1 | 女王陛下. | her gracious Majesty the Queen | |
2 | 女王陛下将于10点钟到达。 | Her Majesty will arrive at 10 o’clock. | |
3 | 女王威严地坐在王座上。 | The queen is seated on the throne in all her majesty . | |
4 | 气势宏伟的帕台农神庙 | The Parthenon in all its majesty . | |
5 | 仁慈的伊丽莎白女王陛下 | Her Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth | |
6 | 如果侯爵愿意直言相告的话,他一定会承认,我所讲的这些和他六个月前去见陛下求他恩准和他女儿的婚事时陛下对他讲的话完全一致。” | and if the marquis chooses to be candid, he will confess that they perfectly agree with what his majesty said to him, when he went six months ago to consult him upon the subject of your espousing his daughter." | |
7 | 如用任何方法直接或间接假称其所供应之任何货品系供应给英女皇或皇室任何成员或经其认可之货品或假称同属一类者,即属违法。 | by whatever means, any false indication, direct or indirect, that any goods supplied by him are or are of a kind supplied to or approved by Her Majesty or any member of the Royal Family commits an offence. | |
8 | 山的宏伟气魄不禁使我们深受感触。 | We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the mountains. | |
9 | 世界屋脊喜马拉雅山脉以其无与伦比的宏伟壮丽及超凡之美令世人叹为观止,任何图景都无法展现其原貌,任何语言都无法描述其威武和壮观。 | The Himalaya, the roof of the world, will take your breath away with its transcendental majesty and supernatural beauty. No picture can ever do them justice, and no words can describe their power and grandeur. | |
10 | 所有的报告都证实他们是忠心耿耿的。” | your majesty knows how every report confirms their loyalty and attachment." | |
11 | 他的失当行为引得女王大怒。 | His improper behaviour called down Her Majesty ’s wrath | |
12 | 他想像着她那么光彩而庄严地向他走来,柔和的褐色眼睛那么可爱。 | He imagined her coming towards him in her radiant majesty , made so loveably mortal by her soft hazel eyes | |
13 | 它们的威严是人类的良知所特有的,所以在丑恶之中依然存。 | but which, even when hideous, remain grand: their majesty , the majesty peculiar to the human conscience, clings to them in the midst of horror | |
14 | 唐德雷把双手背在身后,非常庄重地靠在一张椅子上说:“陛下有没有看过昨天的报告?” | M. Dandr leaned very respectfully on the back of a chair with his two hands, and said,--"Has your majesty perused yesterday’s report?" | |
15 | 天空照耀着每一个人,但是只有在少娄人的心目中具有一种变化多端的壮丽,他们在每一个午夜的天空都能看出一种蕴含着创造性的能力的庄严肃穆之美,不论那种景象重复多少次,都不会使那种美模糊不清。 | The heavens shine for all, but they have a changing splendor to those only who see in every midnight sky a majesty of creative energy and resource which no repetition of the spectacle can dim. | |
16 | 王后陛下不久当可察觉,今日之事,对国王陛下至关重要,因此才冒昧打扰夫人。 | The consort would soon perceive that it was in a matter essential to his Majesty ’s interest, that he had the boldness to give her this trouble | |
17 | 巍峨雄伟的雪山. | the snow-covered mountains in their majesty | |
18 | 未获得英女皇授权而使用象征获得英女皇颁发工业优异奖之图案或徽章,或任何与该图案或徽章十分相似之物件而意图欺骗 | without the authority of Her Majesty , any device or emblem signifying the Queen’s Award to Industry or anything so nearly resembling such a device or emblem as to be likely to deceive; | |
19 | 我爱您只是按照我的名分,一分不多,一分不少。 | I love your majesty according to my bond; nor more nor less | |
20 | 我们深信只要陛下愿意公开出面干预,我们认为您的话会恢复魁北克公民作为统一国家成员的自豪感。” | We deeply believe that should your majesty have the kindness to make a public intervention, we think that your word could give back to the citizens of quebec the pride of being members of a united country." | |
21 | 我们希望觐见女王陛下。 | We hope to see Her Majesty . | |
22 | 我们向陛下请求批准。 | We petitioned His Majesty for sanction. | |
23 | 我怕国王陛下现在忧病交加,钱袋空空如也。 | I fear just now his Majesty is both sick and sorry, and never a penny in his pouch to boot | |
24 | 我若为王,我的姓名就会改作:“万岁”,找的每一句话都成为:“圣旨”。 | If I were king, I would be addressed as "Your Majesty " and every word of mine would become a "royal edict" | |
25 | 我有机会为陛下服务.一个最光荣的使命 | I had an Opportunity of doing his Majesty . . . a most signal Service | |
26 | 象授任圣职、官吏就任,以及一个新政府可以对人民显示威仅的种种形式这样一些公众典礼,作为一种成规,执行得庄严有序 | Public ceremonies, such as ordinations, the installation of magistrates, and all that could give majesty to the forms in which a new government manifested itself to the people, were, as a matter of policy, marked by a stately and well-conducted ceremonial, | |
27 | 象这样社会地位较低和天赋能力较劣的人对高于自己者的毕恭毕敬,是年高德重之人如何使自己既有尊严又有相应的礼敬的前所未有的绝好范例。 | Never was there a more beautiful example of how the majesty of age and wisdom may comport with the obeisance and respect enjoined upon it, as from a lower social rank, and inferior order of endowment, towards a higher. | |
28 | 笑时称她为“李老太太”或者Her Majesty,气时恨不能请她走。 | When amused, he would call her "Madame Li" or "Her Majesty ";when exasperated, he wished he could just ask her to leave | |
29 | 眼前的证据,就是这位君主将人民的合理批评,称之为“肆意攻击”。 | The immediate proof is that His Majesty has described the people’s justified criticism as "unbridled attacks" | |
30 | 一个小男孩趴在在夏威夷国王的皇家花园的地上,小奥斯汀·斯特朗非常激动地望着水里,因为他看到了形状各异的双尾金鱼,它是日本天皇送给夏威夷国王陛下卡拉卡瓦的一个新礼物。 | A small boy lay flat on his stomach in the royal garden of the King of Hawaii. Looking into the water and very excited,young Austin Strong saw shapes of double-tailed goldfish-a recent gift from the Emperor of Japan to His Oceanic Majesty ,King Kalakaua. |