属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒特·菲茨傑拉德 Garret FitzGerald
1 | 我一直都期盼着去欧洲旅行,办理完离婚手续,我们计划一起出游。 | I’d always longed to see Europe, and, with my divorce final, we planned the trip together | |
2 | 在这种环境中感到悲伤便成了一件诱人的事。嘉莉渴望能置身其中。 | Grief under such circumstances becomes an enticing thing. Carrie longed to be of it. | |
3 | 战士想家。 | The soldiers longed for their own hearths. | |
4 | 中国人民始终希望天下太平、希望同各国人民友好相处。 | The Chinese people have always longed for peace prevailing across the world and wish to live in harmony with the people of all the other countries. | |
5 | ||1:从1968年起,每天工作结束,他都站在画布前照一张黑白照,都是些像寸照一样的照片,照他没有表情的脸。这也是这个项目的一部分。他说,这不是自我中心,更不是自恋。||2:毕竟,他的作品里没有传达任何关于他平日生活的事情,一点都没有,没有关于他在法国出生的事情,没有他在波兰经历战争的童年生活,没有他在华沙学习艺术的事情,没在柏林那一年的事情,这些,与他自愿接受的这项巨大任务相对都不重要。||3:人们问到他的作品时,他有点羞怯,轻轻扶了下眼镜框,谈起海格德尔,帕斯卡,谈成古代希腊人赋予数字的意义,他笑起来,带着点压抑的欢乐。怎能不欢乐?||4:人们看他像住在监狱里,可是每刷动一次笔刷,他都感觉到更加自由。||5:他每一幅自拍照片,银色的头发,白的肤色,展示着他的生命就像他所渴望的无穷的数字一样不可逆转地延续着。 | ||1:From 1968, at the end of every working day, he took a black-and-white photograph of his impassive face against the canvas. This too was part of the project. It was not egoism or narcissism, he insisted.||2: After all, his art told people nothing about his quotidian life. None of it—the birth in France, the childhood in Poland interrupted by war, the art studies in Warsaw, the year in Berlin—seemed important beside the immensity of the self-imposed task. ||3:He spoke about that, when asked, rather diffidently, softly rubbing the rims of his glasses in one hand, talking of Heidegger and Pascal and the notions of number held by the ancient Greeks, smiling often with what seemed to be repressed joy. And why not?||4: Though people saw him as a prisoner, he felt more liberated with every stroke of the brush.||5: Each of his self-portraits, with steadily silvering hair and whitening skin, showed him progressing as inevitably as his numbers into the infinity he longed for. | |
6 | ||1:大卫·格罗斯曼的新小说《走向天尽头》以发烧病房作为开头并非偶然。||2:随着小说情节的展开,读者发现发烧不只是身体病状。||3:发烧成为了以色列生存状态的特征。||4:大卫先生作品的人物与其说是具有了经验,不如说被经验缠住不得脱身。||5:他们被不断要发生的种种深度不确定性事件引发了发烧症:恐怖分子的炸弹、至爱亲朋的死于非命、祖国四面受敌的严峻态势。||6: 归于安定和平几无可能。||7:一些人寻求躲之避之,另一些人则要斗之抗之。||8:这个不确定性弥漫于存在状态的方方面面,其弥漫的方式却有截然不同的两种,各自代表了个人的或政治上极不可能实现的愿景。 | ||1:It is no accident that the prologue to David Grossman’s new novel, “To the End of the Land”, takes place in a fever ward.||2:As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness.||3:It becomes a description of the existential state of Israel.||4:Mr Grossman’s characters are not so much in possession of their experiences as possessed by them.||5:They are gripped by a deep uncertainty about what will happen next: a terrorist bomb, the violent death of someone close, the overwhelming of their country by the enemies that surround it.||6:It is next to impossible to rest or be at peace.||7:Some seek to withdraw from this situation, others to resist it.||8:It pervades existence in ways that make a distinction between the personal and the political something that is longed for and quite impossible to achieve. | |
