属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无将之军 谁能堪当奥巴马领袖之重任?
1 | 这个之前的故事,或称前传,《星球大战:第一集----幽灵的威胁》(1999)以介绍诸如洞悉一切的智慧老人、奥比温·肯诺比和恶魔达思·威德等人物为《星球大战》三部曲作了铺垫与衔接。 | This preceding movie, or prequel, Star Wars: Episode 1----The Phantom Menace (1999)sets the scene for the Star Wars trilogy, with the introduction of characters such as the all-seeing old man of wisdom, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the evil Darth Vader | |
2 | 这项工程的完成将使黄河地区完全免于洪水泛滥。 | The completion of this project will entirely free the Yellow River areas from the menace of floods | |
3 | 这些措施威胁着我们的自由。 | These measures menace our liberty. | |
4 | 这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁。 | These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace. | |
5 | 这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。 | These weapons are a menace to world peace. | |
6 | 这种在贫困不断增长中增长着的贫困,构成了对和平的持久威胁。 | This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace. | |
7 | 猪瘟在世界上养猪国家都有流行,因其传染性强、死亡率高,严重威胁着养猪事业。 | Hog cholera epidemics occur in all the pig-rearing countries of the world, and due to its high transmissibility and high mortality poses a serious menace to the pig industry. | |
8 | ||1:百货公司的衰退始于60年代。||2:首先是紧邻百货公司的专营商和折扣商店抢了百货公司的生意。||3:然后是品类杀手,比如只经营电子产品和玩具的专卖店,接着是线上零售商,正是当前的威胁。||4: 美国最大的百货商店集团希尔斯控股集团是最惨的。彭尼的的消费者大都转战折扣店T.J. Maxx去了。 | ||1: The humbling of department stores began in the 1960s. ||2: First specialised retailers, their shopping-mall neighbours, stole sales, as did discounters. ||3: Then came “category killers”, which laid claim to electronics and toys, for example, followed by online-only retailers, the current menace . ||4: America’s biggest department-store group, Sears Holdings, is one of its sickest. J.C. Penney’s customers defected not to rival stores but to discounters like T.J. Maxx. | |
9 | ||1:他的政坛名望来自2013年,当时他在全美祈祷早餐上致辞批评奥巴马对于国债的无动于衷,以及那些将预算不足当作失败的借口、对政治前途有“可怕”威胁的人,当时奥巴马坐在几英尺开外。||2:Fox新闻台以及很多邀约随后都邀请Ben给保守党聚会做演讲。 | ||1:Political celebrity came in 2013 when the doctor used a speech to a National Prayer Breakfast to lecture a stony-faced Barack Obama, sitting a few feet away, about the national debt, those who treat poverty as an excuse for failure and the “horrible” menace of political correctness.||2:A Fox News TV contract followed, and many invitations to address conservative gatherings. | |
10 | ||1:在1950年代,人们在对苏联的威胁战战兢兢之际,海尔曼依旧高调支持“和平共处”而不是强制遏制。||2:1952年,在被非美活动调查委员会传唤之前,为了保全自己,她高雅地宣称公开点名是“不得体且不被尊重”的。看点是,她还并不觉得自己做错了什么。||3:针对美国对共产党的镇压,她反驳道,比起共产党带来的威胁,这更阴险。||4:尽管她参与了几十年的政治改革,并且公开批评斯大林政权,海尔曼还是被标榜为“顽固不化的斯大林主义者”。 | ||1: Amid growing fears about the Soviet menace in the 1950s, Hellman still loudly supported “peaceful coexistence” rather than aggressive containment. ||2: Called before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1952, she elegantly declared that it was “indecent and dishonourable” to name names in order to save herself, particularly when she did not feel she had done anything wrong. ||3: America’s repression of communism, she argued, was more insidious than the threat of it. ||4: Despite decades of involvement in progressive politics and her public criticism of Stalin’s regime, Hellman is still regarded as an “unrepentant Stalinist”. | |
11 | ||1:争论中的物体真的是个非常巨大的花岗岩圆石,重340吨,有一座房子那么大。||2:在艺术家迈克尔·黑泽尔发现它以前,它一直默默无闻的躺在加利福尼亚的一座采石场里。||3:迈克尔想把这块巨石拖运到洛杉矶的一座博物馆里,在那里将它悬起来,让游客穿过其下的一条窄窄的通道,来感受头上的重物威胁。 | ||1:THE object in question is really just a very large granite boulder.It weighs 340 tons and is the size of a house.||2:It sat unappreciated in a California quarry until Michael Heizer, an artist, spotted it.||3:He decided to haul the rock to a museum in Los Angeles, in order to suspend it so that visitors could walk through a small channel underneath it and ponder the menace above. | |
