1 | “准备好。”他对杰基说,还是用的那个听着怪怪的名字。杰基激动得浑身颤抖。一听到命令,它就向前蹦跳,跃起穿过匝圈,先是往前跳,再往回跳。 | Get ready. he said to Jacky,again using that strange-sounding name. Jacky trembled with excitement. On command he sprang forward and leaped through the loop--forward, then backward. | |
2 | 阿多立刻跳起来,到外面一看,门是开着,月光下稻场上有一个人正走向溪边去。 | Ah duo leaped up and rushed outside.In the moonlight, he saw someone crossing the threshing ground towards the stream | |
3 | 把活泼的春心给万物灌注遍,连沉重的土星也跟着笑和跳。 | Hath put a spirit of youth in everything, That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him | |
4 | 把握旅行的机会临时出发 | Leaped at the opportunity to travel. | |
5 | 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔! | Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend | |
6 | 但他跨越了积水的坑洼,穿过了绊腿的灌木,爬上了高坡,步入了低谷,总而言之,以他自己都不解的不知疲倦的活力,克服了路上的一切障碍。 | But he leaped across the plashy places, thrust himself through the clinging underbrush, climbed the ascent, plunged into the hollow, and overcame, in short, all the difficulties of the track, with an unweariable activity that astonished him. | |
7 | 当打击迫在眉睫时,我一下子就跳到了一边。 | As the blow still hung impending, I leaped in a trice upon one side | |
8 | 当汽车慢下来时,那些人跳下来。 | When the bus slowed down the men leaped off | |
9 | 到了半夜,罗密欧和他的同伴走了。可是过不久他们就找不到他了,因为罗密欧把他的心留在朱丽叶的家里了,他不愿走开,就从朱丽叶住的房子后面一座果园的墙头跳了进去。 | It being midnight, Romeo with his companions departed; but they soon missed him, for, unable to stay away from the house where he had left his heart he leaped the wall of an orchard which was at the back of Juliet’s house. | |
10 | 电子信息产业经济规模跃居世界第三位。 | The electronic and information industry of China has already leaped to the world′s third place by economic scale. | |
11 | 董卓引曹操出阁看马,曹操谢道:"愿借马一试。"然后快马加鞭往东南疾去。 | Delighted, Dong Zhuo told Cao Cao to have a look at the chosen horse. Outside, Cao Cao pleaded for a test ride. He then leaped onto the horse and sped away. | |
12 | 狗向他扑去。 | The dog leaped at him. | |
13 | 海的统治者尼普顿手执他那把三叉戟,好象刚刚撞击过地球,一匹马正从地面跃了出来。 | Neptune, the ruler of the sea, holds his trident, and appears to have just smitten the earth, from which a horse has leaped forth | |
14 | 老虎把尾巴一甩朝她扑过来。 | With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her. | |
15 | 马丁回过神来,看见了那对含讥带讽、专横却又怯懦的小眼睛。另一对眼睛像在银幕上一样映入了他的眼帘:希金波坦在楼下商店里做生意时的眼睛:讨好、吹嘘、油滑、奉承。 | Martin came back and looked at the beady eyes, sneering, truculent, cowardly, and there leaped into his vision, as on a screen, the same eyes when their owner was making a sale in the store below-subservient eyes, smug, and oily, and flattering | |
16 | 马西米兰一下子跳进他的苜蓿花地里,开始用最无情的态度铲起野草来。 | Maximilian leaped at one bound into his crop of lucerne, which he began to pull up in the most ruthless way, under the pretext of being occupied in weeding it | |
17 | 那份从不平息的、绵绵不绝的哀愁,象一只狼似的,又从黑暗里猛跳起来,扑上他的肩头。 | Again, the deathless grief that never slept leaped out of the shadows like a wolf, and fastened upon his shoulders | |
18 | 那个年轻人纵马越过栅栏。 | The young man leaped a horse over a fence | |
19 | 那个小偷越墙逃跑了。 | The thief leaped the wall and escaped | |
20 | 那个贼从大楼的一个窗户上跳出去,逃走了。 | The thief leapt/leaped from a window in the building and escaped. | |
21 | 那匹马跳过了篱笆。 | The horse leaped a fence. | |
22 | 那匹马跳过了一个篱笆。 | The horse leaped a fence | |
23 | 那天晚上我睡了几天来的头一个好觉。第二天早上,我跳下后院的台阶时,看见隔壁的博吉就停了下来。 | That night I slept well for the first time in days. The next morning as I leaped down the back steps, I saw Bogy next door and stopped. | |
24 | 凭着象刚才上去那样灵巧地从唐太斯的肩上溜了下来,敏捷地从桌上跳到地面上。 | and sliding from the shoulders of Dants as dextrously as he had ascended, he nimbly leaped from the table to the ground | |
25 | 骑手翻过马背。 | The rider leaped the horse | |
26 | 汽车顶住邓肯之后继续向前冲去。 | dunk was pinned in front while the roadster leaped ahead | |
27 | 然而,在树林的缥渺影象逝去之前,突然那欢悦的晨光跃过峰峦和山谷。 | Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley | |
28 | 人们看我站起身来,一下子整个教堂都成了欢呼的海洋。喜悦的浪潮席卷了教堂女人们都跳了起来,婶婶伸出双臂搂住我,牧师拉着我的手把我领到台上。 | Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they saw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Women leaped in the air. My aunt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform. | |
29 | 山羊稳稳当当地从一块石头跳到另一块石头上。 | The goat leaped surely from rock to rock. | |
30 | 收到你的信,我的心高兴得砰砰直跳。 | My heart leaped with joy when I got your letter. |