属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼日利亚游记 A memoir of Nigeria
1 | 《遗书》 | Testament: Memoir of the Thoughts and Sentiments of Jean Meslier;Le Testament de Jean Meslier | |
2 | 1998年10月27日,在熊晓鸽积极推动和主持下,IDG与中国科技部签署了合作备忘录。根据该备忘录,IDG将在7年内向中国中小规模高新技术企业投资10亿美元 | On October 27, 1998, IDG signed a memoir with China Ministry of Science and Technology on the investment in medium and small-sized high-tech industries in China in the next seven years, with a total investment of US $1 billion. | |
3 | IDG于1998年10月27日与中国科学技术部签署了在今后七年内向中国的中小型高新技术产业投资10亿美元的合作备忘录。 | On October 27, 1998, IDG signed a memoir with China Ministry of Science and Technology on the investment in medium and small-sized high-tech industries in China in the next seven years, with a total investment of US $1 billion. | |
4 | 但接二连三的事例显示,这些闪光耀眼名人所有欢乐底下隐藏的不幸:沮丧消沉,酗酒吸毒,家庭破裂,儿女肇事以及深切的孤独感。 | But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriage, troubled children, profound loneliness | |
5 | 二次世界大战回忆录. | -memoir s on the Second World War | |
6 | 发他已表了他的调查报告. | He has published a -memoir on the subject of his investigation. | |
7 | 个人的生平;传记 | A personal narrative;a memoir . | |
8 | 回忆录对李光耀的治国才能、政治和国际外交的丰富经验有生动流畅的记载。 | The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew’s extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy | |
9 | 她写了一篇旅法记事录 | She wrote a memoir of her stay in France | |
10 | 例如,我想至少出版一本小说和一本回忆录,最好能上畅销书的十佳排行榜. | For example, I at least want to publish one novel and one memoir , the best would be to be able to make the top ten of the best seller’s list. | |
11 | 旅行、猎奇与考古-《滇黔土司婚礼记》中的礼学世界 | Travel, Exoticism and Archaism: Ritualized Domesticity in Memoir of My Marriage to a Chieftain’s Daughter in the Dian-Qian Area | |
12 | 培养坚强意志,拒绝不良影响-中学生无神论教育课堂教学实录(一) | Memoir of Atheism Education in High School Classes (1) | |
13 | 他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。 | He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain. | |
14 | 台湾当代小说经典个案细读―从《朵云》看李渝的个人记忆、历史创痕与美学救赎 | A Case Study of Contemporary Taiwan Classical Fictions-Li Yu’s Personal Memoir , Historical Wounds and Aesthetic Redemption via Her Story "The Cloud" | |
15 | 我请求这位政治家为我的一本李光耀回忆录下册签名。 | I had requested the statesman to autograph my copy of his latest memoir | |
16 | 在1938-1945年代,台北帝大附属医学专门部医化学教室的研究回顾:Abrine的代谢 | Memoir of Research Works in the Laboratory of the Medical Chemistry of the Affiliated Medical School Taihok Imperial University during 1938-1945: Abrine Metabolism | |
17 | 在那个女演员的自传中,她写到了自己苦乐掺半的初恋。 | In her memoir ,the actress wrote about the bittersweet memories of her first love. | |
18 | 《我的歌:追忆艺术,种族与反抗》哈利·贝拉方特著。 | My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte; | |
19 | 《吾之歌:艺术、种族、反抗回忆录》作者:亨瑞.贝拉方特 | My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte. | |
20 | ||1: 丹尼尔 埃弗雷特,马萨诸塞州宾利大学的语言学家,对语言的天赋论和基本相似性都持有不同的看法。 ||2:他在与世隔绝的小村庄里花费了数年的时间研究一些小语种,并在他2008年的自传《不要睡,有蛇!》里重新总结了这段经历。(一个曾经把传播福音作为最初目标的基督教传教士,后放弃了他的信仰。)||3:在他的新书《语言:文化的工具》中,埃弗里特先生把狭隘的语言人类学从宽泛的理论中分离出来。||4:他认为语言并不是语言器官的产物,而是一般智力的延伸。 | ||1: Daniel Everett, a linguist at Bentley University in Massachusetts, disagrees on both innatism and the fundamental similarity of languages. ||2: He spent years learning tiny languages in forbidding jungle villages, experiences he recounted in his 2008 memoir , “Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes”. (A former Christian missionary whose original goal was spreading the gospel, he fell away from his faith.) ||3: In his new book, “Language: The Cultural Tool”, Mr Everett moves away from narrow linguistic anthropology to broad theory. ||4: He argues that language is not the product of a “language organ” but an extension of general intelligence. | |
21 | ||1:看其头衔就知道克罗兹是个有造诣的粒子物理学家,他前所未有地访问了所有主要参与者,其中许多人他要么十分熟悉,要么也象希格斯一样,曾与之详谈过。||2:他似乎也翻遍了相关的学术论文、会议记录、学术论文集或是其它公开的可用资源。||3:这种对历史细节的勤勉关注挖到了许多瑰宝,例如,英国邮政大罢工意味着伦敦帝国学院的三人组晚了世界各地几周才得知希格斯和布鲁-恩格勒特的论文。||4:不过,这妨碍了叙述。 | ||1:Mr Close, an accomplished particle physicist in his own right, enjoyed unprecedented access to all the principal players, many of whom he either knows well or, like Mr Higgs, has spoken to at length.||2:He also appears to have left no relevant academic paper, no conference proceedings, memoir or other publicly available source unturned.||3:This painstaking attention to historical detail yields many gems (for instance, a postal strike in Britain meant that the trio at Imperial College learned of the Higgs and Brout-Englert papers weeks after the rest of the world).||4:It can, though, get in the way of the narrative. | |
22 | 文艺;书评;尼日利亚回忆录;尼日利亚游记; | Still in Books and Arts; Book Review;A memoir of Nigeria;Madmen on the ground; | |
23 | “我热爱舞蹈,尤其是跟帅哥们一起,”她在早前的自传中写道。 | "I loved dancing, particularly with nice-looking boys, " she wrote in an earlier memoir . | |
24 | “这些都是因为你的头脑!”吉尔伯特这样说,阿加西在自己已发表的回忆录中回忆道。 | "It’s all about your head, man, " Gilbert said, as Agassi recalls in his memoir , Open. | |
25 | 《白日梦魇》并非一本凄切的回忆录,而是强有力的一课。 | "Ghosts by Daylight" is no misery memoir , but a powerful lesson. | |
26 | 《白日幽魂:战火与爱情的回忆录》,作者雅妮娜-迪-乔瓦尼。 | Ghosts by Daylight: A Memoir of War and Love. By Janine di Giovanni. | |
27 | 《不得不成为的狗》:这本故事书回忆了在加拿大大草原上度过的有趣而又心酸的童年时代,故事描写细腻。 | "The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be. " This is a hilarious, poignant and exceptionally well-written memoir of childhood on the Canadian prairies. | |
28 | 《成长教育》是一部精彩的传记电影,其故事发生在上世纪60年代初的伦敦。 | "An Education" is a smart memoir with a complicated point of view, and it takes place in London in the early 1960s. | |
29 | 《和尸体一起共眠的日子:殓房技术员生活的一年。》是她工作第一年的一本回忆录。 | "Down Among the Dead Men: A Year in the Life of a Mortuary Technician" is a memoir of her first year on the job. | |
30 | 《为奴十二载》首次发表于1853年,是诺斯普为自己奴隶生涯创作的回忆录。 | Twelve Years a Slave was originally published as a memoir of Northup’s time in slavery in 1853. |