1 | 这三种要素每一种都是对前一要素更复杂的变更,而且每一要素都出现在人类口头语言之前或之初 | Each is apparently an increasingly more complex modification of the former, and each was probably developed in the depths of prehistory before, or at the start of, man’s early experiments with vocal language. | |
2 | 这一修改扩大了专利权人的权利范围,即增加了“禁止进口权”和“专利方法的效力及于依照该专利方法直接获得的产品”的新内容。 | This modification expanded the scope of patentees’ right, namely the new content of "the right to prohibit import" and "the effect of patented processes is extended to products directly obtained by patented processes" | |
3 | 只要该成员向理事会说明该修改或撤销不能等待第21条第1款规定的3年期限期满的理由。 | provided that the Member shows cause to the Council that the modification or withdrawal cannot await the lapse of the three-year period provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XXI | |
4 | 制药工业:药物--用于疾病诊断、治疗、预防和有机功能矫正的物质--的制造者。 | Pharmaceutical industry: Producers of pharmaceuticals, substances used in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and the modification of organic functions. | |
5 | 中华人民共和国法律、行政法规规定应当由国家批准成立的合同,其重大变更应当经原批准机关批准,其解除应当报原批准机关备案。 | In the case of a contract which, according to the laws or administrative regulations of the People’s Republic of China, is to be established with the approval of the state, any significant modification of the contract shall be subject to the approval of the authority which approved the contract, and the rescission of the contract shall be filed with the same authority for the record. | |
6 | 自动修改变址寄存器内容。 | Automatic modification of the index register. | |
7 | 组织应建立并维持适当的程序和责任,以供制作及修订各类型的文件。 | Procedures and responsibilities shall be established and maintained concerning the creation and modification of the various types of document. | |
8 | 组织应建立和实施生产工装管理的系统包括工具修改和文件修订。 | The organization shall establish and implement a system for production tooling management including tool modification and revision to documentation. | |
9 | 作为改型件,NEMa类型4钢外壳,以及NEMa类型4X不锈钢外壳,或玻璃纤维外壳几种类型可供用户选择。 | as a modification , NEMa Type 4 steel enclosures and NEMa Type 4X stainless steel or fiberglass enclosures are available. | |
10 | 作一次临时性的修正。 | To make an improvised modification . |