1 | 当然,还有不可忽略的MINI,两款小巧可爱的Mini Cooper,一红一黄,让人不由想起美国电影《意大利任务》中MINI令人叹为观止的表演。 | Of course, there were MINI models too. Two compact MINI Coopers, a red and a yellow, reminded us of its breathtaking performance in the American film “The Italian Job”. | |
2 | 第二次世界大战以来,候选人的名字越来越短,而且要在广告上看起来亲切。最好听上去像电视短剧中主角的名字。 | The pattern since World War II has been for candidates with increasingly short, poster-friendly names. And preferably sounding like they could be the lead characters in a mini -series. | |
3 | 该邮品包括小版张(每个小版张包括12枚港币1.3元邮票)、纪念套折(内附一张三连版邮票小版张,载有三地邮政发行共36枚邮票),还有首日封。 | The stamp products include Mini -pane (each pane contains 12 stamps of HK$1.3 each), Souvenir Pack (contains a se-tenant stamp sheetlet composed of 3 mini-panes with 36 stamps in total issued by 3 postal administrations and First Day Cover. | |
4 | 关于MINI Cabrio在贵国开始投放市场的具体细节,请联系所在国的MINI经销商。 | For exact details of the availability of the MINI Cabrio in your country, please contact your MINI dealer. | |
5 | 关于MINI Cooper发动机的重要统计数据-1.6 升,4缸,16 V 发动机,85 千瓦/115 马力,最高速度为200千米/小时,从零加速到100千米/小时只需9.1秒。 | The vital statistics of the MINI Cooper engine:-1.6 litre, 4 cylinder, 16 V engine-85 kW/115 hp-200 km/h top speed-0-100 km/h in 9.1 secs. | |
6 | 关于MINI在贵国的具体售价,请联系所在国的MINI经销商。 | Contact your MINI dealer for prices in your country. | |
7 | 货名:绣花缎超短裙 | Commodity:Embroidered satin mini skirts | |
8 | 即日起,所有在中国大陆登记的MINI品牌的汽车,于24个月的新车保修期内 | From that date, all MINI vehicles registered in Mainland China became eligible. | |
9 | 即使出现少有的汽车抛锚现象,您也完全不必担心,MINI道路救援将为您提供最无微不至的关怀,确保您能够继续前行,并尽可能减少您的不便。 | In the rare event of a breakdown you are assured of our best attention with the MINI Roadside Assistance Program, enabling you to continue your journey with the minimum of inconvenience. | |
10 | 街道学校、小型学校、分散设置的学校以及使用教育凭证的制度等等,都被看作较好的求学方式,正在对他们进行研究。 | Street schools, mini -schools, decentralization of control, and the use of educational vouchers are all being investigated as means to better ways of learning | |
11 | 结构紧凑,坚固有力,充满能量和活力,您的MINI天生就是一个运动员。 | Compact and muscular, and simply bursting with energy and vitality, your MINI is a natural athlete. | |
12 | 她身着黑色超短裙和紧身衣 | She is arrayed in black mini and tights. | |
13 | 尽管如此,有了原厂MINI配件,在MINI中用餐,其乐趣也毫不逊色。 | Although, thanks to original MINI accessories, it′s just as pleasant to have your meal in the MINI itself. | |
14 | 科恩将他研制的病毒附加到一种名为VD的制图程序中,这种制图程序是为vax小型计算机编写的。 | Mr Cohen added his virus to a graphics program called VD that was written for a make of mini -computer called a vax | |
15 | 理查又进行了一次他的小讲演--我现在意识到它的模式:开始时令我讨厌,理解后,就喜欢了。 | Rich gave one of his mini -lectures--I now recognized a pattern: I hated them when they were happening and loved them once they sunk in | |
16 | 路上的性能如同在文件里描述的一样好:MINI Cooper主要技术数据。 | As good on paper as it is on the road: the vital statistics of your MINI Cooper. | |
17 | 美宝莲市场总监王红斌女士给大家简单地介绍了新产品的两大特点:迷你刷头和乳脂配方。 | Market Director of Maybelline Ms. Wang Hongbin briefed us on the two major features of this new product: the mini brushtop and the ingredient butterfat. | |
18 | 美国航空航天局将会就此问题出版一本袖珍书,向世界证明美国人的确曾踏上月球。 | So the National aeronautics and Space administration (NaSa)will produce a mini -book to show that yes, indeed, americans did land on the Moon. | |
19 | 迷你夹心饼系列(主要口味有高纤胚芽蛋奶,巧克力香草,牛奶钙酸奶,牛奶钙蓝莓) | Mini wafers (High-fiber germ egg milk, chocolate vanilla, milk calcium sour milk, milk calcium blueberry flavor) | |
20 | 迷你早晨-迈克不快乐的饶舌口语 | Mini Moni Mika No Happy Morning Chatty | |
21 | 那辆小面包车开得很近,但是,小错也是错。 | That mini -bus came very close.Still,a miss is as good as a mile. | |
22 | 你绝不可能让我穿上超短裙。 | You wouldn’t get me to wear a mini -skirt for all the tea in China. | |
23 | 您留迷你发型很好。 | Mini Style will be just the thing for you. | |
24 | 让MINI Cabrio的驾乘乐趣再添几缕清凉的空气-从MINI家族中选取一款敞篷轿车,并按照您自己的喜好进行从内到外的全面定制 | Add an even cooler air to the MINI Cabrio driving fun – by tailoring the open-air member of the MINI family to suit your tastes, both inside and out. | |
25 | 如果故障无法在现场排除,我们将组织专业的拖车服务,并承担将故障车运抵距离事故现场最近的MINI服务合作商所在地的拖车费。 | If a fault cannot be repaired on site, we will organize a qualified towing service and take care of the towing costs to the nearest MINI Service partner. | |
26 | 如果您在取回所维修的MINI汽车时需要一定费用,我们将(为一人)承担与取车有关的交通费。 | If you stayed overnight or chose to continue your journey, as soon as your MINI is ready for the road again we will take care of the relevant transport costs (for one person)to pick up the car. | |
27 | 如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大.他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识. | If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects. | |
28 | 事实上, 每1百万辆MINI中, 只有10辆是完全相同的。 | In fact, of every 1 000 000 MINI built, only 10 are absolutely identical! | |
29 | 是的,尤其是微雕。 | Yes, especially mini -carvings. | |
30 | 是什么让MINI Cabrio如此与众不同? | What makes the MINI Cabrio so unique? |