7 | ||1:他自身的那些贡献,作为这一系列的开端看起来总像是个失败。||2:他提出的对流产法的小幅度修改,民意惨淡;他提出的关于离婚的法案遭到民众的强烈抵抗;但他成功地带起了民法方面的课题。||3:在北爱尔兰,1973年的Sunningdale,权利分享协议在签署不久后就瓦解了,而他的新爱尔兰论坛又遭到玛格丽特?撒切尔的强烈鄙视(“滚,滚,滚”,她一边喊,一边一个接一个的否定那些题案;后来他补充道这不是她的原话,但就是这种犀利而又“客气”的语气)。||4:该论坛实现了他渴望的一幕——双方的正式代表就教堂等问题沟通交流。||5:即使是1985年的Anglo-Irish协议也被共和党看做背叛,被恐怖分子视为一种鼓励。||6:英国在该条约中首次公认了共和国在北方的利益,不过事实上只是比13年前的Good Friday协议前进了一小步。 | ||1:His own contribution, because it was the start of these processes, often looked like failure.||2:His referendum to amend slightly the law on abortion was shot down, his referendum to bring in divorce resoundingly defeated; but he had succeeded in broaching the subjects in a civil way.||3:On Northern Ireland, the 1973 Sunningdale power-sharing agreement swiftly collapsed, and his New Ireland Forum, in which constitutional parties from both sides were to meet and talk together of the pluralist, inclusive Ireland he longed for, was ruthlessly scorned by Margaret Thatcher.||4: (“Out, out, out,” she cried, demolishing all its proposals one by one; it wasn’t what she said, he reflected later, but the tone in which she said it, so sharp and condescending.||5:) Even the Anglo-Irish agreement of 1985, in which Britain acknowledged for the first time the Republic’s interest in the North, was pictured by unionists as betrayal and by terrorists as encouragement.||6:In fact it was a small, determined step towards the Good Friday agreement 13 years later. | |
8 | ||1:这看起来也是一个矛盾的地方。||2:巴黎南部舒适的中产阶级出身教养所表现出的则像是虐童;而1949年她结婚又离开纽约,在纽约的第一场雕塑展则是一个高高的,轻木做成的雕像,代表了“乡愁”。||3:她的母亲不只是一个蜘蛛——对于她职业像一个织锦画的编制者和修补者——而是一个“母狐狸”,一个大胸的生物,在路易斯试图像个蠕虫般大洞的桥墩上不断地垒石头。||4:他的父亲,帅气而风流,是她试图取悦的对象;而在1974年名为“父亲的毁灭”的巨型橡胶和石膏人物场景作品,展示了一个泛着红色光芒的山洞中,很多乳房形状围绕在一张桌子旁边,可恶的一家之主被撕成碎片并被生吞活剥。 | ||1: That, too, seemed a contradictory place. ||2: A comfortable middle-class upbringing south of Paris was presented as something close to child abuse; yet her first sculpture show, in New York in 1949 after she had married and left, was of tall, sad balsa-wood figures that represented “homesickness”. ||3: Her mother was not only a spider—a reference to her career as a weaver and repairer of tapestries—but a “She-Fox”, a huge-breasted creature of enduring stone squatting on haunches under which Louise tried to burrow, like a worm. ||4: Her father, handsome and philandering, was someone she longed to please; yet in 1974 an enormous tableau in plaster and latex, “The Destruction of the Father”, showed huge mammary forms round a table in a red-glowing cave on which the hated paterfamilias was torn up and devoured. | |
9 | 在舞台上,她没有怎么移动。是因为她蓄发着全身的力量,只为了用让人惊叹喜爱的歌喉,为观众演唱那些表达对爱情极度渴求的歌谣。 | She didn’t move much on stage: every ounce of power was reserved for filling the hall with spine-tingling ballads of longed -for love. | |
