1 | 各成员认识到,只要不能获得其他适当程序,自动进口许可程序即可能是必要的。 | Members recognize that automatic import licensing may be necessary whenever other appropriate procedures are not available. | |
2 | 各成员应保证用以实施进口许可制度的行政程序符合本协定解释的GATT1994的有关规定,包括其附件和议定书,以期防止因不适当实施这些程序而产生的贸易扭曲,同时考虑发展中国家成员的经济发展目的及财政和贸易需要。 | Members shall ensure that the administrative procedures used to implement import licensing regimes are in conformity with the relevant provisions of GATT 1994 including its annexes and protocols, as interpreted by this Agreement, with a view to preventing trade distortions that may arise from an inappropriate operation of those procedures, taking into account the economic development purposes and financial and trade needs of developing country Members. | |
3 | 工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同。 | This type of contract refers to a contract which involves the assignment or licensing of an invention patent, a patent for usage rights to a new pattern, an exterior design patent or a trademark. | |
4 | 关于制定进口许可程序的通知应包括下列信息:(a)受许可程序管理的产品清单;(b)有关资格信息的联络点;(c)申请书提交的一个或多个行政机关 | Notifications of the institution of import licensing procedures shall include the following information:(a)list of products subject to licensing procedures;(b)contact point for information on eligibility;(c)administrative body(ies)for submission of applications | |
5 | 广播事务管理科〔影视及娱乐事务管理处〕 | Broadcasting Division [Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority] | |
6 | 核监视委员会和核工业都希望促进采用新一代核电设备,都希望得到“一次性”许可证。 | One device which NRC and the nuclear industry hoped would facilitate introduction of the next generation of power plants was "one-stop" licensing | |
7 | 技术许可证和外国直接投资的模式和趋势:其决定因素的经验研究 | Patterns and Trends in Technology Licensing and Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Studies of Their Determinants | |
8 | 鉴于此,外贸法原则规定了对外贸经营者的许可制度。该法规定中国将按照签署的国际条约和协议逐步解除外贸制,而不是简单地接受货物进出口自由和技术进出口自由原则。 | In view of this, the Foreign Trade Law provides for the foreign trade manager licensing system in principle. The law states that China will only follow the principle of gradual decontrol in accordance with international treaties and agreements which it has signed rather than simply adopt the principle of the free import and export of goods and technologies. | |
9 | 进口旧机电产品是否符合强制性产品认证制度、进口质量许可管理的要求 | Checking whether the used mechanical and electrical products to be imported meet the requirements of the compulsory product certification system and the import quality licensing administration | |
10 | 进口许可程序规则的实施应保持中性,并以公平、公正的方式进行管理。 | The rules for import licensing procedures shall be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner. | |
11 | 进口用于销售、租赁或者维修等用途且国家实施强制性产品认证制度、进口质量许可管理 | For the import of used mechanical and electrical products for the purposes of sales, leasing and repairs, etc. which are subject to the implementation of the compulsory product certification system and the import quality licensing administration | |
12 | 经周详研究后,集团已于本年度终止与日本卡通品牌多啦A梦(Doraemon)和Sanrio产品的特许经营协议,并由特许经营人变为经营权出让人,以集团自创品牌小兔亚比(Robbithebunny)为主力。 | During the year, following careful evaluation, the Group has terminated the licensing agreements with the licensors of Japanese cartoon characters “Doraemon” and “Sanrio”, and shifted the focus of this division from being a licensee to becoming a licensor to capitalise on the Group’s own brand “Robbi the bunny”. | |
13 | 就本协定而言,进口许可定义为用以实施进口许可制度的行政程序,该制度要求向有关行政机关提交申请或其他文件(报关所需文件除外),作为货物进入进口成员关税领土的先决条件。 | For the purpose of this Agreement, import licensing is defined as administrative procedures used for the operation of import licensing regimes requiring the submission of an application or other documentation (other than that required for customs purposes)to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation into the customs territory of the importing Member. | |
