1 | 司法及法律事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 | Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services [Provisional Legislative Council] | |
2 | 所以,国家要从立法方面,保证私营企业能够提供职业保障。 | Therefore, the government must create legislative measures to ensure that companies provide occupational security. | |
3 | 他把各州立法团体召集到特别的、极不方便的、远离政府档案库的地方去开会,其唯一的目的就是使他们疲于奔命,不得不顺从他的旨意。 | He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures | |
4 | 他们已利用在议会的力量募得800万美元。 | They’ve used legislative muscle to raise $ 8 million. | |
5 | 他在参众两院立法方面的成就都为人称道。 | His legislative record in both houses was remarkable | |
6 | 统一合同法的主要立法原则如下 | The guiding legislative principles for an integrated contract law are as follows | |
7 | 土地税:农用土地每公顷为单位征税,城市用地每平方米为单位征税,参考区域立法机构根据土地类型和区位确定的标准价格。 | Tax on Land: Tax levied per hectare of rural land and per square meter of urban land, according to normative values varying by type of land and location established by regional legislative bodies. | |
8 | 为了推动我国民族民间文化保护工作以及相关法律的立法进程 | With a view to promoting the protection of and legislative process in folk and traditional culture in China | |
9 | 文康广播事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 | Panel on Broadcasting, Culture and Sport [Provisional Legislative Council] | |
10 | 乌外交部发言人22日说,选举国家最高立法机关和地方立法机关的代表纯粹是乌克兰人民自己的事情。 | "The election of legislators for Ukrainian supreme and local legislative institutions is purely an internal affair of Ukraine", the spokesman for Ukrainian Foreign Affairs said on March 22 | |
11 | 无非是多党竞选、三权鼎立、两院制。 | It is no more than a system of multiparty elections, separation of judicial, executive and legislative powers and a bicameral legislature. | |
12 | 希望香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机关不断提高施政和执法水平,更好地为社会为公众服务。 | I hope the executive, legislative and judicial bodies of the Hong Kong SAR will constantly improve their job performance so as to provide better services to the public and society. | |
13 | 香港特区享有基本法赋予的高度自治权,包括行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法和终审权 | The HKSAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy as provided for by the basic law, which embodies the executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication | |
14 | 行政、立法、司法机关要各司其职,各负其责 | The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references, | |
15 | 行政或立法机构(用的大厅)(如议会的会议厅) | Hall used by an)administrative or legislative assembly,eg one of the houses of a parliament | |
16 | 修正,修订通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施) | To alter(a legislative measure,for example)formally by adding,deleting,or rephrasing. | |
17 | 研究机构、政府机构、新闻媒体、大众报刊、立法机构、教育机构和私营企业都在对营养的方方面面进行着报道和研究。 | Research laboratories, governmental agencies, the news media, the popular press, legislative bodies, educational institutions, and private business are all involved in the many facets of nutrition. | |
18 | 一八一三年,那个素来默不作声的立法机构,在国难临头时居然勇气百倍,大放厥词,这样只能令人齿冷,何足鼓掌称快? | In 1813 the cowardly breach of silence of that taciturn legislative body, emboldened by catastrophe, possessed only traits which aroused indignation | |
19 | 一个简短的、有用的内容更新通告附在每季度更新的内容的前面,同时,它也为读者提供前一季度法律法规的梗概。 | A concise and useful update bulletin will accompany each quarterly update and it will give readers a quick run through of legislative development in the preceding quarter. | |
20 | 议会被剥夺了立法权。 | The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers. | |
21 | 议会某些国家的国家或当地的立法机关,例如日本 | A national or local legislative assembly in certain countries, such as Japan. | |
22 | 议会是以54-25票表决通过的上述法案。 | The Assembly’s 54-25 vote-cast after legislative leaders and Gov | |
23 | 议事的阻挠阻挠手段的使用,尤指作冗长的演说以达到妨碍议事进行的目的 | The use of obstructionist tactics,especially prolonged speechmaking,for the purpose of delaying legislative action. | |
24 | 因为国会没有做这个基本的政策判决,雷恩奎斯法官认为法令是立法当局对机构的违宪授权。 | Because Congress had failed to make this basic policy decision, Justice Rehnquist argued that the statute was an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority to the agency | |
25 | 有两个议会的(如英国的上议院和下议院) | Having two legislative chambers(eg in Britain the House of Commons and the House of Lords) | |
26 | 在分析先占权问题时最好是认真分析立法材料和立法范围以及州法令在多大程度上实际影响联邦法令的实施。 | Thus, the best advice in analyzing preemption problems is to carefully analyze the legislative materials and the extent to which the state statute would have a practical effect on the implementation of the federal statute | |
27 | 在古朴的香港立法会大楼,立法会主席范徐丽泰向记者详细介绍了立法会的结构和运作方式。 | chairwoman of the Legislative Council Rita Fan Hsu Laitai gave a detailed introduction to the council’s structure and mode of operation | |
28 | 在立法史上一向拥有强有力支持的较低等的法院,仍然坚持《洁净水法案》的效力扩展到从传统的航行水域到美国境内的所有主体水域的范围。 | The lower courts have held, with strong support in the legislative history, that the Clean Water Act extends beyond traditional navigable waters to all bodies of water within the United States | |
29 | 在美国所有联邦立法权力都授予了国会。 | All federal legislative powers are vested in the Congress of the United States. | |
30 | 在我看来,这仅是立法者被有钱的选民,尤其是出版行业和电影行业巨头收买的另一个例子。 | The cynic in me immediately concluded that this is simply another example of legislative capture by a wealthy constituency, specifically the publishing and motion picture industries. |