1 | 第一百五十六条 香港特别行政区可根据需要在外国设立官方或半官方的经济和贸易机构,报中央人民政府备案。 | Article 156 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, as necessary, establish official or semi-official economic and trade missions in foreign countries and shall report the establishment of such missions to the Central People’s Government for the record. | |
2 | 第一百五十七条 外国在香港特别行政区设立领事机构或其他官方、关官方机构,须经中央人民政府批准。 | Article 157 The establishment of foreign consular and other official or semi-official missions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall require the approval of the Central People’s Government. | |
3 | 第一条 外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理签证。 | Article 1 For entry to China , aliens shall apply for visas to Chinese diplomatic missions , consular posts or other foreign-base agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC . | |
4 | 洞庭湖生态功能保护的原则和任务 | The Principles and Missions of Ecological Function Protection for Dongting Lake | |
5 | 多代卫星测高数据联合平差及重力场反演 | Integrated Data Processing for Multi-satellite Missions and Recovery of Marine Gravity Field | |
6 | 该国在海外设有约六十个使馆。 | The country maintains some sixty missions abroad. | |
7 | 该青少年劳教收容中心的主要任务是改造、教育、挽救少年罪犯并防止和减少少年犯罪的数量。 | The main missions for the establishment of this Juvenile Rehabilitation and Care Center are to correcteducate and redeem juvenile delinquents and to prevent and reduce the number of young delinquents | |
8 | 高等研究院创建模式比较与任务探究 | Institutes for Advanced Study: A Comparative Analysis of Their Models and Missions | |
9 | 关于联合国大学工作人员和顾问出差旅行的行政指示 | Administrative Instruction on travel of UNU staff and consultants on missions | |
10 | 国家富强和人民幸福而不断艰苦奋斗、发愤图强的八十年,是为完成肩负的历史使命而不断经受考验、发展壮大的八十年。 | the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people; and they are 80 years of withstanding endless tests and growing steadily in strength in the course of accomplishing the historical missions . | |
11 | 国务院其他有关部门管辖系统内的单位承担本部门业务范围内的测绘任务,由该部门进行测绘资格审查。 | With respect to units, under the jurisdiction of other relevant departments under the State Council, undertaking surveying and mapping missions within the specialized scope of their respective departments, their qualification of surveying and mapping shall be verified by their respective departments. | |
12 | 国有林森林火灾直升机运用实务之调查 | Investigation on Forest Fire Missions of Helicopter in National Forests | |
13 | 互派友好代表团能大大增进两国的相互了解。 | The exchange of goodwill missions greatly contributes to/towards a better understanding between the two countries. | |
14 | 火星探路者与漫游者:自从1976年海盗号的计划之后,第一次尝试登陆火星的宇宙飞船。 | Mars Pathfinder and Rover: First spacecraft to land on Mars since the Viking 1976 missions . | |
15 | 基于μC/OS-Ⅱ中断返回指令的任务切换设计 | Using μC/OS-Ⅱ to Switch the Missions by Intermitting Return Statement | |
16 | 将有多达四人的欧洲科学家和技术人员同美国的驾驶员和机长乘坐同一架航天飞机去完成空间实验室飞行任务。 | Up to four European scientists and technicians will ride the shuttle with U.S pilots and commanders on spacelab missions | |
17 | 据我所知,一些欧盟成员国的政府代表团将在年内访华,有许多企业家将随访。3月下旬,比利时首相韦尔霍夫斯达特将率团访华 | As I know, governmental delegations of some EU member states will visit China within this year with business missions accompanied. His Excellency Prime Minister of Belgium Werhosfstadt will head a mission to China in late March. | |
18 | 决议要求特派团在埃厄两国边界地区负责组织和协调排雷工作,同时要求特派团为两国边界划分提供行政和后勤方面的支持。 | The resolution requested the missions to be responsible to organize and coordinate land mine removing and providing administrative and logistic supports to marking borders between the two countries. | |
19 | 军事测绘任务的登记,按照中央军事委员会的规定执行。 | Registration for military surveying and mapping missions shall be governed by the relevant regulations of the Central Military Commission. | |
20 | 考虑有效措施以加强对外交和领事使团和代表的保护及其安全 | consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection,security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives | |
21 | 利用多代卫星测高数据反演海洋重力场 | Recovery of Marine Gravity Field Using Integrated Data from multi-satellite Missions | |
22 | 联合国维持和平特派团和机制预防和解决危机和冲突工作的基本原则和标准宣言 | Declaration on the Basic Principles and Criteria for the Work of United Nations Peace-keeping Missions and Mechanisms for the Prevention and Settlement of Crises and Conflicts | |
23 | 联合国维持和平特派团和机制预防和解决危机和冲突工作的基本原则和标准宣言草案 | Declaration on the Basic Principles and Criteria for the Work of United Nations Peace-keeping Missions and Mechanisms for the Prevention and Settlement of Crises and Conflicts, draft | |
24 | 联合国维持中东和平工作团首席协调员 | Chief Coordinator of United Nations Peace-Keeping Missions in the Middle East | |
25 | 联合国驻埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团于2000年7月成立,当时其主要使命是监督两国执行停火与和平协议。 | UN’s missions to Ethiopia and eritrea were founded in July 2000, whose major task at that time was to supervising the two countries to practice the ceasefire and peace agreement | |
26 | 论医学中心之任务及医管组评鉴要旨 | Discussion on the Missions of the Tertiary Care Hospital and the Accreditation Methods on Hospital Overall Management | |
27 | 每次航天飞行时,新的英雄和新的载人航行使我目不转睛地盯着电视屏幕。我总是想像自己乘着航天舱窜人太空。或许……或许有那么一天。 | New heroes and new manned missions kept me glued to the TV set during every space flight. I always envisioned myself in those capsules soaring into space. Maybe... maybe someday. | |
28 | 美国该不该花费数十亿数十亿的美元把人类送上太空去完成具有 | Should America spend billions upon billions of dollars to send human beingssintosspace on perilous missions ? | |
29 | 美国另一个重要的太空计划,就是航天飞机,一种可以反复多次使用的太空交通工具,去从事更经济更频繁的太空任务。 | America’s next major space program is the space shuttle, a reusable space vehicle which will permit more economical and more frequent space missions | |
30 | 民防官员指出,马尼拉都会区已有数条干道遭洪水淹没,水位都高至脖子;有关当局出动了军用卡车、橡皮艇和救护车进行救难工作。 | Civil defense officials pointed out that several major roads in metropolitan Manila area have been inundated with neck-high water. Authorities have dispatched military trucks, rubber boats, and ambulances on rescue missions |