属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊拉克的基督徒 几近消失
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊拉克的基督徒 几近消失
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-川普总统前顾问开办民粹分子学校
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-川普总统前顾问开办民粹分子学校
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-川普总统前顾问开办民粹分子学校
1 | 站在大运河边远眺河心岛千年古刹镇国寺,隐约彰显出丛林名刹的不凡气象。 | Standing beside the Grand Canal and overlooking afar Zheng Guo Temple, an ancient monastery of thousands of years located on the central island, you can feel the extraordinary air and manner of well-known temples. | |
2 | 哲蚌寺当时就拥有185座庄园、2万名农奴、300个牧场和1.6万名牧民。 | The Drepung Monastery owned 185 manors, 20,000 serfs, 300 pastures and 16,000 herdsmen | |
3 | 这句中国的古语里有种平静的智慧,它最初是由佛教寺院中的一位和尚告诉我的,当时我在中国,这句话给我的印象很深。 | There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China. | |
4 | 这些热爱高山清静环境的年轻人每年都受到圣伯纳德道院的热烈欢迎。 | These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm Welcome at St Bernard’s monastery . | |
5 | 这些修道士居住在一个大修道院里。 | The monks live in a large monastery . | |
6 | ||1:一些人认为十年前摩苏尔有约六万基督徒;而到今年六月份为止这数字可能已经降了一半。||2:如今,这是一千六百多年以来这座城市第一次一个基督徒都不剩。||3:马尔本赫纳姆修道院的历史可以追溯到公元四世纪。||4:其他诸如什叶派、雅兹迪派这些与拜火教的古老信仰有关联的宗派都被严厉地对待。 | ||1:Some reckon that a decade ago there were around 60,000 Christians in Mosul; by June this year that figure is said to have fallen by half.||2:Now, for the first time in over 1,600 years, the city will have been emptied of Christians.||3:The Mar Behnam monastery dates from the 4th century.||4:Other sects, including Shia Muslims and Yazidis, who follow an ancient religion linked to Zoroastrianism, are being equally harshly treated. | |
7 | ||1:在阿拉伯语里N代表Nassarah,也就是基督徒的意思,而这个符号被用漏字板喷印在了基督徒们的房子上以表明这是“伊斯兰国财产”。||2:来自坐落于摩苏尔东南部靠近Qaraqosh地区的马尔本赫纳姆修道院的僧侣们只被允许携带随身衣物离开。||3:“这地方不属于你们了。”圣战分子们在报道中这样说到。 | ||1:The Arabic letter for N for Nassarah, meaning Christian, was spray-painted on their houses, with stencils declaring them to be “Property of the Islamic State”.||2:Monks from the monastery of Mar Behnam, near Qaraqosh, south-east of Mosul, were allowed to take only the clothes they were wearing.||3:“You have no place here any more,” the jihadists are reported to have said. | |
8 | 该训练营激起了意大利人的争论。政府官员表示,他们计划取消允许班农和哈恩韦尔的组织控制该修道院的协议。他们称该组织违反了协议的某些条款。 | The training camp has fueled arguments among Italians. Government officials say they plan to cancel the agreement to let Bannon and Harnwell’s group take control of the monastery . They say the group has violated some terms of the agreement. | |
9 | 为了安置他们的学校,哈恩韦尔和班农获得了拥有800年历史的Trisulti Charterhouse的临时所有权。该修道院位于罗马以东约70公里的山区。这一风景如画的地方交通不便,网络也不好。 | To house their school, Harnwell and Bannon have secured temporary ownership of the 800-year-old Trisulti Charterhouse. The monastery is in the mountains about 70 kilometers east of Rome. The picturesque grounds are difficult to reach, and the area does not have good internet connection. | |
10 | 修道院附近发生的一系列反对班农的示威活动之后,官员做出了这一决定。活动人士指责班农是白人至上主义者,以及隐秘的法西斯主义者。 | The officials’ decision follows a number of anti-Bannon protests near the grounds of the monastery . Activists accused Bannon of being a white supremacist and a secret fascist. | |
