属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-避税 数据革命
1 | "跟这个女人谈谈吧,我的兄弟,"威尔逊先生说。"这是她灵魂的关键时刻,而正如令人崇敬的总督大人所说,由于你对她的灵魂负有职责,因此,这对你自己的灵魂也同样是关键时刻。劝诫她招认真情吧!" | "Speak to the woman, my brother,"" said Mr. Wilson. ""It is of moment to her soul, and therefore, as the worshipful Governor says, momentous to thine own, in whose charge hers is. Exhort her to confess the truth!" | |
2 | 1997年,国家禁毒委员会统一部署在全国开展了声势浩大的禁毒专项斗争,取得重大战果。 | In 1997, according to a unified deployment the NNCC launched a momentous anti-drug campaign nationwide, with great success | |
3 | 2003年5月29日是人类征服珠穆朗玛峰50周年纪念日,为了庆祝这一历史时刻,尼泊尔首都加德满举办了庆祝活动,来自世界各地的500多名曾经成功登项珠峰的登山者聚集一堂。 | May 29, 2003 marks the 50th anniversary of the human conquest of Mount Qomolangma. This momentous historic event was celebrated at Katmandu, the capital of Nepal, where an impressive roster of over 500 Qomolangma Summiteers from all over the world gathere | |
4 | 对我们大家来说,那是人世间头等大事。 | It was the most momentous thing on earth for us all. | |
5 | 对于今天在场的一些人来说,这是一个庄严的、极其重要的时刻。 | To a few of us here today, this is a solemn and most momentous occasion | |
6 | 对于这种重大的决策,公共官员、科学家,技术人员以及公众每个人都应该有发言权。 | For such momentous decisions, there ought to be a seat at the table for everyone-public officials, scientists, technologists, and the public alike | |
7 | 各位不满的同胞,内战的重要问题,不系于我的手里,而系于你们的手里。 | In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war | |
8 | 海丝特只能靠回忆自己当时的情况来分析这孩子的性格:在珠儿从精神世界汲取自己的灵魂、从世上的物质中形成自己的躯体曲关键内期,她本人如何如何;但这样推断出来的孩子的性格,仍然是十分模糊不全的。 | Hester could only account for the child’s character-and even then most vaguely and imperfectly-by recalling what she herself had been, during that momentous period while Pearl was imbibing her soul from the spiritual world, and her bodily frame from its material of earth. | |
9 | 亟待解决的重大问题. | a momentous question to decide | |
10 | 几个礼拜来,大家一味谈着这一饶有兴趣的话题,连当前重大的政治事件都搁在一边。 | For several weeks, in discussion of this one absorbing theme, even the momentous political topics of the day were forgotten | |
11 | 抗氯盐污染高性能混凝土在重大工程中的应用 | Application of Anti-chlorine Polluting High-performance Concrete in Momentous Projects | |
12 | 历史证明,在每次重大的政治变革之后随之而来的往往是经济上的复兴。 | History bears evidence that each momentous political change is usually followed by an economic revival. | |
13 | 论建设社会主义新农村的科学内涵和重大意义 | On the Scientific Connotation and Momentous Meaning of Constructing Socialistic New Countryside | |
14 | 美利坚邦联军队在钱瑟勒斯维尔战役胜利后,李将军挥军北上,与米德率领的联邦军在葛底斯堡战役遭遇。 | After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg. | |
15 | 那个重要的宣言,对于数以百万计处在不公正火焰煎熬摧残下的黑人奴隶,确实是一盏发出希望之光的耀眼明灯。 | This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice | |
16 | 能应邀出席如此重要的场合,我深感荣幸。 | I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion. | |
17 | 三度当选世界足球先生,罗纳尔多荣登个人事业的巅峰作为第一位三度当选世界足球先生的球员,罗纳尔多,这个龅牙的巴西人,以此项殊荣结束了具有纪念意义的这一年。 | Perseverance Finally Pays Off RONALDO’S rise, as the first player to win the FIFA World Player of the Year Award three times, brings the curtain down on the momentous 12 months for the buck-toothed brazilian | |
18 | 新时期推动当代中国社会发展进程的重大理论述论 | A Brief Commentary on the Momentous Theories Promoting Chinas Social Development in the New Era | |
19 | 在董事会议室参加这次重要会议的人并不都象罗斯科?海沃德那样一散会就赶紧拔腿溜走。 | Not all who had been at the momentous boardroom session left as speedily as Roscoe Heyward | |