10 | “那是跳舞的第一个姿势,”爱丽丝说。可是她被这一切弄得莫名其妙,所以非常希望换一个话题。 | ’It’s the first position in dancing. ’ Alice said; but was dreadfully puzzled by the whole thing, and longed to change the subject. | |
11 | Wolf希望有个可以同时照顾孩子的工作,所以2001年,她创建了纽约儿童俱乐部,一个儿童活动中心。 | Wolf longed for a job that would let her be with her kids. So in 2001, she launched New York Kids Club, a children’s enrichment center. | |
12 | 啊,她多想同他款款而谈! | Oh, how she longed to win him to converse! | |
13 | 巴布尔渴望成为一名伟大的诗人,他写到他羡慕那个不幸的表弟拜桑格赫•米尔扎(BaysunghurMirza)的名望。 | Babur longed to be a great poet, writing admiringly of the fame of his unfortunate cousin Baysunghur Mirza. | |
14 | 不好意思地讲,当初我念书的时候,我常常想给老师送礼。 | When I was a schoolgirl, sad to say, I longed to shower my teachers with presents. | |
15 | 但吉米依然想住在我父母的房子里?继续干他原来的工作。我答应把他送回去。 | Still, Jimmy longed to live in my parents’ house and work at his old job and I pledged to help him return. | |
16 | 当然我也记得Pauline的出生,当我期盼已久的孩子平安降生时我的心被喜悦填满。 | Of course, I was remembering her birth, and my own elation when my longed -for baby was delivered safe and well. | |
17 | 当深深遗憾其间时,他们渴望能在生命中再次地适时大笑和犯糊涂。 | When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. | |
18 | 梵高曾经渴望和米斯特拉尔会面,因他读过后者的作品,十分仰慕。 | Van Gogh longed to meet Mistral, whose work he read and admired. | |
19 | 和那里的许多西方人一样,我真得希望本•拉登能走出雪松林,来到阳光下,让我一睹其容颜。 | Like many other Westerners there, I longed to glimpse Osama bin Laden loping out of a cedar forest, into the sunlight. | |
20 | 和萨哈罗夫结婚后,她常被诽谤为嗜钱如命的犹太人,听到此,她极想用一颗黄星(注释二)装饰她的大衣。 | Called a money-grubbing Jew for marrying Sakharov (a frequent slur), she longed for a yellow star to blazon on her coat. | |
21 | 华盛顿希望能够解甲归田,在弗农山庄安享晚年。 | Washington longed to retire to his fields at Mount Vernon. | |
22 | 即使有时候他真的不再相信了,可是心里还是会很强烈的想要有个拥抱。 | And by this time he longed to be hugged so badly that sometimes he thought he just couldn’t stand it any longer. | |
23 | 劫后余生的军官身处承平年代,显然对这道菜念念不忘啊! | The officers who survived the wartime mincing machine apparently longed for the dish in peacetime London. | |
24 | 她多么希望收回她那些不得体的话啊! | How she longed to unsay her tactless words! | |
25 | 她渴望回到她的祖国。 | She longed to return to her native land . | |
26 | 她渴望有一个小弟弟,大概多几个姐妹会很开心吧。 | She longed for a little brother and probably would have been happy with more siblings. | |
27 | 她虽然并没拿他再回法国的京城作结婚的条件,而她只要结了婚,这便是她心里憧憬的事。 | Though she made no conditions as to his return to the French capital, this was what she secretly longed for in the event of marriage. | |
28 | 她真想问问这位管家奶奶,主人是否真不在家,可是她没有勇气,只得作罢。 | She longed to enquire of the housekeeper whether her master were really absent, but had not courage for it. | |
29 | 举个贴切的例子,那种感觉就像17岁的我吻到了我一直心仪的同岁女孩儿。 | The 17-year-old girl I longed for as a 17-year-old boy had just kissed me. It was exactly like that. | |
30 | 看着你脸色惨白,恨不得能立刻把血输给你。 | Looking at your face pale, longed to immediately lose your blood. |