属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
1 | (贷款)提前到期[国际复兴开发银行]:由于(借款人)未能履行贷款协议的条款,贷款人宣布贷款余额的未偿本金立即到期,并要求连同应付利息一起偿还。 | acceleration of maturity (of a loan)[IBRD]: Declaration by a lender that the outstanding principal is due and payable immediately, together with the interest due, following non-compliance with loan covenants. | |
2 | 1991年,国会正在考虑贷方责任的议案,环境保护局提出了一条完全一致的管制建议。 | In 1991, Congress was considering bills to limit lender liability, and EPA released a regulatory proposal along the same lines | |
3 | 别借债,莫放债 | Neither a borrower nor a lender be. | |
4 | 不合法(或违约)条款:贷款协定中的一项条款,允许贷款人在国家法规变化迫使其撤销贷款时,要求偿还他的资金。 | Illegality clause: Clause in a loan agreement which allows the lender to ask for repayment of his funds if a change in national legislation obliges him to withdraw from the loan. | |
5 | 不做借方,也不做贷方。 | Neither a borrower nor a lender be. | |
6 | 此信用证总额22,120,000美元(美元贰仟贰佰壹拾贰万元)占合同金额的100%将通过由进出口银行作为贷款方和贝尔格莱德银行作为借款方于----所签的总贷款协议的程序进行支付。 | The Credit Amount of USD22,120,000.00 (Say: US Dollars Twenty two million one hundred and twenty thousand only)representing 100% of the Commercial Contract price shall be paid from the proceeds of the Supplemental Loan Agreement between the EXIM BANK as the Lender and Beogradska Banka a.d. as the Borrower dated... | |
7 | 贷款方不按合同规定及时贷款,应偿付违约金。 | If the lender does not make a loan in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages. | |
8 | 贷款和赠款:当一国对另一国贷款或赠款时,如此提供的贷款国货币,会用到外汇率市场上去购买其它国家货币,去购买这些国家的货物。 | Loans and Grants: When a country grants loans or gifts to another country, the currency of the lender country so provided may be used to buy other currencies in the foreign exchange market for purchases to be made from those countries. | |
9 | 放债的人为你服务时用现在时,借钱给你时用条件式,使你常处于虚拟式之中,并于将来时中毁掉你。--艾迪生 | A money lender serves you in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjunctive, and ruins you in the future.--J.Addison | |
10 | 放债的人为你服务时用现在时态,借钱给你时用条件语气,使你常处于虚拟语气之中,并于将来时态中毁掉你. | A money lender serves you in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjuctive,and ruins you in the future. | |
11 | 放债人用现在时为你服务,借钱给你时用的是条件语气,使你总是处于虚拟状态,并且会在将来毁掉你。 | a money lender serves you in the present tense, lends you money in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjunctive and ruins you in the future | |
12 | 夫妇二人并不气馁,花两个星期的时间把办公室再改回来做卧室,然后向另外一家申请贷款。可是估价员把房价定为18万--较预计低两万。坎培尔夫妇决定放弃。 | Undaunted,the couple spent two weeks reconverting the office into a bedroom and applied to another lender .But that appraiser set the property’s value at$180,000-$20,000less then expected.The Campbells decided to throw in the towel. | |
13 | 共同负责的经理:在欧洲货币贷款中仅次于首席经理的贷款人。 | Colead manager: Lender ranking next to lead manager in a Euroloan. | |
14 | 她假冒父亲的签字向放债人柯洛克斯泰借了二百五十镑,供托伐到意大利去疗养。 | She borrowed the requisite two hundred and fifty pounds from Krogstad, a money-lender , forging her father’s name to the note, so that Torvald could have his holiday in Italy. | |
15 | 借款方不按合同规定使用政策性贷款,应当加付利息;贷款方有权提前收回一部或全部贷款。 | If the borrower does not utilize the loan granted for policy consideration in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall pay additional interest; and the lender shall have the right to recall part or all of the loan ahead of schedule. | |
16 | 经常项目的逆差意味着国家是国际借款者,而顺差,则是贷款者。 | deficit on current account would mean that the country was a net international borrower, while a surplus would mean a net international lender . | |
17 | 九、各项费用:供款人对未能按期使用的贷款,应于签订协议后90天起按年利千分之三支付承担费。 | 9. FEES The Borrower shall pay to the Lender a commitment fee of 0.3% p.a. calculated on the undisbursed amount of the credit, payable quarterly in arrears from 90 days after the signing of the Agreement, | |
18 | 老剥皮放印子钱,老剥皮强夺我们的田地!- | He’s a money-lender , a bloodsucker! He took my farm, the old shark! | |
19 | 情节严重的,并吊销卖方、出租方、出借方的《药品生产许可证》、《药品经营许可证》、《医疗机构制剂许可证》 | if the circumstances are serious, the Pharmaceutical Production License, Pharmaceutical trading License or Dispensing Permit of Medical Organizations of the seller, lessor or lender shall be revoked, | |
20 | 莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》剧中人波洛尼厄斯忠告他的儿子说,既不要借钱给人,也不要向别人借钱。而亚洲人的结论是,当借钱给人的债权人,比当欠人钱的债务人要好得多。 | Polonius advised his son to be neither a lender nor a borrower. The Asians decided instead that it was far better to be a lender than a borrower. | |
