1 | 斯威士兰政府获悉,该国国际机场的指挥塔和雷达系统都已失灵,夜间降落的照明条件也很差,使得飞行员只能凭记忆飞行。 | Swaziland’s international airport has no working control tower or radar system, and lighting for nighttime landings is so poor that pilots are forced to fly by memory, the government has been told | |
2 | 随着具有更高机械精密度的小型照相机、清晰性和光学效果更佳的镜头,以及感光程度更高的胶卷等的发展,许多摄影场合已不再需要附加光源。 | With the development of miniature cameras of great mechanical precision, lenses combining sharpness with great light-passing power, and film of high sensitivity, it is no longer necessary to use auxiliary lighting for most situations. | |
3 | 他解释说,“我们在演出该剧时,有地板上开门的机关,有各种灯光效果,还有其他像动力飞人一样的效果等等。” | "We have things like doors coming up through floors, lots of lighting effects and other effects like power flying in this production," he explains | |
4 | 他喜欢蓝色和淡紫色的灯光,并想尽借口将它们使用于霓虹灯广告牌中,他喜欢这种招牌的不真实性波士顿环球) | He likes blue and lavender lighting and finds lots of excuses to use it in the neon Popsicle landscape whose unrealness he celebrates(Boston Globe) | |
5 | 他叙述了一家意大利公司的作法,这家公司租用了一块衰落的工厂旧址,雇用了电影制片人威姆·温德斯的灯光师,并采用了现代顶峰的音响设备,只不过是想在“名牌”广告中展示他们最新的椅子系列产品。 | Describing the efforts of one Italian firm, which hired a decaying industrial estate, film-maker Wire Wenders’s lighting technician and a state-of-the-art sound system just to present their latest range of chairs in a "designer" commercial | |
6 | 它们的电子构型十分稳定,没有可被分享的不配对电子,这使它们极端地不活泼,因此也就 | "Their stable electronic configurations, with no unpaired electrons to share, make them extremely unreactive-hence "noble" (i.e., aloof)or inert-though the three heaviest, with outer electrons held less firmly, can form compounds (mainly with fluorine). These gases absorb and give off electromagnetic radiation in a much less complex way than other substances, a property exploited in their use in fluorescent lighting devices and discharge lamps." | |
7 | 碳丝电阻灯(不包括照明用碳丝灯) | carbon filament lamp resistance (excl. carbon filament lamps for lighting ) | |
8 | 同萤光灯和放电灯相比,白炽灯的效率不高,现今主要还是家用电灯。 | Inefficient in comparison with fluorescent lamps and electric discharge lamps, incandescent lighting is today reserved mainly for domestic use. | |
9 | 违反《航标条例》第十一条的规定,在航标附近设置有碍航行安全的灯光或音响装置 | Setting up any lighting or sound devices affecting navigation safety in the vicinity of a navigation aid in violation of Article 11 of the Regulation on Navigation Aids | |
10 | 吴少奶奶忽然插进来说,她的阴沉的病容上展出朝霞似的艳笑来。 | exclaimed his wife, her haggard face lighting up with a dazzling smile | |
11 | 舞台灯光产生 | The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene | |
12 | 舞台灯光产生月夜景色的效果. | The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene. | |
13 | 氩还在照明工业得到了广泛应用,填充灯泡,以及同其它稀有气体一起用于获得特殊的颜色效果。 | Argon is also widely used in the lighting industry for filling bulbs and in combination with other rare gases for special color effects. | |
14 | 焰火照亮了夜空 | Fireworks lighting the sky. | |
15 | 要是改变照明,便可完全改变房间的气氛。 | You can completely change the atmosphere of a room if you change the lighting . | |
16 | 要为夜间的转移操作提供充分的照明。 | Adequate lighting shall be provided for nighttime transfer operation. | |
17 | 印制的天体或地球仪,不论是否有内部照明 | celestial or terrestrial globe printed with or without internal lighting (excl. those in relief and those more than 100 years old) | |
18 | 印制的月球仪,不论是否有内部照明(不包括浮雕式) | lunar globe printed with or without internal lighting (excl. those in relief) | |
19 | 荧光灯,室外照明用 | fluorescent lamp for outdoor lighting | |
20 | 用桐油照明的时代已经过去了。 | The use of tung oil for lighting dwellings has seen its day. | |
21 | 岳丰科技公司有幸研发,制造这些产品,行销遍及全世界,可说是照亮宇宙,整合资讯、提供新知识的直接贡献者。 | YFC-BonEagle Electric Company Ltd is fortunate and proud of being the producer of these products selling worldwide. In addition to earning the foreign exchange through exporting these goods; enhancing competitiveness of this nation we are believed as one contributor to knowledge based economy through lighting up the world integrating the information used in everydays human life. | |
22 | 在《生活》杂志出版早期,摄影师大量使用同步闪光装置,稍后,又使了并联闪光装置,从而造成更复杂和悦目的灯光效果。 | In the early days of Life, photographers made great use of so-called synchroflash, the next step was the multiple flash, which made possible more sophisticated and pleasing lighting effects. | |
23 | 在地面上一个钟形阁楼里的试验性太阳照明系统用移动的塑料镜跟踪太阳。 | An experimental solar lighting system in an above-ground cupola follows the sun with moving plastic mirrors | |
24 | 在电影中费雯丽为了真实,有意使自己显得衰老些。使用浓妆、假发和强烈的灯光来掩盖她仍然美丽的容貌。 | Vlvien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the filmò?using heavy makeup,wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful feature | |
25 | 在各别情况下,为达到独特的拍摄效果或在很差的光线条件下拍摄,可用手动选择光圈和设定快门速度。 | Enables manual user-selected aperture and shutter speed settings for individual creative effects or difficult lighting . | |
26 | 在光线条件很差或要求特殊的效果时,能让您手动选择光圈和快门速度值。 | Enable manual user-selected aperture and shutter speed settings for individual creative effects or difficult lighting conditions. | |
27 | 在逆光条件下,拍摄景物由于非常明亮的背景而曝光不足,请根据光线条件把曝光补偿调整至(+)值。 | In backlit conditions the subject will be underexposed because of the very bright background. Set the exposure compensation to a plus (+)value depending on the lighting conditions. | |
28 | 战时街道照明实行半灯火管制。 | Street lighting was dimmed out during the war. | |
29 | 照明扇的既有目光灯也有白炽灯,这些灯大多数装在跟天花板联接的架子或格子上。这样,地上就不会有电线了。 | For lighting , both fluorescent and incandescent lamps are used, most of which hang from a permanent scaffolding or grid attached to the ceiling. This keeps the floor clear of cables. | |
30 | 照明师负责安装,操作照明设备。管理布景的置景员负责搬动布景和摄影设备。 | The mounting, placing, and operating of lighting equipment are handled by electricians. Grip men are responsible for moving scenery and camera equipment. |