1 | (被选入立法机构的)代表 | Person elected to represent othersin a legislative body | |
2 | (国会或其他立法议会中的)藉投票表决以终止辩论的方法 | (US cloture)(in a parliament or other legislative body)method of ending a debate by taking a vote | |
3 | (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律 | Enactment into law of a legislative measure. | |
4 | 5月中举行的国会和地方选举的计票结果再次证实,菲律宾选民迷恋"偶像派"人物的心态,只要在电视上见过或听过这个人的名字,就有可能在投票时选他,而不考虑是否有真才实学,能否胜任职位。 | "Results of last month’s legislative and local government elections showed again the tendency for voters to go for "popular figures"-they are likely to vote for candidates whom they have seen on television or at least heard of their names, never mind whether these people are capable of doing the job." | |
5 | A;中国在知识产权保护方面已经做了许多工作。现在的工作是从立法转移到积极执法上来。现在和将来主要任务是保证相关法律法规的实施。 | Well, China has done a lot in the protection of intellectual property rights. Now the work will be switched from a legislative base to active law enforcement. The major task, now and in the future, is to guarantee the implementation of related laws and regulations. | |
6 | 安然公司的彻底垮台已经引起了立法行动:《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》。 | The Enron meltdown has prompted legislative action,the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. | |
7 | 版权办公室是立法部门的一部分,很容易适当地帮助国会进行事实查明。 | The Copyright Office is part of the legislative branch, and could easily and appropriately serve as the base for such factfinding. | |
8 | 保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人. | A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body. | |
9 | 保护投资自由化、保护竞争、维持市场公平有序的法律与政策环境,对于任何投资者而言,就像万物的生长需要纯净而畅通的空气一样,是至关重要的。 | The fair and proper legislative and policy environment that protects the liberalization of investment, safeguards competitions and sustains a fair and orderly market is as important to investors as the fresh. | |
10 | 不可抹煞的立法权力又归一般民众行使 | whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise | |
11 | 布政司须将周年报告书提交立法局省览。 | The Chief Secretary shall lay a copy of every such annual report on the table of the Legislative Council. | |
12 | 布政司须于每一财政年度结束后之22月30日或该日之前,或港督所批准较后日期之前,将该等帐目决算表及报告书提交立法局省览。 | The Chief Secretary shall lay a copy of every such statement and report on the table of the Legislative Council not later than 31 December next following the end of the financial year or before such later date as the Governor may allow. | |
13 | 除了1980年的《阿拉斯加土地法案》之外,最重要的立法收回土地的法案是1964年的《荒野法案》[美国法典诠注》第16编第1131-1136条]。 | The most important legislative land withdrawal, apart from the 1980 Alaskan Lands Act, was the Wilderness Act of 1964, 16 U.S.C.A. 1131-1136 | |
14 | 此项法案经过了三年冗长的立法过程 | It took three years to get the Bill through the legislative mill. | |
15 | 从那时起,中国的全国人民代表大会就把保护残疾人权益放在了立法议事日程的重要地位,并且在这个方面已经取得了较大的进步。 | Since then the National People’s Congress of China has put the protection of rights and interests of the disabled on the top of the legislative agenda and made major progress in the field. | |
16 | 当然,如果政策搞错了,不管你什么院制也没有用。 | Of course, if the policies are wrong, any kind of legislative body is useless. | |
17 | 第二,希望香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机关不断提高施政和执法水平,更好地为社会为公众服务。 | Second, I hope the executive, legislative and judicial bodies of the Hong Kong SAR will constantly improve their job performanceso as to provide better services to the public and society | |
18 | 对立法措施的宪法审查是实现那个目标的重要方法,立法措施如保护期的延长问题. | Constitutional review of legislative measures like duration extensionis one important means of achieving that goal. | |
19 | 法案,法令由立法或司法机关宣布的决策,如法规、命令或法律 | A decisional product,such as a statute,decree,or enactment,delivered by a legislative or a judicial body. | |
20 | 法案,法律规定 | A legislative bill or enactment. | |
21 | 法律措施对减少腐败是很重要的。 | Legislative measures are essential to diminishing corruption. | |
22 | 法院往往借助外部帮助以研究立法意图。 | Courts have frequently used extrinsic aids to establish legislative intension | |
23 | 法院做出这些结论更多地是受理性判断的影响,而不是严格地遵循立法机关的立法意图。 | In reaching these conclusions the court may have been guided more by its sense of reasonableness than by close attention to legislative intent | |
24 | 反对合法帐单 | Oppose a legislative Bill | |
25 | 各州立法机构任期不同,但以2年或4年为代表。 | State legislative terms vary, but are typically two or four years. | |
26 | 根据法院的意见,“保护政策的弊端既存在于立法的目的,也存在于立法的手段”。 | According to the Court, "the evil of protectionism can reside in legislative means as well as legislative ends" | |
27 | 根据法院的意见,法律结构和立法史都无可辩驳地证明了法案“等于先占了有关核废料运输或贮存的(州际的或州内的)州管制权”。 | and the statutory structure and legislative history, according to the court, compel the conclusion that the Act "equally preempts state regulation of the ... shipment or storage, interstate and intrastate alike, of spent nuclear fuel" | |
28 | 根据国务院法制办精心、辛勤准备的分类系统,本汇编收集的司法文件资料分为七大类。 | The legislative materials in the publication have been organized into seven categories according to the classification system which has been meticulously and painstakingly prepared by the legislative Affairs Office. | |
29 | 根据基本法的规定,香港特别行政区立法会经选举产生。 | According to the stipulation of the Basic Law, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR shall be elected | |
30 | 根据美国宪法,联邦政府分行政、立法、司法等三个方面,各方相互独立且又能彼此制衡 | Under the U.S. constitution, the Federal Government is divided into three branches, the executive, legislative and judicial, each supposed to be independent and able to check and balance each other |