1 | 他十五年里从办公室勤杂员升到总经理。 | He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years. | |
2 | 他十五年里从工友升到总经理。 | He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years. | |
3 | 他也有过为女歌星做经理人的记录,如著名的摇滚歌星安妮·伦诺克斯。 | He also has a track record of managing women, notably famous rock signer Annie Lennox | |
4 | 他已从初级职员升到总经理. | He has worked his way up from junior clerk to managing director. | |
5 | 他用一种自信的、指使人的态度安排每件事情。 | He was managing everything in a self-confident and masterful fashion | |
6 | 他在全体下级同事面前受到总经理的批评,感到很难堪。 | To his mortification,he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues. | |
7 | 它会教你用战略性的思考研究商业,培养运用跨学科的方法来管理工商企业能力和解决问题的能力。 | This takes a strategic view of business and develops the ability to take a multidisciplinary approach to managing a business and resolving problems and issues | |
8 | 我父亲从未巴望过做总经理,当给他这一职位时他感到很惊讶。 | My father never aspired to (after)the job of managing director, and was very surprised when it was offered to him | |
9 | 我敢打赌,巴尼一定管理得稳稳当当的。 | I bet that barney’s managing properly | |
10 | 我尽管收入不多,却能设法不欠债. | I’m managing to keep my head above water,though I’m not earning much. | |
11 | 我们从宏观上管理经济,应该把农业放到一个恰当位置上,总的目标始终不要离开本世纪末达到年产九千六百亿斤粮食的盘子。 | In managing the economy as a whole, we should give agriculture an appropriate priority, always bearing in mind our general goal of producing 480 million tons of grain in the year 2000. | |
12 | 我们进行由上而下的管理有充分的合法性。 | Managing from the top down, we operate with full legitimacy | |
13 | 我们要着眼于整个国有经济,抓大放小,对国有企业实施战略性改组 | Aiming at improving the state-owned sector of the economy as a whole, we shall effectuate a strategic reorganizing of state-owned enterprises by managing large enterprises well while easing control over small ones | |
14 | 我协助他管理这个企业。 | I aided him in managing this enterprise. | |
15 | 我意识到,我有了毕业证书、成功的销售经 | I realized that everything I had accomplished the graduate degreethe successful sales careerspeaking engagementstraining and managing for a fortune l00 company had prepared me for this moment | |
16 | 我曾在销售量达4万份的一家周报担任编辑部作主任三年 | For three years I was employed as a managing editor on a weekly news-paper having a circulation of about 40 000. | |
17 | 现在,中央还要作科技体制改革的决定。 | Now the Central Committee will also adopt a decision on reform of the system for managing science and technology. | |
18 | 新上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅. | The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign. | |
19 | 阳光计算机公司推出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。 | Sun Computer’s Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks | |
20 | 一段时间以来公司已面临倒闭,但新来的总经理也许能使它起死回生。 | The company has been moribund for a time,but perhaps the new managing director will be able to breathe some life into it. | |
21 | 一个以市场为导向,多功能、多层次、外向型的综合性联合企业 | A multi-functioning, multi-managing level, and export-oriented comprehensive complex guided by the market | |
22 | 一家公司若能够同时管好资产负债表的两侧,就会有不错的成绩 | A business obtains the best financial results possible by managing both sides of its balance sheet well. | |
23 | 一针一针,“碎瓜”乐队的崇拜者和他爱管闲事儿的妈妈正在重新沟通连结 | Stitch by stitch, the Pumpkins worshipper and the managing mother were reconnecting | |
24 | 医生劝总经理休息几天。 | The doctor advised the managing director to lay off for a couple of days. | |
25 | 因此,领导的主要功能与管理的人事关系方面有关。 | Thus the broad function of leading has to do with interpersonal aspect of managing | |
26 | 有时他会停下手里的活沉思这样一个问题:经营这个拥有350万美元财产的企业所化费的精力和时间,常常使他不能全力以赴地在地里耕种和收获庄稼。 | Sometimes he pauses to reflect wistfully that the demands of managing a business with $3.5 million in assets keep him from doing as much of the actual planting and harvesting as he would like | |
27 | 责任包括安排厂长的会晤与出差,管理机要档案和记录,从事业务洽谈期间的英语和日语翻译,监督和培训职员。 | Responsibilities include prioritizing appointment. Schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing English and Japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff | |
28 | 这两种方式是两个极端。在全资分支机构的情况下,国内公司为国外的生产、管理和营销负全部责任。 | These two are two extremes. With wholly owned subsidiaries domestic firms take all responsibility for manufacturing, managing and marketing their products in the foreign country. | |
29 | 这是最后的一瓢油,这半晌来吴荪甫那一腔抑制着的怒火立刻又燃旺了! | This was the fateful ladle of oil, so to speak, and the smouldering fires of Wu Sun-fu’s anger, which he had been managing to control all this time, suddenly burst into flame | |
30 | 这一优良传统将继续发扬,我们将专注于以创造性的方式去管理、转化、节省及配送电源--这也是21世纪前期的半导体公司最重要的标志特征之一。 | This tradition continues through a singular focus on creatively managing , converting, minimizing and distributing power--one of the most important defining characteristics of a semiconductor company in the early 21st century. |