1 | [讽, 口] 坐牢 | partake of Her Majesty ’s hospitality | |
2 | [讽, 口] 坐牢 | partake of His Majesty ’s hospitality | |
3 | [谑] 魔王陛下, 恶魔阁下 | His Satanic [sable] Majesty | |
4 | “陛下,”朝臣回答,并笑了笑,做出他懂得这句话意思的样子,“陛下可以完全相信法兰西人民的忠心,但我所担心的某种亡命企图不见得是没有道理的。 | "Sire," replied the courtier, laughing, in order that he might seem to comprehend the quotation, "your majesty may be perfectly right in relying on the good feeling of France, but I fear I am not altogether wrong in dreading some desperate attempt." | |
5 | “陛下,”维尔福说,“陛下搞错了,这种勋章是军人佩戴的。” | "Sire," said Villefort, "your majesty mistakes; this is an officer’s cross." | |
6 | “陛下,”维尔福说,“我向您保证献上一份可靠的情报,假如由于我很焦急而出现有些地方语无伦次,请陛下恕罪。” | "Sire," said Villefort, "I will render a faithful report to your majesty , but I must entreat your forgiveness if my anxiety leads to some obscurity in my language." | |
7 | “陛下,陛下对我的仁慈已超过了我所希望的最高报偿,我已别无所求了。” | Sire, the kindness your majesty deigns to evince towards me is a recompense which so far surpasses my utmost ambition that I have nothing more to ask for. | |
8 | “陛下,公爵说得不错,我相信陛下一定会意识到它的重要性的。” | Sire, the duke is right, and I believe your majesty will think it equally important. | |
9 | “陛下,就算只是为了让一个忠心的臣仆安心,陛下可否派可靠的人员去视察一下郎格多克,普罗旺斯和陀菲内,把这三省的民情带回来向您报告一下?” | "Sire," continued M. de Blacas, "if it only be to reassure a faithful servant, will your majesty send into Languedoc, Provence, and dauphin, trusty men, who will bring you back a faithful report as to the feeling in these three provinces?" | |
10 | “陛下,我很抱歉不得不禀告陛下一个严酷的事实,陀菲内的民情远不如普罗旺斯或朗格多克。 | Sire, I am sorry to tell your majesty a cruel fact; but the feeling in dauphin is quite the reverse of that in Provence or Languedoc | |
11 | “陛下,我相信陛下对此已经满意了。” | Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply satisfied on this point at least. | |
12 | “陛下,愿你开恩,”老二低声下气地跪下一条腿说,“我们正想…… | `May it please your Majesty ,’ said Two, in a very humble tone, going down on one knee as he spoke, `we were trying--’ | |
13 | “不,但是他极力向我推荐了维尔福先生,要求我带他来见陛下。” | No; but strongly recommends M. de Villefort, and begs me to present him to your majesty . | |
14 | “您为什么不早提起他的名字呢?” | Sire, I thought his name was unknown to your majesty . | |
15 | “全俄沙皇亚历山大二世皇帝陛下,”她说了,但是声音在颤抖。 | His Majesty AlexanderⅡ, Tsar of All the Russias, she said. But her voice was trembling. | |
16 | “我不是要求您写信给国王,您叫萨欧伯爵写好了。 | I do not ask you to write to his majesty , but ask M. de Salvieux to do so | |
17 | “我很愿意,陛下,”琼说着深地屈膝行礼。 | "I should like it very much, Your majesty ," said Joan, and made a deep curtsey | |
18 | “我是个穷人,陛下,”帽匠颤抖着说,“我只是刚刚开始吃茶点……没有超过一星期……再说为什么奶油面包变得这么薄呢……还有茶会闪光…… | `I’m a poor man, your Majesty ,’ the Hatter began, in a trembling voice, `--and I hadn’t begun my tea--not above a week or so--and what with the bread-and-butter getting so thin--and the twinkling of the tea--’ | |
19 | “我说,陛下,如果不是警务大臣部下被人骗了,就是我受骗了,但警务大臣是不可能受骗的,因为他是陛下安全和荣誉的保障,所以大概出错的是我。 | I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty , it is probable that I am in error | |
20 | “现在,”他说,“我能问一下:陛下还有什么命令赐我去执行吗?” | "And now," he said, "may I inquire what are the orders with which your majesty deigns to honor me?" | |
21 | ”基督山两臂交叉,神情庄严地向那年轻人迎上去,他看上去是那么崇高那么神圣,年轻人不由自主地在这种近乎神圣的威严面前屈服了,他后退了一步。 | and Monte Cristo, with an expression of majesty and sublimity, advanced with arms folded toward the young man, who, involuntarily overcome by the commanding manner of this man, recoiled a step | |
22 | 陛下的晚宴真是再体面也没有了。 | Nothing could be more admirable than his majesty ’s supper | |
23 | 陛下之臣下。 | His Majesty ’s lieges. | |
24 | 不仅如此,我是这位皇帝陛下的特别宠儿。 | Moreover, I was His Majesty ’s special protege | |
25 | 布拉萨尔:“陛下,这些天我真是紧张透了。” | brassard: "Your majesty , I am really stressed out these days." | |
26 | 布拉萨尔:“很好,陛下。” | brassard: "Okay, your majesty ." | |
27 | 大地再没有比这儿更美的风貌:若有谁,对如此壮丽动人的景物竟无动于衷,那才是灵魂麻木 | Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty | |
28 | 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。 | Even in outward demeanour, they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior’s haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd. | |
29 | 单凭陛下要“再来一次”,已经使演员们深受荣宠,这对他们已经是足够的报酬,再用不着满足他们的虚荣,烦劳陛下费神去重看一遍了。 | The company would feel sufficiently rewarded and complimented in the mere fact that the encore was desired by his Majesty , without fatiguing him with a repetition to gratify their own vanity. | |
30 | 但是,使大家扫兴的是,刑台上的这场表演因遭到镇上差役的干涉而中断,他认为对这祭献之地妄加滥用,是侵犯了法律的尊严,是绝对不能允许的。 | But, much to the disappointment of the crowd, this latter business was broken off by the interposition of the town beadle, who had no idea of permitting the majesty of the law to be violated by such an abuse of one of its consecrated places. |