12 | ||1:总统奥巴马与民主党的关系日益复杂。||2:在他被事件冲击的悲惨的2014过去后,共和党成功地把中期选举办成了对他能力的公民投票,推动一些保守州内民主党人对他的否定(这不过是徒劳,因为多数民主党人已经失去了席位)。||3:此后,奥巴马蔑视关于他即将下台的预言。||4:他利用自己的行政权力保护了数百万移民免受驱逐,并废除了对古巴明显无效的禁运政策。||5:他勾勒出未来的政策趋势,从新环境保护规定到全球贸易协定,这些政策有可能成为他史册留名的资本。||6:共和党人试图阻止他的多项计划。||7:全球大事件继续威胁着他。||8:但奥巴马正在自己的权限范围内,力定大局。 | ||1:President Obama’s relations with the Democratic Party are increasingly complicated.||2:After a wretched 2014, during which he seemed buffeted by events, Republicans successfully made the mid-term elections a referendum on his competence, prompting Democrats in some conservative states to try to disown him (in vain—most such Democrats lost anyway).||3:Since then, Mr Obama has defied predictions of his imminent irrelevance.||4:He has used his executive powers to shield millions of migrants from deportation, and started to dismantle the (remarkably ineffective) embargo against Cuba.||5:He has sketched out future policies that may define his legacy, from new rules to protect the environment to global trade pacts.||6:Republicans will try to thwart many of his plans.||7:Global events continue to menace him.||8:But as much as his office permits, Mr Obama is setting the agenda. | |
13 | 不过这也让间谍们察觉到了来自他们的威胁。(对付恐怖分子,他们也不得不经常使用这样的手段)。 | But that makes them a menace for spies (and for terrorists, who often operate under the same constraints). | |
14 | 布克曼同时表示,相比病原体的存在,栖息地的丧失和改变更加威胁到传粉者的生存。 | Meanwhile, habitat loss and alteration, he says, are even more of a menace to pollinators than pathogens. | |
15 | 成为当地一个威胁的在逃精神病患者 | an escaped psychopath who became a menace to the community | |
16 | 但人类在免受虎害的同时,却不得不面临生态恶化的威胁。 | Although human avoided the encroachment of tiger, they had to confront the menace of ecological deterioration. | |
17 | 但是,钱夹比携带沙门氏菌的厨房洗碗池更具威胁吗? | But are wallets a more serious menace than salmonella-encrusted kitchen sinks? | |
18 | 但是“红色警告”不会在短期内消除,现在就期盼中国成为世界首个绿色超级大国还为时尚早。 | But talk of the world’s first green superpower remains as premature as the image of the "red menace " is outdated. | |
19 | 但是也没好到把配方奶粉当做是公共健康的威胁。 | But not so much better that formula deserves the label of ’public health menace . | |
20 | 当前网络警察所面临的威胁与挑战刍议 | The Menace and Challenge for Net Police Currently | |
21 | 当他们只有20岁时,就拍摄了《威胁2:社会》。那部影片反应了深受黑帮困扰的洛杉矶。 | When they were just 20, they made Menace II Society, a scalding view of gang-plagued Los Angeles. | |
22 | 第一种危险是真实存在的,而且正在上升。 | The first of these is a real and growing menace . | |
23 | 对动物疫源疾病不断威胁人类健康的思考 | Reflection about continuous menace to human beings from zoonosis | |
24 | 对于欧洲冠军联赛的所有参赛球队来说,利物浦是一支神秘而又危险的队伍。 | Liverpool are as much of a mystery as a menace to all rivals in the Champions League. | |
25 | 对于中国的崛起,雅克倾向于视之为威胁,但他认为这种威胁存在于文化层面,而不具有军国主义性质。 | In China’s rise, Jacques tends to see menace , albeit of a cultural rather than a militaristic nature. | |
26 | 而波特不但需要为体育、作业和姑娘心焦,还要在此之余面对伏地魔的威胁。 | Potter must confront this menace in between worrying about sport, homework and girls. | |
27 | 而且,虽说自然灾害威胁的是每个人,但迄今为止,穷人是最易受害的人群。 | And, while natural hazards menace everyone, the poor are by far the most vulnerable. | |
28 | 法国提出的经济政府由于带有法国统治经济的特点,所以也会威胁到欧洲中央银行的独立。 | Economic government was a French idea, loaded with dirigiste menace and peril for the independence of the European Central Bank. | |
29 | 飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。 | Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross alien menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies. | |
30 | 奉行戴高乐主义的总统雅克·希拉克(JacquesChirac)则宣称自由主义对欧洲而言是比共产主义还要大的威胁。 | The president, Jacques Chirac, a Gaullist descendant, has called liberalism a greater menace for Europe than communism. |