波斯,征服过许多国家。 | He led his army into persia, and he conquered many lands | |
6 | 它使经理处于被动地位。 | It lands the manager in a passive position. | |
7 | 它使作家们陷入困境。 | It lands writers in difficulties. | |
8 | 威尼西亚历史上位于意大利北部和南斯拉夫东北部的一个地区。它是一个包括伊世特利亚半岛以及波河和阿尔卑斯山脉之间土地的古罗马领地,以威尼西亚民族命名,该民族于公元前1000年定居于此。该地区的部分地区于1947年割让给了南斯拉夫 | A historical region of northern Italy and northwest Yugoslavia.An ancient Roman territory including Istria and the lands between the Po River and the Alps,it was named after the Veneti,a people who settled the area in c.1000b.c.Part of the region was ceded to Yugoslavia in1947. | |
9 | 为了将以前简朴的录音带进新的领域,弦乐器、键盘乐器、铜管乐器,最后整个管弦乐队都被搬进了录音棚。 | Strings, keyboards, brass and, eventually, who0le orchestras were brought into the recording studio to take their previously simple sound into new lands | |
10 | 维多利亚统治一个具有众多民族和辽阔土地的国家。 | Victoria reigned over a great variety of peoples and lands | |
11 | 我对飞行本身倒不太在乎,但每次飞机起飞或降落时,我总有点害怕。 | I don’t mind actual flying, but every time the plane takes off or lands , I have the wind up | |
12 | 我们不希望其他国土上的纠纷来搅乱并毒害我们的政治。 | We would not have our politics distracted and embittered by the dissensions of other lands | |
13 | 我们的国家只有在国内强大才能在国外强大,我们知道,增进其他国家自由的最好办法是在这里表明,我们的民主制度是值得效法的。 | Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home, and we know that the best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation | |
14 | 我们在学术上依赖别人,长期学习别国的日子快结束了。 | Our day of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands , draws to a close | |
15 | 相反,案卷表明,对邻近田地造成的严重的、归因于水泥厂的影响并不大,归因于同一地区采石厂的影响却更大。 | Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands , due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site | |
16 | 一架波音747巨型喷气式班机以160米;秒的速度着陆。 | A Boeing 747 jumbo jet airliner lands at a speed of 160m/s | |
17 | 一天又一天,她漫无目标地流浪,最后来到一个白垩高地。 | Day after day she wanders on until at length on the high, chalky table-lands | |
18 | 音乐、绘画和文学中的异国情调显现出遥远国度里别致的气氛与色彩。 | exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of faroff lands | |
19 | 由此可见,双方争执之土地所有权应属于原告一方。 | It follows that the title to the lands in question is in the plaintiff | |
20 | 犹太人当时已是一个散居在各地各城的民族。 | The Jews were already a dispersed in many lands and cities | |
21 | 于是,敦煌逐步成为东西方旅人云集、各国文化艺术荟萃之地。 | In this way Dunhuang gradually developed into a caravan town where travellers, eastbound or westbound, gathered and the cultures of different lands enriched each other | |
22 | 园内种植着来自国内外100多个品种近万盆的兰花。 | Here are found some ten thousand potted orchids, belonging to more than one hundred varieties native to China or to other lands | |
23 | 原告们声称,土地管理局在许多方面都违背了法律程序,土地管理局的行为将使土地用于开矿。 | The plaintiff alleged that the BLM had violated the required statutory procedures in numerous respects, and that BLM’s action would open up the lands involved to mining | |
24 | 运用本章第三节讨论的标准先占权分析法,法院支持州法律关于在公共土地上开矿的观点。 | Applying the standard preemption analysis discussed in Part C of this chapter, the Court upheld a state law requiring a permit for mining on public lands | |
25 | 在1869年,伊利诺伊州立法机构授予中央铁路对密歇根湖底某些被淹没土地的所有权。 | In 1869, the illinois legislature had granted fee title to certain submerged lands under Lake Michigan to the Railroad | |
26 | 在党的领导下,农民从地主手里夺回自己的土地。 | Under the leadership of the Party,the peasants expropriated their own lands from the landlords. | |
27 | 在某些磁盘系统,例如温氏技术磁盘系统中,磁盘表面的一个区域,读/写头在该区起落,当该磁盘停止工作时,读/写头在该区中停留。 | In some magnetic disk systems, such as winchester technology disk systems, a band on a disk surface on which a read/write head takes off and lands and on which it rests when the disk is stopped | |
28 | 在农田排水中常常采用砾石或过滤层来防止粉细砂和泥沙进入排水沟。 | In drainage of agricultural lands , a filter or gravel envelope is used to prevent the entrance of fine sand and silt into the drains | |
29 | 在外国居住了多年之后,这个人回到了家。 | After living in foreign lands for many years, the man went back home. | |
30 | 在音乐、绘画和文学中的异国情调显现出遥远国度里别致的气氛与色彩。 | exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of far-off lands |