1 | 当年,我们这个合众国的奠基人和先辈们--那些政治家、牧师和军人,将注重外表的庄严和威武视为一种职责。 | The fathers and founders of the commonwealth-the statesman, the priest, and the soldier-deemed it a duty then to assume the outward state and majesty | |
2 | 第五集团军指挥所设在机场附近的松林里,英王的座机可在此降落。 | The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty ’s plane was going to land | |
3 | 对山岳之雄伟心生敬畏 | Be awed by the majesty of a mountain | |
4 | 法律的最高权威 | The majesty of the law | |
5 | 高山的雄伟壮丽不能不在我们心目中留下深刻的印象。 | We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains. | |
6 | 国王(女王或王后)陛下[第三人称]. | His (Her) Majesty | |
7 | 国王[王后]陛下。 | His [Her] Imperial Majesty . | |
8 | 国王被称呼为“陛下”。 | The king was addressed as "Your Majesty ". | |
9 | 国王陛下多次表示了他的仁慈,常常…试图减轻你的罪行(乔纳森·斯威夫特)。 | His Majesty gave many marks of his great lenity,often.endeavoring to extenuate your crimes(Jonathan Swift. | |
10 | 国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。 | Their Majesty will open the new bridge today. | |
11 | 国王着急地看了看白兔,白兔低声说:“陛下必须反复质询这个证人。” | The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who said in a low voice, `Your Majesty must cross-examine THIS witness.’ | |
12 | 和善的夫子不待我问,就对我说:“看那个正在走来的伟大的灵魂,他仿佛一点不因痛苦而流泪:他还保持着一副怎样堂皇的外貌啊! | And the good master, without my asking him, said, Look at that imposing one approaching, who does not shed a single tear of pain: what majesty he still maintains down there! | |
13 | 后一时期的飞天形象,越发显得轻灵、飘逸,窟内图案装饰的高度成就更加引人注目,既渲染了气氛,也烘托了主题,各窟门华丽繁密的装饰,显出帝王气派的豪华与尊贵。 | The decorative patterns in the Yungang Grottos are also very attractive,adding to the religious atmosphere and demonstrating the majesty and prosperity of the ruling class of the time | |
14 | 皇帝要我以人格担保不带走他的任何臣民。 | His Majesty engaged my honour not to carry away any of his subjects. | |
15 | 既使身处绝境,他仍保持自己的威严。 | Even in great adversity, he kept his majesty . | |
16 | 讲这话的时候,太阳正光彩夺目,一副很威严的样子。于是,风便停息不动了。可是雨天却迎着风,说道:“我们非得忍耐不成!这位阳光夫人总要冒出来。我们不愿听!她的话不值得听!” | And the Sunshine said it with such glory and majesty , that the long, weary Wind fell prostrate, and the Rain beat against him, and shook him, and said,-“We won’t stand it! She always breaks through, that Madam Sunshine; we won’t listen to her. What she says is not worth hearing.” | |
17 | 禁食是对庄严食欲的敬意。所以我觉得我们应该设法经常性地放弃快乐,如食物、朋友和恋人。 | Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite.So I tllink we should arrange to give up our pleasures regularly-our food,our friends,our lovers | |
18 | 警察和法官维护法律的权威。 | Policemen and judges uphold the majesty of the law. | |
19 | 警察与法官维护法律无上的权力. | Policemen and judges uphold the majesty of the law. | |
20 | 卡厄斯看到他公然这样侮辱国王,就不由分说当即绊了他一跤。 | Caius, not enduring to hear so open an affront upon his majesty , made no more ado but presently tripped up his heels | |
21 | 卡拉感到自己在森林王囯里飞翔和漫步一样心旷神怡, | She thrived in the awing majesty of the wooded area and the serene quiet of the walk | |
22 | 可是,陛下,假如您能允许我再进一谏言的话,陛下不妨问一下我刚才对您提起过的那个人,而且我请求陛下赐给他这种荣幸。” | However, sire, if I might advise, your majesty will interrogate the person of whom I spoke to you, and I will urge your majesty to do him this honor." | |
23 | 夸美纽斯,约翰·阿摩司1592-1670捷克斯洛伐克神学家和教育改革者,坚持科学提高而不是威胁神的权威的理论 | Czechoslovakian theologian and educational reformer who held that science exalted divine majesty rather than threatened it. | |
24 | 刘备找诸葛亮商议,诸葛亮说:"怕关羽、张飞不听我令,愿借主公印剑一用。" | When Liu Bei turned to Zhuge Liang for advice, Zhuge said: "I have to borrow your majesty ’s sword of authority in that I am afraid that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will not listen to me." | |
25 | 美利坚合众国总统和代表联合王国的首相丘吉尔, | The president of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing His Majesty ′s Government in the United Kingdom, | |
26 | 蒙女王陛下恩准. | By gracious permission of Her Majesty | |
27 | 祢衡反唇相讥说:"什么叫无耻,欺君才叫无耻。我光着身子,是让大家看看我的清白。" | To rebut the angry blame by Cao Cao. Mi said. "You said I’m shameless? Not me but someone who has misled his majesty . Let people vies my clean conscience." | |
28 | 那个可怜的帽匠丢掉了茶杯、奶油面包,单膝跪下说,“我是个可怜人,陛下。” | The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter, and went down on one knee, `I’m a poor man, your Majesty ,’ he began | |
29 | 那阴森的建筑耸立在大海的胸膛上,带着庞然大物的那种庄严显赫的神态,似乎面对着万物一样。 | He turned towards the fortress, and looked at both sea and land. The gloomy building rose from the bosom of the ocean with imposing majesty and seemed to dominate the scene | |
30 | 能有这样一些人物到场,而不失他们地位的显赫和职务的威严,我们可以有把握地推断,所做的法律判决肯定具有真挚而有效的含义。 | When such personages could constitute a part of the spectacle, without risking the majesty or reverence of rank and office, it was safely to be inferred that the infliction of a legal sentence would have an earnest and effectual meaning. |