属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-中国股市再次大跌 创下八年最大单日跌幅
1 | "凭借苏州工业园区的经验,""双边合作联合委员会""不仅旨在加深双边合作,而且能开拓更多新的合作领域,比如资讯科技,教育和医疗保健等。" | Leveraging on the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)experience, the JCBC will not only allow us to deepen our bilateral cooperation, but enable us to identify new opportunities to work together-such as in Info-technology (IT), education and healthcare. | |
2 | 1899年,欧宝公司运用其37年来的工程和制造经验,生产出了自己的第一辆汽车。 | In 1899, Opel produced its first car, leveraging its 37 years of engineering and manufacturing experience. | |
3 | 借助 TradeAbility Import Compliance 的力量,您将能够在全球运输与跨国贸易的复杂领域内稳步前行。 | Leveraging the power of TradeAbility Import Compliance will help you navigate smoothly through the complex world of global shipping and trading across borders. | |
4 | 借助 UPS 全球网络的广泛度和可靠性、海关清关以及直接运抵目的地国家或地区内的多个地址的服务,所有这些均可通过单一资源完成。 | Leveraging the breadth and reliability of the UPS global network, customs clearance, and direct delivery to multiple addresses within a destination country--all through a single source. | |
5 | 借助 UPS 全球网络的广泛度与可靠性,UPS Trade Direct 海运可减少您供应链的运转天数--将货物从海外直接递送至您的客户所在地。 | By leveraging the breadth and reliability of the UPS global network, UPS Trade Direct Ocean can remove days from your supply chain-delivering goods from overseas directly to your customers′ locations. | |
6 | 借助 UPS 全球网络的广泛度与可靠性,UPS 海运直航贸易可减少您供应链的运转天数--将货物从海外直接递送至您的客户所在地。 | By leveraging the breadth and reliability of the UPS global network, UPS Trade Direct Ocean can remove days from your supply chain-delivering goods from overseas directly to your customers′ locations. | |
7 | 借助中国不断成熟的高素质人力资源和良好的通信基础设施 | by leveraging on China′s ever experienced high-caliber professionals and the country′s well-established communication infrastructure. | |
8 | 台湾牛乳产业剩余乳及其调节措施之研究 | A Study on the Surplus Milk of Dairy Industry and Its Leveraging Strategies in Taiwan | |
9 | 这也符合我们的更赢利的下游的战略, 即通过在高增长市场的资产组合取得更赢利的下游业务。 | It is also in line with Shell′s strategy of profitable downstream through leveraging our portfolio in high growth markets. | |
10 | 雷蒙德·杨(Raymond Yeung)是澳新银行的中国经济学家。他说,大跌的主要原因是中国股市没有实现去杠杠化。去杠杆化意味着减少用于投资的借贷资金。 | Raymond Yeung is a China economist at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group. He says the main reason for the sharp drop is that Chinese stock markets are not done de-leveraging . De-leveraging means to reduce the amount of money borrowed to pay for investments. | |
11 | “手机搜索市场还有很大的发展潜力”,而百度的新产品“仍可以利用他们的搜索优势。” | The "growth potential is big right now in this core search market" and the new products are "still leveraging their search capabilities. " | |
12 | “通过世界级的外包,我们还让患者和医生清楚的认识到我们的存在,”Kulp说。 | "By leveraging world-class resources, we also gave patients and doctors the clear impression that we were here to stay, " said Kulp. | |
13 | “我们目前预计,2009年新增贷款将达到9万亿。这种再杠杆化的速度在中国是空前的。” | "We now expect total new lending in 2009 to reach Rmb9, 000bn, a speed of re-leveraging unprecedented in China’s history. " | |
14 | Dimon称,银行正在通过大规模的杠杆手段募集资金和对冲基金。 | Dimon said banks are raising capital and hedge funds have been through massive de-leveraging . | |
15 | IBM正在通过其他方式利用Eclipse的客户端特性。 | IBM is leveraging the client-side features of Eclipse in other ways as well. | |
16 | LinkShare在提高其市场地位方面的工作是非常出色的,因而才能同他的客户们签订严格的排他性合同。 | LinkShare did an excellent job of leveraging its market position to get such strict, exclusive contracts with its customers. | |
17 | OSS工具对于利用团体开发和协作推动革新是至关重要的。 | OSS tools are crucial to driving innovation by leveraging community development and collaboration. | |
18 | Web服务体系架构利用因特网普遍深入的特性简化了分布式应用的创建。 | Web services architecture simplifies the creation of distributed applications by leveraging the pervasive nature of the Internet. | |
19 | 保持IT行业发展的前瞻性对于发现和使用业界重大技术趋势具有关键性的作用,布拉沙说。 | Staying on top of IT industry developments is key to spotting and leveraging important trends, Bourassa says. | |
20 | 备注:考虑你对事件传输的首选和利用现有基础架构的可能性。 | Comment: Consider your preferences for event delivery and possible leveraging existing infrastructure. | |
21 | 本期几乎将本系列之前的每篇文章都贯穿起来,利用那些文章中提到的技巧、工具和态度。 | This installment ties together virtually every previous article in the series, leveraging the techniques, tools, and attitudes presented. | |
22 | 不过,在本例中,我们可以进行相当程度的简化,只是通过补充我们的第一个证明来给出一个直接证明。 | However, in this case we can simplify things quite a bit and just show a direct proof by leveraging our first proof. | |
23 | 不过德国央行总裁魏德曼周六表示,对杠杆化EFSF的想法保留意见。 | Yet German central bank Governor Jens Weidmann expressed reservations about the idea of EFSF leveraging on Saturday. | |
24 | 不能有效实用人才的另一个原因是缺少想象力。 | The second reason for not leveraging a highly talented person is lack of imagination. | |
25 | 此外,对数据库执行过多的查询可能会影响服务器性能。 | Also, leveraging too many queries to the database can adversely affect server performance. | |
26 | 此外,可以利用这些事件编写应用程序代码。 | In addition, you can write application code leveraging these events. | |
27 | 答案是利用金融工程等类似措施实行“杠杆作用”,但这个能直接导致全球金融危机。 | The answer is "leveraging " through financial engineering of the sort that helped cause the global crisis in the first place. | |
28 | 大概可以这样说,你的未来取决于,如何在曲折多变的职业生涯中,经营你的影响力。 | More likely, your future depends on leveraging your strengths along a winding career path ripe with possibilities. | |
29 | 但是,为什么大股东们不采取行动,在杠杆率升至危险水平之前加以阻止呢? | But why did big shareholders not move to stop over-leveraging before it reached dangerous levels? | |
30 | 当公司利用信息技术(IT)来自动处理业务流程时,可以让他们的业务执行的速度更快、成本更低。 | Companies can do business faster and cheaper when leveraging Information Technology (IT) to automate their business processes. |