属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 4542-1970
1 | 彼得·林奇,来自"忠诚马吉兰"共同基金,把"天要塌下来"的"警告"比作是"噪音",而我们都听过这样的"噪音"。 | "Peter Lynch of Fidelity Magellan mutual fund fame refers to warnings about the sky falling as ""noise,"" and we all hear it." | |
2 | 薄型电绝缘材料损耗角正切值和介电常数的测定方法(楞氏法) | Method for determination of loss tangent and permittivity of electrical insulating materials in sheet form (Lynch method) | |
3 | 不经合法审判而将有罪的某人处死. | lynch sb without a lawful trial | |
4 | 赤芍中芍药苷的提取方法研究 | Process Optimization of Paeoniflorin Isolation from Paeonia Veitchii Lynch | |
5 | 出新书当新娘女"英雄"林奇有点忙 | Former Iraq PoW lynch ’to Marry’ | |
6 | 当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得·林奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。 | When analyzing a trend, I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius. | |
7 | 该发言人说,这两张传票已分别送达美林投资银行人员狄尔尼和佛斯特手中。 | The spokeswoman said that the two subpoenas had been sent to Deane and Foster of Merrill Lynch Investment Bank | |
8 | 亨尼卡把他那绿色的铝质小汽艇缓缓驶离林赤码头… | Soon Honeycutt was easing his green aluminum runabout away from the Lynch dock… | |
9 | 还没到晚上他们就想私自干掉他,可是他已经跑了。 | Before night they wanted to lynch him, but he was gone | |
10 | 今年三月,林奇和其他六名美军士兵所在的给养车队在纳西里耶附近遭到了伊拉克军队的袭击并不幸被俘。 | Private Lynch was captured along with six other US soldiers when Iraqi troops attacked her convoy near the city of Nasiriya in March | |
11 | 今天我常常会问自己,"这件事彼得·林奇会怎样做?或者唐纳德·特拉姆、沃伦·巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯会怎么做?" | "Today, I often say, ""How would Peter Lynch do this, or Donald Trump or Warren Buffett or George Soros?"" " | |
12 | 兰尼的助理教练雷德·里奇后来说:"我们知道迈克尔很出色,但我们想让他多练练,所以觉得二队更适合他。 | "We knew Michael was good," Fred Lynch , the Laney assistant coach, said later, "but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him." | |
13 | 林奇回忆在20世纪50年代,那时候,新闻媒体中充斥着核战争的威胁,人们开始修筑战时掩护所,储存食物和水。 | Lynch recalls the time during the 1950s when the threat of nuclear war was so prevalent in the news that people began building fallout shelters and storing food and water. | |
14 | 美林证券的台湾研究部主管张为民说,6个月内,这可使增量流动性提高5-10%。 | Weimin Chang, head of Taiwan research at Merrill Lynch , said this could add 5-10 per cent of incremental liquidity in six months. | |
15 | 若论真正价值,他们相信,新公司在很多关键方面都比业界巨擘梅林公司健全。 | Pound for pound, the new entity is stronger in many key respects, they believe, than Merrill Lynch & Company, the industry giant. | |
16 | 私刑. | lynch law | |
17 | 虽经全力抢救,但林奇先生一周以后还是在医院去世了。 | Despite attempts at resuscitation,Mr Lynch died a week later in hospital. | |
18 | 我阅读彼得·林奇的书,以弄懂他怎样选择股票;我还阅读了有关唐纳德·特拉姆的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。 | I read Peter Lynch ’s book to understand how he chooses stocks. And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together. | |
19 | 我曾经听过彼得·林奇的一盘录音带,里面有一段话我完全不同意。 | I was listening to a tape by Peter Lynch , and he said something I completely disagreed with. | |
20 | 咬死他!曾剥皮!” | lynch him, the bloody old shark!" | |
21 | 这就是林奇所说的"噪音",也是我的富爸爸所说的愤世嫉俗者的说法,这种人只会批评抱怨,而不去分析现实。有些人宁可让顾虑和恐惧蒙蔽思想,也不愿睁开眼情去观察现实。 | "That’s what Peter Lynch calls ""noise."" That’s what my rich dad would say is the cynic talking. Someone who criticizes and does not analyze. Someone who lets their doubts and fears close their mind instead of opening their eyes." | |
22 | 至于股票,我喜欢彼得·林奇的(称雄华尔街)一书中介绍的选择价值有上升潜力股票的方法。 | as for stocks, I like Peter Lynch ’s book beating the Street for his formula for selecting stocks that grow in value. | |
23 | 2006年出版的《新阿拉伯民众的呼声》一书使马克?里奇名声大噪,他明白是什么导致了阿拉伯人民的想法。 | Mr Lynch , who made his name with his 2006 book, “Voices of the New Arab Public”, understands what makes Arab opinion tick. | |
24 | 阿拉伯世界的起义:未完结的新中东革命。马克?里奇著。 | The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East.By Marc Lynch . | |
25 | 马克?里奇认为是这样的。他是一位美国学者并且为奥巴马政府撰写博客。 | Marc Lynch , an American scholar and blogger with ties to the Obama administration, believes there is. | |
26 | 他同时认为,由阿拉伯民众发起的起义也使解决巴基斯坦问题变得更为紧迫。他此前支持在利比亚的军事干涉活动,但此次反对对叙利亚进行军事干涉。 | Mr Lynch also thinks the uprisings, by empowering Arab publics, have made the Palestinian issue more important. He supported military intervention in Libya, but opposes it in Syria. | |
27 | 至于美国,里奇认为奥巴马在一些重大问题上站对了位置: | As for America, Mr Lynch thinks Barack Obama has got some big things right: the president has understood, | |
28 | “即便我们只有很少的飞机,也可以生存下去,”西南航空总裁GaryKelly在美林论坛上对分析师们说道。 | "We won’t go out of business if we have too few airplanes, " CEO Gary Kelly told analysts at the Merrill Lynch conference. | |
29 | “煤矿中的金丝雀并未死亡,只是休眠而已,”美银-美林首席分析师EthanHarris称.更棘手的问题是什么可以把它唤醒。 | "The canary in the coal mine is not dead; it’s just sleeping, " said Ethan Harris, chief economist at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch . | |
30 | “我想我们的战略是正确的,”林奇说。“我们的电子书业务发展比我们的计划提前了九个月。” | "We think we’ve got the right strategy, " Mr. Lynch said. "The growth in our e-books business is about nine months ahead of our plan. " |