1 | 但就概念而言,这个概念深陷一个困扰人类学家多年的矛盾之中。 | But as concepts go, it is also mired in a contradiction that anthropologists have been worrying about for years. | |
2 | 当多数大型经济体要么仍身陷衰退之中,要么才略有复苏之际,中国已在火速前进。 | While most big economies are either still mired in recession or showing modest recoveries, China is firing ahead. | |
3 | 当你深陷债务中时,债主会越来越富有,与此同时,你想要达到经济独立的机会也越来越小。 | While you are mired in debt, the creditors are getting rich and simultaneously diminishing your chances of achieving financial independence. | |
4 | 而且俄罗斯现在也明白,如果北极陷入争夺的泥潭中,那么开采地下的资源就会变得雪上加霜。 | And as Russia realizes, exploiting the energy wealth of the Arctic will be much harder if the region gets mired in conflict. | |
5 | 房地产市场曾经导致2008年美国经济陷入衰退,目前依然萧条。 | The housing market, which helped push the economy into recession in 2008, is still mired in a slump. | |
6 | 该公司在本月初给客户的报告中写道,“预计2010年全年英国仍将陷于严重的经济衰退之中。” | In a report to clients this month, it said it "expects the UK to be mired in a deep recession through all of 2010" . | |
7 | 国际体系处于深刻危机中 | International System Mired in a Snowballing Crisis | |
8 | 过去几年发生的事情已经使这个国家陷入不断的冲突,盗窃横行,律法失控的状态。 | Events over the years have led to an image of a country mired in endless conflict, plagued by piracy and lawlessness. | |
9 | 很容易想像在1989年末的时候,这个地区还深陷贫困了几十年的泥潭里。 | At the end of 1989 it was easy to imagine the region staying mired in poverty for decades. | |
10 | 后萨达姆时代的伊拉克有了真正的多党制选举,却陷入了腐败、暴力和派系斗争的泥潭。 | Post-Saddam Iraq has had genuine multiparty elections but is mired in corruption, violence and sectarian strife. | |
11 | 紧接着,日本的股市和楼市泡沫破裂,日本进入紧缩衰退期,直到现在还深陷其中。 | Then the Japanese stock and real-estate bubbles collapsed, and Japan entered the deflationary depression in which it’s still mired . | |
12 | 举个例子,环保部正陷在一个关于明年提高汽车排放量标准的官场争夺中。 | The environment ministry, for example, is mired in a bureaucratic tussle over raising vehicle emissions standards by next year. | |
13 | 例如,日本的经济增长依然缓慢,但该国的教育水平却很高。 | Japan, for example, remains mired in slow economic growth but has high educational standards. | |
14 | 美国当时正处在接近两位数的失业率下的滞胀的泥潭之中。 | America was mired in stagflation, with an unemployment rate nearing double digits. | |
15 | 美国很有可能会陷入日本式的经济停滞和通货紧缩状态的泥潭,一直到华尔街的影响力破裂为止。 | The United States will likely remain mired in Japanese-style economic stagnation and deflation until the power of Wall Street is broken. | |
16 | 那次事件之后,外国投资烟消云散,产量下降,而玻利维亚国家石油公司YPFB则陷入腐败的泥潭。 | Foreign investment evaporated, production fell and the state-owned energy company, YPFB, became mired in corruption. | |
17 | 葡萄牙的银行健康状况或许比爱尔兰的好一点,但是这个国家也深受经济增速缓慢以及庞大预算赤字的困扰。 | Portugal’s banks may be healthier than Ireland’s, but the countryis mired in slow growth and a large budget deficit. | |
18 | 清晰!当你在一个句子中陷入苦境时,最好重新开始; | When you become hopelessly mired in a sentence, it is best to start fresh; | |
19 | 然而,在2003年,她陷入了移民诉讼之中,2004年更严重到令法院下达遣送其回原籍的命令。 | But in 2003 she became mired in immigration proceedings that culminated in a court order the following year ordering her deportation. | |
20 | 然而,正如我们所说,加里福尼亚最终深深陷入债务和政治的泥潭。 | Yet, as we speak, California, like the US as a whole, is mired in debt and political gridlock. | |
21 | 日本在近十年里饱受通货紧缩所困,物价水平每年以2%的速度下跌。 | Japan has been mired in deflation for a decade, and prices are falling by 2% year on year. | |
22 | 如果那样应对现在面临的问题,我们仍旧会停止不前,长期深陷于二十一世纪不断恶化的经济危机循环之中。 | If we treat our current problem that way, we will still be right here, mired in the 21st century’s ever-accelerating crisis cycle for years. | |
23 | 如果你发现自己的工作无聊而平庸,这就意味着是时候改变了。为什么不在你所感兴趣的行业里去尝试一下创业呢? | If you find yourself mired in a mundane job, maybe a change is needed. Why not plan out a business model around something you love to do? | |
24 | 如果你肯定自己的职业选择是错误的一步,那么也要试着不让自己陷在负面情绪里无法自拔。 | If you’re certain that you’ve made a wrong turn, try not to get mired in feelings of negativity. | |
25 | 如果你因为过去而身陷困境,寻求专业人士的帮助,重建信心并集中精神开始现在的生活。 | If you’re mired down by past events, seek out a professional to help you reframe and refocus your energies. | |
26 | 如果西方经济在另一次深跌时陷入泥潭,通货膨胀会使中国在政策引导上难度加大。 | Inflation puts China in much more of a policy bind if the West gets mired in another deep slump. | |
27 | 如果信贷市场无法运转,美国经济现在也许仍深陷于衰退甚至更糟。 | Without a functioning credit market, the U. S. economy would have remained mired in recession or worse. | |
28 | 如今深陷丑闻泥潭的公司,几乎所有都是通过反向合并在美国上的市。 | Virtually all the companies mired in scandal today went public in the US through a reverse merger. | |
29 | 设想一下,假如在巨额财赤状况持续了两年或更长时间后,美国仍陷于失业和增长缓慢的泥潭之中,后果将会怎样呢? | Now think what will happen if, after two or more years of monstrous fiscal deficits, the US is still mired in unemployment and slow growth. | |
30 | 身陷困局的沙特王室命运 | The Fate of Saudi Royal Family Mired in a Dilemma |