1 | 按法律授助计划获得帮助的诉讼当事人 | litigant who receive assistance under the legal aid scheme | |
2 | 案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和理由 | The subject matter of the case, the litigant ’s request and the facts and reasons in dispute | |
3 | 被告及其诉讼代理人答辩 | Reply by the defendant and his litigant representative | |
4 | 必须到庭的当事人和其他诉讼参与人有正当理由没有到庭的 | Where the litigant and other litigant participants who must appear before the court are absent with proper reason | |
5 | 财产保全限于请求的范围,或者与本案有关的财物。 | Custody of property is confined to the scope of litigant request or to the property or articles related to the case in question. | |
6 | 代表人的诉讼行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力 | The representative’s litigant acts are binding on the litigants he represents. | |
7 | 代理诉讼的律师和其他诉讼代理人有权调查收集证据,可以查阅本案有关材料。 | Lawyers acting as litigant representatives or other representatives of the litigant have the rights to investigate, collect evidence and inspect the files of the case in question. | |
8 | 代为转交的机关、单位收到诉讼文书后,必须立即交受送达人签收,以在送达回证上的签收日期,为送达日期。 | The aforementioned organ or unit, upon receiving the litigant documents, must promptly forward them to the addressee, who shall sign on receipt. The date marked on the receipt is the date of delivery. | |
9 | 但代表人变更、放弃诉讼请求或者承认对方当事人的诉讼请求,进行和解,必须经被代表的当事人同意。 | When the representative acts to alter or abandon the litigant request, recognize the litigant request of the other party, or reconcile, he must have the approval of the litigants he represents. | |
10 | 当事人必须依法行使诉讼权利,遵守诉讼秩序,履行发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书和调解书。 | A litigant must exercise his rights in accordance with the law, observe procedural order, and implement any legally binding verdict, ruling and mediation agreement. | |
11 | 当事人不服地方人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。 | A litigant contesting a judgment of first instance rendered by a local people’s court has the right to appeal to the people’s court at the next higher level within 15 days upon the delivery of the court verdict. | |
12 | 当事人的姓名、性别、年龄、民族、职业、工作单位和住所,法人或者其他组织的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务 | The name, sex, age, nationality, occupation, work unit and address of the litigant , the name and address of the legal person or other organization, and the name and position of the principal responsible person | |
13 | 当事人对财产保全或者先予执行的裁定不服的,可以申请复议一次。 | Where the litigant protests against the ruling for custody of property or prior execution, he may apply for reconsideration | |
14 | 当事人或者当事人的成年家属应当到场,拒不到场的,不影响勘验的进行。 | The litigant or an adult member of his family shall be present on the scene, if he refuses to be present, it shall not affect the inspection. | |
15 | 当事人进行民事诉讼,应当按照规定交纳案件受理费。 | In civil proceedings, the litigant shall pay a fee for acceptance of the case in accordance with regulations. | |
16 | 当事人经法庭许可,可以向证人、鉴定人、勘验人发问。 | With the permission of the court, the litigant may question the witnesses, the expert witness and the inspector. | |
17 | 当事人拒绝陈述的,不影响人民法院根据证据认定案件事实。 | Where a litigant refuses to make a statement, it shall not affect the establishment of facts in the case by the people’s court on the basis of the evidence. | |
18 | 当事人可以查阅本案有关材料,并可以复制本案有关材料和法律文书。 | A litigant may inspect materials pertaining to the case, and copy such materials and legal documents. | |
19 | 当事人临时提出回避申请的 | Where the litigant suddenly submits a request to challenge the hearing | |
20 | 当事人没有提出申请的,人民法院在必要时也可以裁定采取财产保全措施。 | Where the litigant does not make such an application, the people’s court may rule for custody of property when necessary. | |
21 | 当事人提出回避申请,应当说明理由,在案件开始审理时提出 | In challenging, a litigant shall submit the reasons at the beginning of the hearing | |
22 | 当事人要求重新进行调查、鉴定或者勘验的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。 | The litigant may request another expert corroboration, investigation or inspection. It is up to the people’s court to decide whether the request is permitted or not. | |
23 | 当事人一方或者双方为二人以上,其诉讼标的是共同的,或者诉讼标的是同一种类、人民法院认为可以合并审理并经当事人同意的,为共同诉讼。 | A joinder is a case in which the litigants of one or both parties involve two or more people with common litigant objects or objects of the same type, and which a people’s court deems appropriate to handle together after obtaining the litigants’ consent. | |
24 | 当事人因不可抗拒的事由或者其他正当理由耽误期限的,在障碍消除后的十日内,可以申请顺延期限 | Where the time limit has been exceeded owing to force majeure or other legitimate grounds, the litigant may, within 10 days after the obstacle is removed, request an extension of the time limit | |
25 | 当事人有权委托代理人,提出回避申请,收集、提供证据,进行辩论,请求调解,提起上诉,申请执行。 | A litigant has the right to entrust his representative with applying for withdrawal, collecting and presenting evidence, taking part in arguments, requesting mediation, filing an appeal and requesting execution. | |
26 | 当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。 | Litigants have the right of disposing of their own civil rights and litigant rights within the limits prescribed by law. | |
27 | 当事人在法庭上可以提出新的证据。 | The litigant may present new evidence at the court. | |
28 | 当事人直接向第二审人民法院上诉的,第二审人民法院应当在五日内将上诉状移交原审人民法院。 | Where a litigant appeals directly to the people’s court sitting as the court of second instance, the latter shall, within five days, send copies of the appeal to the trial court. | |
29 | 第三人及其诉讼代理人发言或者答辩 | Speech or reply by the third party and his litigant representative | |
30 | 对不属于本院管辖的案件,告知原告向有管辖权的人民法院起诉 | If a people’s court has no jurisdiction over a certain case, the litigant shall be informed to present the case to the people’s court that has the jurisdiction over the case. |