21 | 莎士比亚说:“既不要找人借钱,也不要借钱给人。” | Shakespeare said: “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” | |
22 | 我国中央银行最后贷款人救助机制的探讨 | Discussion Concerning Consummating the Last Lender Salvation Mechanism of Central Bank | |
23 | 在规模较大的项目筹资时,如开发油田或购买另一公司的控股权,任何一个出借人都无法单独提供公司所需要的巨额资金。 | To finance a large project, such as developing an oil field or purchasing a controlling interest in the capital stock of another company, a corporation may need more capital than any single lender can supply. | |
24 | 这样的购买活动会削弱贷出国货币的价值。当贷款及利息归还后,就增强了借贷国的货币值。 | Such purchases tend to weaken the value of the lender country’s currency. When the loan is repaid or when interest on the loan is paid, such payments tends to strengthen the currency of the lender country. | |
25 | 中断条款;免责条款:指欧洲货币协定中的一项条款,规定在出现某种妨碍贷款人活动或欧洲共同市场业务的事件时,其他预定的行动将生效。 | break clause; escape clause; jeopardy clause: A clause in a Eurocurrency agreement specifying that, if certain events curtail the lender ’s activity or the operation of the Euromarkets, other designated actions will come into effect. | |
26 | 中介业务,媒介作用:指一个金融机构使用其名义和信誉介入一个贷款人和一个借款人之间的过程。亦见market intermediation | Intermediation: Process whereby a financial institution interposes its names and trustworthiness between a lender and a borrower. | |
27 | 总贷款协议,合同号:BLA99012/23.12.1999,由中国进出口银行(进出口行),中国北京西直门内大街43-A号金运大厦B座,邮编:100044,作为贷款人,和贝尔格莱德银行,南斯拉夫联邦共和国贝尔格莱德科内兹米哈伊洛娃大街2-4号,邮编11001,作为借款人在北京签订 | General Loan Agreement No.: BLA 99012/23.12.1999 concluded between The Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM BANK), Jinyun Tower B, No.43-A, Xizhimenbei St. Beijing 100044, the People s Republic of China as the Lender and Beogradska banka a.d., 2-4 Knez Mihajlova, 11001 Beograd, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as the Borrower signed in Beijing | |
28 | 最后贷款人(LLR)制度:香港经验及其启示 | Lender of Last Resort: Experience and Revelation from Hong Kong | |
29 | ||1:然而,赫斯特回顾展头号出借者是艺术家本人。除了一些早期作品,一幅凉风习习的自旋画和一个六吨重的解剖模型铜雕外,他还借出了《一千年》(1991年) ,一个装载了苍蝇生命周期见证的玻璃箱。||2:这是赫斯特2003年从他的第一个主顾查尔斯·萨奇手中买回的十二件早期作品之一。赫斯特察觉这件雕塑是最令他兴奋的一件。许多人更喜欢几个月后他制作的类似主题更出色的作品,题目为《爱生爱灭》 。||3:这件组装品包括两个空间,一个放着由嵌在白色油漆中的蛹羽化而成的活蝴蝶,另一个放着被压在鲜艳画布表面上的死蝴蝶。本次展览是二十年来首次重聚这两个空间。 | ||1:Yet the number-one lender to the Hirst retrospective is the artist himself. In addition to some early pieces, a breezy painting and a six-tonne bronze sculpture of an anatomical model, he has lent “A Thousand Years” (1991), a glass box that bears witness to the life cycle of flies. ||2:It was one of a dozen early works that the artist purchased back from his first patron, Charles Saatchi, in 2003. Mr Hirst suspects the sculpture is his most exciting piece. Many prefer a more beautiful work with a similar theme that he made a few months later, titled “In and Out of Love”. ||3:This installation consists of two rooms, one in which live butterflies hatch from pupae embedded in white paintings, and another in which dead butterflies are pressed onto the surfaces of brightly coloured canvasses. The show reunites these two rooms for the first time in 20 years. | |
30 | ||1:虽然2006年获得诺贝尔和平奖的是穆罕默德·尤努斯,但是他的格莱珉银行既不是孟加拉第一家也不是最大一家小额贷款银行;包揽这两个第一的是BRAC。||2:它的小额贷款业务每年要发放10亿美元的贷款。||3:但是这仅仅是它的部分业务:它还是互联网服务的供应商;它拥有一所大学;它办的小学解决了孟加拉11%孩子的受教育问题。||4:它还经营饲料加工厂、养鸡场、茶叶种植场,还有包装厂。||5:BRAC的成功表明NGO组织不一定要非常小,而且一个来自穷国、不为人知的机构可以干过西方著名的慈善机构。||6:伊恩·斯迈利在他专门写BRAC的书《彻底走出饥饿》中将这称作“在发展中国家中无疑是最大规模且最为斑斓的社会实验。||7:其社会工程的散播广度让其它任何私有的、政府的或是非盈利的企业都相形见拙,为社会发展带来的影响无人能及。 | ||1: Although Mohammed Yunus won the Nobel peace prize in 2006 for helping the poor, his Grameen Bank was neither the first nor the largest microfinance lender in his native Bangladesh; BRAC was. ||2: Its microfinance operation disburses about $1 billion a year. ||3: But this is only part of what it does: it is also an internet-service provider; it has a university; its primary schools educate 11% of Bangladesh’s children. ||4: It runs feed mills, chicken farms, tea plantations and packaging factories. ||5: BRAC has shown that NGOs do not need to be small and that a little-known institution from a poor country can outgun famous Western charities. ||6: In a book on BRAC entitled “Freedom from Want”, Ian Smillie calls it “undoubtedly the largest and most variegated social experiment in the developing world. ||7: The spread of its work dwarfs any other private, government or non-profit enterprise in its impact on development.” |