属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商科教育 一旦建好新校人们就会来报到
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商业规程 改革流派
1 | 如果你能让双眼屈就这段拙诗, | If e’er you deign these lowly lines your eyes | |
2 | 如果我们能够在另一颗行星上找到诸如细菌那种低等生命,那么这个发现将彻底改变我们对我们自己的看法。 | If we were able to discover lowly forms of life like bacteria on another planet, it would completely change our view of ourselves. | |
3 | 如果物价的上涨控制不住,倒霉的将是年老的养老金领取者和低收入者。 | If prices were uncontrolled, it would be the old-age pensioners, the lowly paid-it is these people who would go to the wall. | |
4 | 深深地鞠躬. | bow lowly | |
5 | 圣人有谦诚之心。 | The saint had a lowly heart. | |
6 | 他并不以自己出身低微为耻。 | He was not ashamed of his lowly origins. | |
7 | 他是个温和、谦卑、不摆架子的人。 | He was a gentle, lowly , and unassuming man. | |
8 | 他有谦逊的心。 | He had a lowly heart. | |
9 | 位置放得很低的架子. | a lowly placed shell | |
10 | 我决不能把我所能企及的豪华和排场束缚、禁锢、局限在这么卑微的屋顶之下。 | Never could I box up and house and localize under that lowly roof the Magnificence and Ostentation of which I was capable | |
11 | 我们是不是为一切在上层和在下层的无辜受害者、殉难者、孩子们同声一哭呢? | Shall we weep for all the innocent, all martyrs, all children, the lowly as well as the exalted? | |
12 | 我们这亲爱的朋友对待大人物和她对待地位低微的人一样直爽。 | In her commerce with the great our dear friend showed the same frankness which distinguished her transaction with the lowly | |
13 | 下贱职业. | a lowly occupation | |
14 | 一个到处流浪、满脸皱纹的老太婆,女神假借这个卑贱者的形象,伺候着她的征服者与她那快乐的叛徒[64]。她是受他们二者玩弄的母王八.来自神秘的早晨的使者。 | A wandering crone, lowly form of an immortal serving her conqueror and her gay betrayer, their common cuckquean, a messenger from the secret morning | |
15 | 在另一次巧妙策划的战略中,英国派了一位与蒙哥马利长相十分相似的低级上尉,作了一趟地中海战场之行。 | In yet another strategic sleight of hand,the British sent a lowly captain,who bore a strong resemblance to Montgomery,on a tour of the Mediterranean theatre of war. | |
16 | 这个茅檐草舍,可不能再藏污纳垢,让一个骗子住了,因为他欺骗了一位高尚的长者。 | This lowly roof must not be contaminated by the presence of one, who has deceived an honourable gentleman | |
17 | 作为初级合唱队中心情激动的一员,我意识到了自己地位的低下。 | As an excited member of the beginners’ chorus line, I was aware of my lowly status. | |
18 | 博士东和吉拉德能够发现了这一点,是因为,参与实验的几个猴子确实改变了她们在群体中的地位等级。地位等级一旦发生改变,与之相应的基因表达随即改变。那些确实改变了它们之前卑贱地位的猴子们,身体状况几乎都立刻获得改善。 | Dr Tung and Dr Gilad discovered this because a few of their monkeys did change status within their groups. When that happened, changes in gene expression appropriate to the new status quickly followed. Those who do break free from their lowly station, then, may begin to reap the health benefits almost immediately. | |
19 | 那些确实改变了它们之前卑贱地位的猴子们,身体状况几乎都立刻获得改善。 | Those who do break free from their lowly station, then, may begin to reap the health benefits almost immediately. | |
20 | 然而,2013年《经济学人》杂志的一项调查显示,工商管理硕士的学生为其设施打分,排名位置靠后,在全球仅居27名,低于其他高等教育机构,如布鲁奈尔大学,一所位于伦敦西区乌克斯桥镇的普通学院。 | Yet in a survey by The Economist in 2013, MBA students ranked its facilities a lowly 27th in the world, below those of institutions such as Brunel University, a modest college in Uxbridge, in westLondon. | |
21 | 在189个国家中,他们分别位于第65和第72的较低位置。 | They come a lowly 65th and 72nd respectively, out of 189 countries. | |
22 | 在电影《超人3》中,一位地位低的电脑程序员(上图,理查德?普莱尔[Richard Pryor]饰演)盗走雇主一大笔钱。 | IN THE film "Superman 3", a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor, pictured) embezzles a fat wad of money from his employer. | |
23 | (耐人寻味的是,伟大继承人的总摄政王张成泽的名字在随从官员名单中只排在了第19位。) | (Intriguingly, Mr Chang, the Great Successor’s chief regent, is ranked a lowly 19th on the official list of attendants. ) | |
24 | 奥巴马当时只是一位无足轻重的州参议员,当过律师和社区组织者。 | Mr Obama was then a lowly state senator, and had also worked as a lawyer and a community organiser. | |
25 | 不管它们的教学水平有多高,至少在一些人的眼里,低的排名是一种污点。 | However good a university ’s teaching may be, a lowly ranking carries a stigma, at least in some eyes. | |
26 | 不要忽视那些不起眼的蘑菇,把它作为低营养食物:它含矿物质硒和抗氧化物质。 | Don’t dismiss the lowly mushroom as nutrient poor: It has the mineral selenium and antioxidants. | |
27 | 但是,一种不起眼的海蛤蝓竟然拥有植物那样利用太阳能的本领。 | But one kind of lowly sea slug actually has the solar power abilities of a plant. Bizarre but true, the sea slug carries out photosynthesis. | |
28 | 低配筋轻骨料混凝土梁裂缝宽度的试验研究 | Experiment Study of Crack Width for Lowly Reinforced Light-weight Concrete Beams | |
29 | 低品位高含泥氧化铜矿的制粒堆浸新工艺研究 | A Study on Granulated Heap Leaching of Lowly Graded and Highly-Mudded Oxidized Copper Ore | |
30 | 低致病性禽流感病毒对养禽业的危害 | Harmfulness of Lowly Pathogenic Avian Influenza on Poultry Industry |