属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国和二战 特殊的关系
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科学出版 信息的价格
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-核辐射与进化 辐射尘中幸免于难
1 | 他把第一口烟深深地吸进肺以再慢悠悠地吐了出来。 | He drew the first whiff of smoke deep into his lungs and expelled it in a long and lingering exhalation | |
2 | 他绊了一下又站稳了。 | He stumbled but recovered me from a lingering illness | |
3 | 他沉疴顿愈。 | He has recovered from his serious lingering disease. | |
4 | 他的内心深处涌起了一阵残余的温情,就象一堆灰烬里遗留的火星一样。 | There stirred far down within him the ghost of warmth, as from sparks lingering beneath a mound of flaky ash | |
5 | 他们一起在尸体旁边聊天,加油添醋地谈她缠绵枕席时种种轶闻,以及生病的真正的或想象的原因。 | They gossiped together over the corpse, related anecdotes, with embellishments, of her lingering decline, and its real or supposed cause | |
6 | 他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点。 | They met last night to clear up any lingering doubts. | |
7 | 他身患痼疾,常年缠绵病榻。 | He’s bedridden throughout the year with a lingering , obstinate disease. | |
8 | 他为什么留连学校? | Why is he lingering about the school? | |
9 | 他站在那观察它的阴影,追寻萦回不散的回声。 | He stood there probing its shadows, tracing its lingering echoes | |
10 | 我独自坐在这儿消磨时间 | I alone sit lingering here | |
11 | 我独自坐在这儿消磨时间(亨利·沃恩)。Sojourn指在一处暂住 | I alone sit lingering here(Henry Vaughan.To sojourn is to reside temporarily in a place | |
12 | 我尽量把话说得婉转,解释了蒂尼的情况和我们的诊断结果,告诉他蒂尼会慢慢地死去。 | I tried to be as tactful as possible, explaining Tiny’s problem and what we could expect, which was a slow, lingering death | |
13 | 吴祖强根据阿炳原作改编的弦乐合奏《二泉映月》则是一部深沉丰富、音韵悠长的作品 | The string symphony Two Springs Reflect the Moon, rearranged by Wu Zuqiang based on the original composition by He Bingyuan, has richness and depth, and a lingering melody | |
14 | 旋律悠长徐缓,富于变化。 | The melody is lingering , and rich in variations. | |
15 | 一天中那个日夜交错的迷幻时刻已经过了--外面静静的,又旖旎,又温暖,山楂花和紫丁香的香气仍旧留在河边空气里。 | It was past the disillusioned moment which divides the day and night-still and lingering and warm, with hawthorn scent and lilac scent clinging on the riverside air | |
16 | 一样离恨 两般韵致-白居易《长恨歌》与王安忆《长恨歌》之比较 | One Kind of Grief of Parting, Two Forms of Lingering charm-The Contrast of BAI Ju-yi’s Poem the Singing of Eternal Regret and WANG An-yi’s Novel of the Same Name | |
17 | 一种看法认为,节奏自由、旋律悠长的民歌,就是通常所说的山歌。 | One point of view holds that the category of mountain songs includes all kinds of songs with free rhythms and lingering melodies | |
18 | 医生把我久缠于身的病医好了。 | The doctor recovered me from a lingering illness. | |
19 | 依依不舍的神情. | a lingering look | |
20 | 以往努力要建立一个联合行动框架流于失败是因为持续的不信任以及像巴尔干危机这样的问题上双方所存在真正分歧。 | Previous efforts at establishing a framework for joint action foundered on the rocks of lingering suspicion and genuine differences over issues like the crisis in the Balkans. | |
21 | 意趣幽玄 静寂余韵-王维山水诗与松尾芭蕉的俳句之比较 | Profound, Subtle, Solitude and Lingering Aftertaste-A Comparative Study on WANG Wei’s Landscape Poems and Matsuo Basho’s Poems | |
22 | 音乐会结束很久了,一些人还在大厅里留连。 | Some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended | |
23 | 由于预期政局会持续不明朗,该国金融市场很可能再受打击。 | The prospect of lingering political uncertainty is likely to hit the country’s financial markets anew. | |
24 | 在街上走一走,还能听到久违了的川剧座唱,看到蜀绣等民间工艺品。 | Take a walk on the streets, and you will hear the lingering sounds of the Sichuan opera and see all kinds of folk handicrafts including embroideries. | |
25 | 在理想与现实间的徘徊-社会工作专业实习教育的反思 | Lingering between the Ideals and realities-A Reflection of the General Practice Education of Community of Civilized Villages and Towns | |
26 | 在人们耳际荡起滔滔势的余响,表达了对华夏河山的赞美和热爱。 | The lingering echo of the dashing waters are a paean of praise to and an expression of love for China’s landscape. | |
27 | 这孩子因母亲久病不愈颇引人怜,已经成为一种重修旧好的阶梯了。 | The boy had, with the additional softening claim of a lingering illness of his mother’s, been the means of a sort of reconciliation | |
28 | ||1:本书写道:后来成为战时指挥官的马歇尔一直拒绝向四面楚歌的英国提供帮助,这种情况一直持续到1941年年末。||2:尽管马歇尔基本上从来没有公开反对向英国提供援助,但是当来自美国的援助一点点流向英国时,他对之进行了阻止;马歇尔还暗中反对政府的政策。||3:几名美国高级军官“实际上是亲德的”。||4:在本书中,罗斯福优柔寡断至极、埋头研究民意调查、“等着被推入战争”—罗斯福就是这么告诉他的财政部长的。||5:珍珠港袭击发生后,在美的英国军官用香槟酒庆祝,甚至在那以后,罗斯福总统仍然犹豫不决,认为“向日本开战”和“在第二战线与德国开战”这两种民意“一直存在区别”。||6:最后,希特勒率先向美国开战,从而为罗斯福做了决定。 | ||1: George Marshall, who would later become a great war commander, is shown resisting help for embattled Britain until late in 1941. ||2: Marshall never quite rebelled openly, but he shielded aides as they leaked and schemed against government policy. ||3: Several senior officers were“essentially pro-German”. ||4: For his part Roosevelt is shown as perilously indecisive, poring over opinion polls and “waiting to be pushed into war”, as he told his treasury secretary. ||5: Even after the attack on Pearl Harbour, which was greeted with champagne by British officials in America, the president hesitated, detecting a “lingering distinction” in public opinion between war with Japan and a second front with Germany. ||6: In the end, Hitler made the decision for him by declaring war on America. | |
29 | 此外,关于只有电子版的刊物的偏见一直存在。 | And there is also a lingering prejudice against electronic-only publishing. | |
30 | 鸟类能够通过进化应对核事故的残余影响 | Birds can evolve to cope with the lingering effects of nuclear incidents |