1 | "可能是你的身体在教你避免使胎儿接触可能有毒的食物,"致力于宣传健康饮食习惯的FoodFit.com网站主编Frances Largeman说。 | "It may be your body is telling you to keep your fetus away from anything that might be toxic," says Frances Largeman, managing editor of FoodFit.com, a website promoting healthy eating habits | |
2 | (对业务、作战等的)指导或经营(的方式) | Manner of directing or managing (a business,campaign,etc) | |
3 | “哦,这期间反正我在这儿,莫雷尔先生,”腾格拉尔答道,“您也知道,我管理船上一切的本领,并不亚于经验最丰富的现任船长。 | "I am entirely at your service, M. Morrel," answered Danglars. "You know that I am as capable of managing a ship as the most experienced captain in the service | |
4 | “我认为女人比男人更会为自己寻找快乐,”一位英国管理主任说,“她们更富想象力,更有进取心,还有,她们就是爱花钱。” | I think women are just better at enjoing themselves than men," says a UK managing director, "They’ve got more imagination, more get up and go and they just love spending money | |
5 | 1949年,中华人民共和国成立,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,从而为中国天主教和基督教实现独立自主自办提供了历史条件。 | The founding of the People’s Republic of China put an end to the era of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in China, thus providing the historical conditions for Chinese Catholicism and protestantism to become independent and self-managing | |
6 | OIE是一个技术性组织而非政治性组织。其目的在于促进各成员间的协调和合作,而非管理各成员的经济或使其经济一体化。 | The OIE is an organization of a technical nature as opposed to a political organization. It exists for coordination and cooperation amongst its members, not for the purpose of managing or integrating their economies. | |
7 | 本集团是中远集团全资拥有的地区管理公司和经济实体,管辖中远在香港、澳门特别行政区和菲律宾的数百家各类企业,业务网点和投资项目遍及中国内地主要大中城市和亚洲、欧洲、美洲等地区。 | COSCO Hong Kong is a wholly owned subsidiary of COSCO Group, operating and managing hundreds of companies in Hong Kong, Macau and Philippines. The businesses and investment projects span over the major cities of Chinese mainland, Asia, Europe and America. | |
8 | 比尔退休时将由彼得接任总经理一职. | Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires. | |
9 | 操持一个有13亿人口国家的大事 | Managing the affairs of 1.3 billion people | |
10 | 朝气蓬勃的总经理 | A youthful managing director | |
11 | 此外,各地还在进一步探索一些新型的人才引进和管理办法。 | Additionally, some new methods in inviting and managing talent have been being tried in various regions | |
12 | 代表一万一千余黄色有牌出租汽车主的出租汽车互助联盟执行主任布莱说,“突然间局长大唱高调。” | "All of a sudden the Commissioner is getting on his high horse"said Willie Bly,managing director of the League of Mutual Taxi Owners,an association that represents more than11,000yellow medallion cabs. | |
13 | 但是,可以肯定地说,对金融一体化和短期资本流动的有序管理仅需要国内的措施是不够的 | But, to be sure, managing orderly financial integration and short-term capital flows requires more than just domestic measures | |
14 | 但是,如果出口国没有以环境无害方式管理或处理危险废物的能力,越境转移才予以许可。 | Transboundary movements can take place, however, if the state of export does not have the capability of managing or disposing of the hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner. | |
15 | 当时,埃里克正经营着斯特兰德大街的文化馆舞厅。 | At the time, Eric was managing the Lyceum Ballroom in the strand | |
16 | 地面沉降在管理地表水库的工作中可以算是一个关键性因素。 | subsidence may be the critical factor in managing a ground water reservoir | |
17 | 地质学这门学科的重要性日渐增长,能获得的能源和材料的日趋减少以及我们在管理环境中遇到的越来越多的困难提高了这门学科的战略地位。 | Geology is a subject of growing importance. The decrease in available energy and materials and the increasing difficulties we encounter in managing our environment have heightened the strategic position of the discipline. | |
18 | 对音乐有所选择的品味;以综合各派的方式来处理经济事务 | An eclectic taste in music;an eclectic approach to managing the economy. | |
19 | 父亲是设计人员,主要的吹玻璃工匠,还是经理。所用的行业工具极其原始:一支又长又重的金属吹管,长钳,还有一把巨大的镊子,外加冷水。 | Father is designer,chief glassblower and managing director.The tools of the trade are unbelievably primitive:a long,heavy metal tube for blowing,callipers,a pair of huge tweezers and cold water. | |
20 | 富爸爸曾给我解释说,管理一家公司最困难的工作是对人员的管理。他在军队里呆过三年,而受过良好教育的爸爸则免服兵役。 | Rich dad explained to me that the hardest part of running a company is managing people. He had spent three years in the Army; my educated dad was draft-exempt. | |
21 | 富勒先生,36岁,流行乐坛上最杰出的经理人之一,由于为保罗·哈德卡斯尔做经理人而成名。保罗曾经以一曲(19)而轰动一时--此后,富勒的公司、汽车、住宅等全部都是19号。 | Mr. fuller, 36, and one of the great entrepreneurs of popular music, made his name by managing Paul Harcicastle, who had a huge hit with the song 19--hence fuller’s company, car and address are all numbered 19 | |
22 | 改革科技体制,我最关心的,还是人才。 | The same is true in reforming the system for managing science and technology. | |
23 | 改隶以来,本公司秉承台泥重视品质、成本,研究与发展之经营理念,遂以改进产品品质,提升生产技术与满足客户需求,作为工作目标。 | Ever since such an investment transfer, this Company has accepted the managing rules to pay close attention to the cost, quality, research and development of Taiwan Cement Corporation as its operation targets. | |
24 | 管理东盟沿海资源促进可持续发展政策会议 | Policy Conference on Managing ASEAN’s Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development | |
25 | 管理生产的千钧重负便落在他的肩上。 | The heavy load of managing production was then placed on his shoulder | |
26 | 管理这么差,必须有所改变。 | Bad managing calls for a change. | |
27 | 过去我们是穷管 | When we were managing the economy in the past, the country was poor. | |
28 | 合作经营一家面包房 | Cooperate in managing (或running)a bakery) | |
29 | 既要持家又要照顾好工作的巨大负担 | The strain of managing both a family and a career. | |
30 | 继续探索有效的国有资产经营体制和方式。 | We should continue to explore systems and modes for managing state property effectively. |