11 | “父亲”隐修院上蚀刻的星座图里隐藏着一匹狼。 | Hidden among the constellations etched into in the Father’s monastery is a wolf. | |
12 | “我认为同样的事情不会发生在修道院里,”巴菲特答道。 | "I don’t think the same thing would have happened in a monastery , " Buffett said. | |
13 | “现在僧侣们能在寺庙中静修并住在那儿,但我们所讲的事可发生在任何寺庙建立之前。”他说。 | "Monks can now practice and reside in monasteries, but we’re talking about long before the establishment of any monastery , " he said. | |
14 | “这有点让人不适应,我前一天还在一所西藏寺庙穿着僧袍,第二天就西装笔挺地坐在Coutts银行里,”艾尔古德表示。 | "It was a bit of a shock as one day I was in robes at a Tibetan monastery and the next I was in a suit at Coutts, " says Elgood. | |
15 | 20年前这家隐修院的前景十分黯淡,只有五位年长的修士居住于此。 | Twenty years ago the future of the monastery looked bleak. Only five elderly monks lived there. | |
16 | 7月18日,据称政府军在基赛镇万米特村(WanMit)用火箭弹袭击并摧毁了一个寺庙。 | On July 18, government troops allegedly destroyed a Buddhist monastery in Wan Mit village in Kyesee Township with a rocket attack. | |
17 | WaffaConstantine也是一名牧师的妻子,据报道她在2004年也皈依了伊斯兰教并因此也被囚禁到修道院里。 | Wafaa Constantine, who was also the wife of a priest, reportedly converted to Islam in 2004 and wound up in a monastery as well. | |
18 | 阿兰慌忙从睡袋里挣扎出来,开始在寺院里四处寻找。 | Hurriedly Alan struggled out of his sleeping bag and began to search the grounds of the monastery . | |
19 | 保加利亚,索菲亚:在一所修道院,一名修女走进礼拜堂 | Sofia, Bulgaria: A nun enters a chapel in a monastery | |
20 | 北京方面对阿鲁纳恰尔地区兴趣的核心在于达旺镇,当地有一个重要的藏传佛教寺院。 | At the heart of Beijing’s interest in Arunachal Pradesh is the town of Tawang, site of an important Tibetan Buddhist monastery . | |
21 | 不和随着持枪歹徒为了医疗物品而在圣诞夜对修道院的攻击在滋长。 | Discord grows when gunmen storm the monastery on Christmas Eve, demanding medical supplies. | |
22 | 禅僧把他们每天中的部分时间用来服务他人,不管是寺院里的其他禅僧还是外面世界里的人们。 | Zen monks spend part of their day in service to others, whether that be other monks in the monastery or people on the outside world. | |
23 | 朝臣自然将住宅建立在距离皇家城堡更近的地方,修道院下面座落着巨大的CerninPalace。 | Courtiers, naturally, built closer to the royal castle and below the monastery lies the massive Cernin Palace. | |
24 | 乘船几个小时,就到达了老旧的日德斯基修道院。 | After some hours by the boat you can reach the very old and abandoned Rdeysky Monastery . | |
25 | 从此,日德斯基修道院的黄金时代开始了。 | So, the golden age of Rdeysky Monastery began. | |
26 | 从前有一个故事:在花了一生时间手抄古文后,一位老和尚成为了寺院的方丈。 | Break free from guilt. So here’s the story: After a lifetime of handcopying ancient texts, an elderly monk became abbot of his monastery . | |
27 | 从沼泽地里出来,我们停靠在MadonnadelMonte,像咸水湖其他70个岛,曾经有一个中世纪的寺院在那里。 | Emerging from the marshes, we stop on Madonna del Monte which, like many of the lagoon’s 70 islands, once hosted a medieval monastery . | |
28 | 但该寺的主持喇嘛浦贝(音)说,尸体太多,天葬是不可能了。 | But Pu Be, the monastery ’s chief lama, said the sheer number of corpses made such a ceremony impossible. | |
29 | 但谈起其他的“少林”游和某些想要和寺庙联系起来的人,他开始生气。 | But he grows increasingly animated as he discusses rival "Shaolin" tours and others who seek to associate themselves with the monastery . | |
30 | 当地景点中有一个古代修道院,1141年建于西班牙,1952年在北迈阿密海滩重新组装。 | Among the local attractions is an ancient monastery , built in 1141 in Spain and reassembled in North Miami Beach in 1952. |