1 | 画家正往画布上涂颜料。 | The painter was laying colors on canvas | |
2 | 监狱法强调教育和劳动改造相结合,尤其强调对罪犯的思想教育。该法规定,思想教育包括法制、道德、国家政策等方面的教育。 | The law emphasizes the connection of reform through labour with educational means, laying a special stress on ideological education of criminals. The law stipulates that such education shall include the knowledge of the legal system, morals and state policies and the like. | |
3 | 将责任归结于会计师和律师。 | Laying the blame on the accountant or attorney. | |
4 | 她把手放在额头上,以表示失望。 | She gestured her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead | |
5 | 她像着了魔似的在屋子里毫无目的地转来转去,把东西拾起来,又把东西放下去,疑神疑鬼地环顾四周。 | As one enchanted she wandered aimlessly through the house,picking things up,laying them down again,gazing vacantly about her. | |
6 | 解雇工人是这件工作中令人讨厌的地方. | Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job. | |
7 | 近代产蛋品系的培育,目的是为了高产蛋量。 | The modern laying strains are bred for high egg production | |
8 | 某些内行人常常喜欢喂养产卵型观赏鱼,像天使鱼、斑纹鱼、和霓虹脂鲤。奇特的金鱼现在也被更多喂养。 | Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish,the stripped zebras,and the neons.Fancy goldfish,too,are collected more now. | |
9 | 你不趁现在修理房顶将来给自己找麻烦 | You’ re only laying up trouble ( for yourself)by not mending that roof now | |
10 | 你对此称赞得过分了吧? | Aren’t you laying it on a bit thick! | |
11 | 你那些母鸡还下蛋吗? | Are your hens laying yet? | |
12 | 你这样做就是让人指责你不诚实 | You’ re laying yourself wide open to accusations of dishonesty | |
13 | 鸟类由产卵繁殖。 | Birds reproduce by laying eggs. | |
14 | 您引用了这些数字,再把话题引向第三十五号修正案就有良好的基础了。 | With those figures, you’ll be laying groundwork for going into the 35th Amendment | |
15 | 女王向纪念碑了献花圈,以此向两次世界大战这中的牺牲者们表示敬意。 | The Queen pain homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph. | |
16 | 排料时,反向粗糙的一面向下,这样可使面料的颜色更一致。在拉毛织物上排料,适合用直丝绺折叠或门式折叠方法。 | Laying the pattern so that the rough texture runs downward gives a richer color to these fabrics. Lengthwise or gatefolds are suitable for pattern layout on napped fabrics. | |
17 | 品牌延伸与品牌经营领域的界定及消费者对品牌延伸行为的评价,从而为企业科学地实施品牌延伸战略奠定了坚实的理论基础。 | ..the definition of brand extension and the area of brand management and the evaluation of the act of brand extension by consumers, thus laying a basic foundation for enterprises using the brand-extension strategy. | |
18 | 平等互利,讲究实效,形式多样,共同发展 | Equality and mutual benefit, laying emphasis on practical results, diversifying in form and progressing through joint efforts. | |
19 | 铺设、撤除、检修电缆和管道;设置、撤除系船浮筒及其他建筑物 | Laying out, removing, or checking and repairing cables and pipelines; Setting up, or removing vessel buoys or other buildings | |
20 | 铺设钢筋混凝土的方法之一,是在浇注一定比例的混凝土后,将钢筋铺在基层上,常铺成格状或网状 | One method of laying a reinforced concrete wearing surface is to put down the steel rods, usually in the form of a grill or mesh | |
21 | 然后,我又把它们一一用绳子拉近船边,把四根木头绑在一起,两头尽可能绑紧,扎成一只木排的样子,又用两三块短木板横放在上面 | When this was done I went down the ship’s side, and pulling them to me, I ty’d four of them fast together at both ends as well as I could, in the form of a raft, and laying two or three short pieces of plank upon them cross-ways | |
22 | 然后,我在地上搭起一张床,头边放两支手枪,床边再放上一支长枪,总算第一次能上床睡觉了。 | And spreading one of the beds upon the ground, laying my two pistols just at my head, and my gun at length by me, I went to bed for the first time | |
23 | 如果说在这个问题上中央有点功绩的话,就是中央制定的搞活政策是对头的。 | If the Central Committee made any contribution in this respect, it was only by laying down the correct policy of invigorating the domestic economy. | |
24 | 社会主义的任务就是要发展社会生产力,增强社会主义国家的力量,使人民的生活逐步得到改善,然后为将来进入共产主义准备基础。 | It is the task of socialism to develop the productive forces, build up the strength of the socialist state and gradually raise the people’s living standards, thus laying the foundation for the realization of communism in the future. | |
25 | 他被自己所搓的绳子缠住。 | He entangled himself in the ropes he was laying . | |
26 | 他并不向家里任何人暴露他内心的愿望,他也没发现家里有人对此特别关心。 | He was not laying bare his desires for any one to see. He did not find any one in the house who particularly cared to see. | |
27 | 他将地毯铺在地板上。 | Hes laying carpet on the floor | |
28 | 他们是否了解这不但造成庞大的物质损失,许多是无可补救的损失,而且给欧洲人民将来的关系种下恶果,造成道德影响? | Are they alive not only to the vastness of the material damage, much of which is irreparable, but also to the harvest they are laying up for the future relationships of the peoples of Europe as well as to its moral implications? | |
29 | 他们在铺房顶时,使瓦互相搭接起来。 | They lapped one shingle over another in laying a roof. | |
30 | 他们正在铺设路下面的管子。 | They are laying pipes under the road. |