属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 斥资太空
1 | 从澳洲看科索伏时代思潮对台湾之影响 | Implications for Taiwan of the Kosovo Zeitgeist: Sino-US Military Confrontation is Looming ; Taiwan as the Front Line; War as Punishment and Self-Sacrifice | |
2 | 二十世纪后半叶之前,珠穆朗玛峰是人类望而却步的庞然大物,赫然耸立于天际,笑傲一切冒险者。人类对珠峰的不容冒犯似乎只有无奈。 | Prior to the second half of the twentieth century, Qomolangma was a forbidden monolith looming in the background up in the sky, defying its adventure seekers. No human being seemed to be able to shatter its invincibility. | |
3 | 她同样把这些迫在眉睫的问题告诉了邓肯和邓肯的主管麦克尔·欧登,上诉人的合伙人之一。 | She likewise informed Duncan and Michael Odom, one of petitioner′s partners who had supervisory responsibility over Duncan, of the looming problems. | |
4 | 黎明时,法律的卫士们来到了,银色的地平线上朦胧出现了他们的黑影。 | With the dawn came the guardians of the law, looming dark against the silvery horizon. | |
5 | 美国和英国正积极准备攻打伊拉克,北约的团结却在这个时候面对了巨大的挑战。 | The cohesiveness of NATO is being put to a formidable test pending the looming American and British led war against Iraq. | |
6 | 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前。 | The foothills were looming ahead through the haze. | |
7 | 日常生活的烦恼--就像快要发生核焚化,粗暴的服务员--迫使人们变得作茧隐藏自己。他们走到隔绝处…以便在现实世界中给自己保留一个立身之所(乔治F.威尔) | The harassments of daily life-looming nuclear incineration,rude waiters-have driven people to cocooning.They have gone to ground in their dens.to keep at bay the modern world(George F.Will) | |
8 | 世界经济日益走向一体化,跨国公司影响越来越广泛,知识经济、网络经济时代正在到来 | The world economy is increasingly integrated with each passing day. Transnational corporations have exerted more and more extensive influence and the age of knowledge-based economy and on-line economy is looming near | |
9 | 苏联已经瓦解,俄国也没有能力对西方造成军事威胁,美国和英国正积极准备攻打伊拉克,北约的团结却在这个时候面对了巨大的挑战。 | Now that the Soviet Union is dead and buried, and Russia is no longer a military threat to the West, the cohesiveness of NATO is being put to a formidable test pending the looming American and British led war against Iraq | |
10 | 他们坐在一处可以俯瞰西班牙台阶的风景窗旁,在远处的地方,圣彼得大教堂辉煌地赫然耸立着。 | They sat at a picture window overlooking the Spanish Steps, with Saint Peter’s looming gloriously in the distance | |
11 | 他为隐约呈现的灾祸提心吊胆。 | He was haunted by his looming perils | |
12 | 我们也再次转回通往学校的小径,新的学期在前面呈现,预示着又一年的辛勤学习。 | And we turn towards the path that leads to school once more, with the new term looming ahead, heralding another year of hard work. | |
13 | 小猫的眼睛严重感染,它可能看不见它在哪儿,也看不见它所面临的危险。但是,杰克只是看看小猫,瞧瞧我,再看看小猫。 | The kitten had badly infected eyes,and it probably couldn’t see where it was or what was looming over it. But Jake just looked at the little creature, then looked up at me, and then back at the kitten. | |
14 | 有时,当我过分高兴而且充满希望的时候,伤脑筋的事也就在远处隐隐地出现了。 | Sometimes, when I am excessively hopeful and blithe, a trouble is looming in the distance | |
15 | 这就不难理解为什么在太平洋地区的近代史上,中国的影子若隐若现,令人敬畏。 | Its understandable why China assumed such a looming presence in the early modern history of the Pacific region | |
16 | 值此先因股市疲软,后又因美国许多大企业假帐丑闻频传,致使经济发展颇不明朗之际,布希政府力求藉实施一兆三千亿美元减税计划来刺激经济。 | Because of an early weak stock market, and frequent accounting scandals of many US big companies, the US economy faces a looming expectation. The Bush Administration try to stimulate the economy by a 1,300 billion dollar tax cut bill | |
17 | ||1:不过,凯夫的调查还是存在小瑕疵。||2:他一直宣称,对永生的追求主导了人类所有活动,这未免让人觉得有些夸大。||3:他对于永生自身的定义还存在争议。||4:对于长生的好处(姑且认为这是可能的),凯夫最主要的辩驳观点是人们非常熟悉的:厌烦。||5:该论点认为:随着数十亿年逐渐过去,即使是最有活力的人/永生者也会慢慢意识到自己已经做完了所有可做的事,而且每一件都做了不下数百次了。||6:未来还有数十亿年要面对,这些永生者将会感到一种压倒一切的无聊感。 | ||1:There are a few quibbles.||2:Mr Cave’s repeated claim that the quest for immortality drives every human activity feels overdone.||3:Others might dispute his definition of immortality itself.||4:Mr Cave’s chief argument against the desirability of living for ever (even assuming it is possible) is the familiar one of boredom.||5:As the uncountable billions of years tick away, the argument runs, even the most vivacious will come to realise that they have done everything there is to do, hundreds of times.||6:With yet more billions of years looming ahead they will be struck down with a debilitating ennui. | |