20 | 在这四个问题上,我们展开了巨大的斗争,打击了资产阶级的反抗和进攻,取得了主动。 | We have launched momentous struggles on these four issues, countered the resistance and offensive of the bourgeoisie and gained the initiative | |
21 | 这个龅牙的巴西人,以此项殊荣结束了具有纪念意义的这一年。 | The buck-toothed Brazilian brings the curtain down on the momentous 12 months. | |
22 | 这个恶作剧在两家人之中引起了轩然大波,但后来布鲁克自己把这个重要问题提出来,梅格才温顺地喃喃道,“是,约翰,”说完就把脸扑到他的背心上藏了起来。 | This prank caused a terrible upset in both houses, but later on Brooke put the momentous question, and Meg meekly whispered, “Yes, John,” and hid her face on his waistcoat. | |
23 | 这重要的文献为千千万万黑奴点燃起一座伟大的希望灯塔。 | This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves | |
24 | 重大的新闻是战争已经开始。 | The momentous news was that war had begun. | |
25 | 重大时刻;重要决定 | A momentous occasion;a momentous decision. | |
26 | 重要的决定. | a momentous decision | |
27 | ||1:本次最引人注目的协议签署国便是瑞士。瑞士的银行深陷财务丑闻当中,并由此导致了FATCA法案的颁布。||2:作为世界上最著名的海外资金管理中心,瑞士的银行本应是银行机密坚守者,然而迫于国际压力他们不得不做出让步。||3:这是一项非常重大的变化:对于瑞士来说,彻底地对外交出银行客户数据就等同于让美国人放弃自己的武器使用权。||4:而有着“东方瑞士”美誉的新加坡,同样地签署了这份协议。 | ||1:The most eye-catching signatory to the accord is Switzerland, whose banks were at the centre of the scandals that gave rise to FATCA.||2:The world’s most famous offshore wealth-management centre was built on supposedly ironclad bank secrecy, but it has been forced to buckle under international pressure.||3:This is momentous : for the Swiss, agreeing to swap client data systematically is the cultural equivalent of Americans giving up guns.||4:Singapore, which has earned a reputation as the Switzerland of the East, is also a party to the deal. | |
28 | ||1:没有简单的办法走出这一终局。||2:不管英国脱欧协议是被接受还是被拒绝,它都会给英国留下多年的伤痕。||3:然而,仍有太多政客在哗众取宠。||4:一些退欧派人士仍在假设存在一种无痛脱欧的“B计划”。||5: 工党主要关心的是强迫举行大选。||6:这需要改变,而且要快。||7:这一重大决定必须以最合理的方式作出,并提供尽可能多的资料。||8:在过去的两年里,形形色色的政客都在谈论国家利益。||9:在接下来的几个星期里,政客们必须权衡一下自己认为国家利益在哪里。 | ||1:There is no simple way out of this endgame.||2:Whether the Brexit deal is accepted or rejected, it will scar Britain for years.||3:And yet too many politicians are still grandstanding.||4:Some Brexiteers still pretend there is a Plan B that would deliver a painless exit.||5:Labour is mainly concerned with forcing a general election.||6:That needs to change, and fast.||7:This momentous decision must be made in the most reasoned way possible and with the maximum information available.||8:Politicians of all stripes have spent the past two years talking about the national interest.||9:In the coming weeks they must weigh up where they think it lies. | |
29 | ||1:希拉里·曼特尔布克奖获奖小说《狼厅》讲述了亨利八世王朝的故事,其重要意义可通过主人公汤马斯·克伦威尔体现。||2:克伦威尔是打铁匠的儿子,他一步步地攀到了亨利八世的身边,成为其冷酷无情的爪牙,也因此遗臭万年。||3:该书描写了都铎王朝的种种动乱,摘下了历史小说总被冠以哥特风格爱情小说的帽子[注1],因此,《狼厅》也是一本重要的风行读物。 | ||1:HILARY MANTEL’S Man Booker prize-winning novel, “Wolf Hall”, was a momentous work about the court of Henry VIII, as seen through the lens of Thomas Cromwell.||2:A blacksmith’s boy, Cromwell claws his way up to become Henry’s ruthless fixer and one of history’s great villains.||3:The book captured the upheavals of the Tudor period and was a critical and popular hit that rescued historical fiction from its bodice-ripper reputation. | |
30 | 即便如此,6月26日,总检察长Rodrigo Janot以受贿罪指控Temer先生还是重要的。 | Even so, the decision by Rodrigo Janot, the chief prosecutor, on June 26th to charge Mr Temer with bribe-taking was momentous . |