1 | “我主张总罢工的阵线不妨稍稍变换一下。 | I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t make a slight modification in the alignment of the general strike | |
2 | COBOL的主要设计理念有二:可移植性(在不同制造商的计算机上执行只需最小程度的修改)和可读性(程序可当成普通英文轻易阅读)。 | COBOL was created to fulfill two major objectives: portability (ability of programs to be run with minimum modification on computers from different manufacturers)and readability (ease with which a program can be read like ordinary English). | |
3 | 包缠纺纱的一种改进型包括三种组分,芯部采用长丝,长丝外由短纤维包缠,最外面的一层由长丝包缠而成。 | A modification of the process involves three components, a center core of filament fibers encircled by staple fibers then wrapped by filament fibers. | |
4 | 本担保书不得作口头变更。非经书面并由一名经授权的买方工作人员执行,为任何目的对本担保书所作的变更均无效。 | This Guaranty cannot be modified orally. No modification of this Guaranty shall be effective for any purpose unless it is in writing and executed by an officer of buyer authorized to do so. | |
5 | 本合同的修改和增补除非成书面形式,并由ABC有权认可这类修改的区域维修副总裁及客户授权人的签名,否则对ABC是无效的。 | No modification of or additions to this Agreement shall be binding upon ABC unless such modification is in writing and signed by the ABC Division Service Vice President authorized to make such revisions and an authorized agent of Customer. | |
6 | 蝙蝠的翼是演化过程中由前肢演化而来。除拇指外,前肢各指极度伸长,有一片飞膜从前臂、上臂向下与体侧相连直至下肢的踝部。 | Their wings are evolutionary modification of the forelimbs, with greatly elongated fingers joined by a membrane that extends down the side of the body. | |
7 | 变更或者解除合同的通知或者协议,应当采用书面形式。 | Notices or agreements on the modification or rescission of contracts shall be made in writing. | |
8 | 变更注册人名义;地址;其它注册事项 | Modification of Name;Address of Registrant;Other Matters | |
9 | 不允许跨过一个命名上下文修改DN。 | Modification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted. | |
10 | 不允许一个构造att修改。 | Modification of a constructed attribute is not allowed. | |
11 | 布鲁内尔在挖掘泰晤士河隧道时所发明的盾构加以改进后用于在粘土和软岩地带挖掘隧道。 | Shields that are modification of the one that Brunel developed for boring the Thames Tunnel are used in excavating through clay or soft rock. | |
12 | 仓储地址、面积、管理人员情况如有变更,须在变更之日起15天内向批准的新闻出版行政部门备案。 | If the information on the storage address, area or managers is modified in any way, the entity or individual must report to the approving administrative department of press and publication for record within 15 days as of the modification . | |
13 | 尺寸或预加力和偏心需要修改。 | The dimensions or prestressing force and eccentricity require modification | |
14 | 词尾变化形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级 | The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive,comparative,and superlative degrees. | |
15 | 此项保证不适用于因下述原因造成的缺陷:未经Lawspirit事先书面批准对产品作出的改动或修改 | This warranty does not apply to defects attributable to : modification or alteration of the Products made without the prior written approval of Lawspirit | |
16 | 催化藉添加催化剂而改变化学反应速率(通常是加速)的现象,催化剂通常与反应物作用,但最后会再生,因此量保持不变,不会影响化学反应的平衡情况。 | Catalysis Modification (usually acceleration)of a chemical reaction rate by addition of a catalyst, which combines with the reactants but is ultimately regenerated so that its amount remains unchanged and the chemical equilibrium of the conditions of the reaction is not altered. | |
17 | 大多数早期的刺激微生物活性的方法是向水和土壤中添加氧或养分,现在叫工程生物补救法。 | Most of the early efforts to stimulate the activities of microbes involved the modification of waters and soils by the addition of oxygen or nutrients, now called engineered bioremediation. | |
18 | 对电热水器未经授权的更改可能会对生命和财产造成危害,而且也导致质量保证条款失效。 | Unauthorized modification of the water heater may create a hazard to life and property and will nullify the warranty. | |
19 | 对电热水器未经授权的更改可能会对生命和财产造成危害,而且也导致质量保证条款失效。在对热水器进行更动之前,请与当地经销商和供电部门联系。 | Unauthorized modification of the water heater may create a hazard to life and property and will nullify the warranty. Contact your dealer or utility company before making any changes. | |
20 | 对缝纫机的改造、变更应符合安全规格,并采取有效的安全措施。另外,对于有关改造和变更,JUKI公司概不负责。 | Remodel or modify the machine in accordance with the safety rules/standards while taking all the effective safety measures. JUKI assumes no responsibility for damage caused by remodeling or modification of the machine. | |
21 | 对损失预防计划有效性和效率的评价结果应当是管理评审的输出,并应当作为修改计划和改进过程的输入。 | Results of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of loss prevention plans should be an output from management review, and should be used as an input for the modification of plans and as input to the improvement processes. | |
22 | 而且,它还具有向下兼容性,使得以往在DOS、Windows3.x下开钱的各种应用软件,甚至可以不加任何修改,就能在Windows95中照常运行。 | Moreover, it has downward compatibility which makes all application software developed for DOS and windows 3.x run even without any modification | |
23 | 而邱继宝的大胆决策使飞跃不但没有被淘汰出局,反而通过技术引进与改造实现了真正的脱胎换骨,而且节约了投资将近7000万元。 | However, thanks to Qiu’s brave decision, Feiyue not only survived but also entered a new stage through technological updating and modification , resulting in saving the investment by nearly 70 million yuan. | |
24 | 而这一规则不适应于通过基因修饰技术(基因突变和细胞融合)而得到的生物体,因为这一技术已经得到一定程度的应用,并且已有了长期安全性的记录。 | Such regulation does not apply to organisms obtained by means of the techniques of genetic modification through mutagenesis and cell fusion, since these specific applications have been used in a number of applications and have a long safety record. | |
25 | 发言者暗示可能会修改建议。 | The speaker dropped a hint of a possible modification of the proposals. | |
26 | 更改,改变由改变导致的状态;更改 | The condition resulting from altering;modification . | |
27 | 公司变更法定代表人的,应当自变更决议或者决定做出之日起30日内申请变更登记。 | A company which changes its legal representative should apply for registration of change within 30 days from the date of making the resolution or decision of modification . | |
28 | 规定任何更改或根据协议终止必须以书面做出的书面合同,不得以任何其它方式更改或根据协议终止。 | A contract in writing which contains a provision requiring any modification or termination by agreement to be in writing may not be otherwise modified or terminated by agreement. | |
29 | 规范是指合同中包括的工程规范,以及根据第95条规定的或由承包商提出并经工程师批准的对规范的任何修改或增补。 | "Specification"" means the specification of the Works included in the Contract and modification thereof or addition thereto made under Clause 95 or submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer." | |
30 | 国会通过的那项法律是原议案的修正稿。 | The law passed by Congress was a modification of the original bill. |