14 | 均应在向第4条规定的进口许可程序委员会做出通知的信息来源中予以公布,以使政府3和贸易商知晓。 | In the sources notified to the Committee on Import Licensing provided for in Article 4, in such a manner as to enable governments and traders to become acquainted with them. | |
15 | 可能的通知、册或许可要求(若有的话)。 | and notifications, registration or licensing requirements, if any | |
16 | 克米尼委员会还发现,由于核监视委员会一直关注的是批准许可证,所以对确保核安全正在运行的程序注意不够。 | The Kemeny Commission also found that because NRC’s primary focus had been on licensing , there was insufficient attention to the ongoing process of assuring nuclear safety | |
17 | 联合国欧洲经济委员会成员国许可证程序手册 | Manual on Licensing Procedures in Member Countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | |
18 | 马利父子说他们在我们自己的政府方面倒没有遇到许可证的问题。 | The Mariscals report they’ve had no licensing problems with our own government. | |
19 | 其它方法指的是通过全资分支机构,许可转让,合资企业,合同生产或合同管理。 | all the others involve foreign manufacturing or processing, either through wholly owned subsidiaries, licensing , joined ventures, contract manufacturing, or management contracting. | |
20 | 取水许可技术考核与管理通则 | General regulation on technical assessment and management for water licensing | |
21 | 确信进口许可、特别是非自动进口许可,应以透明和可预测的方式实施 | Convinced that import licensing , particularly non-automatic import licensing, should be implemented in a transparent and predictable manner | |
22 | 认识到GATT1994的规定可适用于进口许可程序;期望保证进口许可的使用方式不违背GATTl994的原则和义务 | Recognizing the provisions of GATT 1994 as they apply to import licensing procedures; desiring to ensure that import licensing procedures are not utilized in a manner contrary to the principles and obligations of GATT 1994 | |
23 | 认识到非自动进口许可程序的行政负担不应超过为管理有关措施所绝对必需的限度 | Recognizing that non-automatic licensing procedures should be no more administratively burdensome than absolutely necessary to administer the relevant measure | |
24 | 认识到进口许可的不适当使用可以阻碍国际贸易的流动;确信进口许可、特别是非自动进口许可,应以透明和可预测的方式实施 | Recognizing that the flow of international trade could be impeded by the inappropriate use of import licensing procedures; convinced that import licensing, particularly non-automatic import licensing, should be implemented in a transparent and predictable manner | |
25 | 认识到用于某些目的的自动进口许可的有用性,且此种许可不应用以限制贸易;认识到进口许可可用以管理根据GATT1994的有关规定采取的措施 | Recognizing the usefulness of automatic import licensing for certain purposes and that such licensing should not be used to restrict trade;recognizing that import licensing may be employed to administer measures such as those adopted pursuant to the relevant provisions of GATT 1994 | |
26 | 任何个人、公司或机构只要满足进口成员有关从事受自动许可管理产品的进口经营的法律要求,均有同等资格进行申请,并获得进口许可证 | Any person, firm or institution which fulfils the legal requirements of the importing Member for engaging in import operations involving products subject to automatic licensing is equally eligible to apply for and to obtain import licences | |
27 | 任何利害关系成员,如认为另一成员未依照第1款至第3款的规定将制定许可程序或其变更的情况通知委员会,则可将此问题提请该另一成员注意。 | Any interested Member which considers that another Member has not notified the institution of a licensing procedure or changes therein in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 through 3 may bring the matter to the attention of such other Member. | |
28 | 如此后通知未迅速做出,则该成员可自行将许可程序或其变更情况,包括所有有关和可获得的信息作出通知。 | If notification is not made promptly thereafter, such Member may itself notify the licensing procedure or changes therein, including all relevant and available information. | |
29 | 如上述要素发生变更,则应在关于进口许可程序变更的通知中予以说明。 | Notifications of changes in import licensing procedures shall indicate the elements mentioned above, if changes in such occur. | |
30 | 商标权允许转让(授权),例如集体商标的保护。 | The assignment of the trademark rights is possible (licensing ), as is the possibility of community trademark protection. |