1 | "我能教我的小珠儿我从这里学到的东西!"海丝特·白兰把手指放到那红色标志上回答。 | "I can teach my little Pearl what I have learned from this!"" answered Hester Prynne, laying her finger on the red token." | |
2 | “听得有一个大计画正在进行,而且和你有关系。”李玉亭放下刀叉,用饭巾抹嘴,随随便便地说。 | "I hear there’s a big scheme afoot," Li Yu-ting replied casually, laying down his knife and fork and wiping his mouth with his napkin. "And it happens to concern you, too." | |
3 | 2 、具有两个或两个以上坐标的数控和程控的铺带机及为其专门设计的软件 | (b)Tape-laying machines coordinated and programmed in two or more axes, and specially designed software thereof; | |
4 | 拔人之城而非攻也,破人之国而非久也,必以全争于天下 | He captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field. | |
5 | 伴随着铺设海底电缆而进行的突击活动很快证实了“挑战者”号的探测结果。 | A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the challenger’s observation | |
6 | 边沁,杰里米1748-1832英国作家、改革者和哲学家。系统地分析法律和立法,建立功利主义学说 | British writer,reformer,and philosopher who systematically analyzed law and legislation,thereby laying the foundations of utilitarianism. | |
7 | 不仅大量节约了人力、物力资源,而且避免了调查内容和指标的重复,并为深入分析相互之间的关系奠定了基础。 | It has not only saved a large number of manpower and the material resources, but has also avoided the overlap of survey contents and indicators, laying the foundation for further analysis on the inter-relationships among different factors. | |
8 | 茶馆里有个人在非常自负地侃政治。 | A man in the teahouse was laying the law down on politics. | |
9 | 衬经衬纬圆纬机 | laying -in circular weft knitting machine | |
10 | 称他是天才是有点过分称赞了! | To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick! | |
11 | 传播西方雕塑艺术知识和技巧,为新中国及当代雕塑事业,作了开拓工作。 | They spread them into China, laying the foundation for the development of the art form after the founding of New China. | |
12 | 雌成虫选择成熟果实,刺穿柔软的果实表皮并在孔里产卵。卵孵化成幼虫,并在果实内部取食。 | The female Medfly attacks ripening fruit, piercing the soft skin and laying eggs in the puncture. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots), which feed inside the fruit pulp. | |
13 | 刺绣在表面上平着缝线并在规律间隔用针角固定来刺绣 | To embroider by laying thread flat on a surface and fastening it by stitches at regular intervals. | |
14 | 大多数鱼产卵繁殖。 | Most fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs | |
15 | 大约再走两百英里,客车才会到达那一片一直延展到大西洋海岸的辽阔平原,在这样的平原上修筑铁路实在大方便了。 | After going about two hundred miles, the travellers at last found themselves on one of those vast plains which extend to the Atlantic, and which nature has made so propitious for laying the iron road | |
16 | 单孔目动物单孔目动物中的一员,是远古蛋生哺乳动物的一目,限生活于澳大利亚和新几内亚地区,只有鸭嘴兽和针鼹种类 | A member of the Monotremata,an order of primitive egg-laying mammals restricted to Australia and New Guinea and consisting of only the platypus and the echidna. | |
17 | 但也有一种人,嘴尖舌长,能说会道,自我吹嘘,滔滔不绝,像那只爱唱的母鸡一样,占着个鸡窝不下蛋。 | There are among us, however, another kind of people who, armed with a glib tongue, indulge in incessant self-glorification and, like the above-mentioned cackler, hold on to the coop without laying any egg | |
18 | 当地农民盼着入秋前能多降雨水,天气凉爽一些。雨水和冷凉的气温能破坏蝗虫现在产下的许多卵。 | The local farmers are hoping for a lot of rain and cooler weather between now and this autumn. Rain and cool temperature will kill many of the eggs the grasshoppers are laying today. | |
19 | 德里克跟我在一起修建那个灌溉网。 | derrick and I have been laying out the system of irrigating ditches | |
20 | 第十四条 经销企业在进货时,应对产品进行验收,明确产品的质量责任。 | Article 14 When laying in a stock of merchandise, the marketing firm shall, before acceptance, test the product, so that the quality responsibility can be clearly defined. | |
21 | 第四条 保守国家秘密的工作,实行积极防范、突出重点、既确保国家秘密又便利各项工作的方针。 | Article 4. The work of guarding state secrets shall be carried out in line with the principle of actively preventing their leak and laying emphasis on priorities so that state secrets are kept while work in all other fields is facilitated. | |
22 | 杜鹃在其它鸟的巢中下蛋的习性早已声名狼藉--雌杜鹃能在15秒内用自己的蛋换走其它鸟儿的蛋--但它作为春天的信使一直在英国人心目中占有特殊的地位。 | Infamous for their habit of laying eggs in other birds’ nests-a hen cuckoo can swap another bird’s egg with her own in just 15 seconds *-the birds have always held a special place in British hearts as harbingers of spring | |
23 | 而那些埋头“下蛋”的人,由于他们一声不响,默默无闻,就很少为人所知,更不受重视。 | As to those engrossed in "laying eggs", because they are reserved and content to live in obscurity they gain little public, attention, let alone recognition | |
24 | 菲尔德,赛勒斯·韦斯特1819-1892美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程 | American merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable(completed1866. | |
25 | 钢尺用于设计并精确修整直角。 | The steel square is used for laying out and trying up right angles. | |
26 | 格涅斯基相信,本周将发布的失业数字将不能说明[经济]是否可能疲软,因为“除非订单减少到不可否认的程度,商家不会开始解雇工人。” | Genetski believes that the unemployment numbers,to be released this week,won’t shed much light on a potential slowdown,because"businesses won’t start laying off workers until the evidence of reduced orders is undeniable" | |
27 | 工人们在铺设铁轨。 | The workers are laying the tracks. | |
28 | 工人们正安龙骨。 | The workers are laying down a keel. | |
29 | 工人们正在道路下面铺设管道 | The workers are laying pipes under the road | |
30 | 关键是本世纪内的最后十年,要为下个世纪前五十年的发展打下基础,创造比较好的条件和环境。 | The last decade of this century will be crucial for laying a foundation and creating good conditions for economic development in the first half of the next. |