18 | ||1:不论是本书还是贝拉方特的一生中,总有两朵阴霾不肯散去:一个是他的母亲米勒。这女人让人敬畏,而且永不知满足。另一个则是保罗·罗贝孙,他将娱乐与政治激进主义糅合,铺下前路,好让贝拉方特遵循。||2:然而,正是他的激进行为,让其猛然栽入早期冷战妄想与麦卡锡主义中,并在各种黑名单上记录在案,与之相比,贝拉方特幸运多了:其职业生涯的崛起,多多少少与美国民权运动相连。 | ||1: Looming over both this book and its subject’s life are two ghosts: Millie, his formidable, perpetually dissatisfied mother; and Paul Robeson, whose combination of entertainment and political activism⑾ forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow. ||2: But whereas Robeson’s activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia, blacklists and McCarthyism, Mr Belafonte was luckier: his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement. | |
19 | ||1:所以在2002年,代理机构考虑一个将用红外线代替可见光研究宇宙的继任者的计划。这个继任者计划在2010年起飞,而且只花25亿美元,因此当时很容易就通过了。||2:但是9年以后,NASA真的很后悔当初的决定。||3:这台名为JWST的新机器仍然还在工作间,并且它的发射日期一再被推演(2018年是最新的官方估计)。||4:它的成本已经上升到了88亿美元,按照以往的经验推测,这笔预算还会继续增加。||5:在这最佳时期将会是尴尬的。但是随着公共花费削减正隐隐约约呈现并且对NASA未来的预期并不景气,它正造成真的担忧。 | ||1: So in 2002, when the agency considered plans for a successor that would study the universe in infra-red, rather than visible light, would be ready to fly in 2010 and would cost just $2.5 billion, saying "yes" was easy. ||2: Nine years later, NASA is regretting that decision. ||3: The James Webb space telescope (JWST), as the new machine is called, is still in the workshop, and its launch date has been set back repeatedly (2018 is the latest official estimate). ||4: Its cost has gone up to $8.8 billion, a figure that, if history is any guide, could rise still further. ||5: Which would be embarrassing at the best of times, but with public-spending cuts looming and NASA’s budget flat for the foreseeable future, it is causing real strains. | |
20 | ||1:在书中及主人公的生活中投下阴霾的鬼影,是Millie,令他畏惧的永远不满足的母亲;以及Paul Robeson,以政治激进主义为乐,并为Belafonte打造了一条政治道路。||2:然而,尽管Robeson的激进主义使他盲目崇尚早期冷战偏执、黑名单、以及麦卡锡主义,Belafonte则更幸运:他事业的成就或多或少与他参与美国人权运动有关。 | ||1:Looming over both this book and its subject’s life are two ghosts: Millie, his formidable, perpetually dissatisfied mother; and Paul Robeson, whose combination of entertainment and political activism forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow.||2:But whereas Robeson’s activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia, blacklists and McCarthyism, Mr Belafonte was luckier: his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement. | |
21 | 他们的想法是可见光通信将有助于解决即将来临的数据传输瓶颈问题。 | The idea is that light can help with a looming capacity problem. | |
22 | “165年来有记录的平均寿命线性增长,并不是说人的寿命已接近极限。”他们在文章中写道。 | "The linear increase in record life expectancy for more than 165 years does not suggest a looming limit to human lifespan, " they write. | |
23 | “价格压力即将到来,”元大投信国际部基金经理李湘杰表示。 | "Pricing pressure is looming , " said Jerry Lee, a fund manager at Yuanta Securities Investment Trust. | |
24 | 33年后,当Wright为完成《海市蜃楼》一书回到埃及采访时,他发现这个国家发生了深刻的变化。 | When Wright returned to Egypt 33 years later to conduct interviews for The Looming Tower, he found the country profoundly changed. | |
25 | Facebook将在明年进行首次公开募股,它需要证明它有在广告上持续盈利的能力。 | With an initial public offering looming next year, it needs to show that it can keep driving up its ad revenue. | |
26 | iPHone为移动手机战争设定了基调和条件,加上iTunes和AppStore在众多新人面前阴魂不散,包括Android在内。 | The iPhone set the tone and terms for the mobile wars, with iTunes and the App Store looming large over every newcomer, including Android. | |
27 | Wright最初希望在《海市蜃楼》完稿后更换课题。 | Wright initially hoped to change subjects after finishing The Looming Tower. | |
28 | 北极露脊鲸栖息地的经典地图并不包括西北通道---这条通道的更新可能会或隐或现。 | The classical map of bowhead habitat does not include the Northwest Passage - updates may be looming | |
29 | 比较杞人忧天的问题是,一旦宝贵的资源开发殆尽蒙古将何去何从? | The looming question is what Mongolia will do once its finite treasures have run out. | |
30 | 标普称即将展开的大选为政府政策制造了不确定性。 | S&P said the looming election was creating uncertainty about government policy. |