属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-闪电战下的生活 死亡威胁
1 | 他无疑的已在别的船上找到工作了,所以他的羞怯,说不定就是为了他已不再为法老号致哀的缘故。 | he was, no doubt, engaged on board some other vessel, and thus his bashfulness arose from the fact of his not having, if we may so express ourselves, worn mourning for the Pharaon longer | |
2 | 图中描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节的繁华热闹的景象。 | It portrays the noisy street scenes of Bianjing during the Qingming Festival (a festival for the mourning of ancestors). | |
3 | 为了悼念这位受人爱戴的总统,举国上下悲痛之深实在难以诉诸笔墨。 | The lamentation of the country mourning over the death of the beloved President was beyond description | |
4 | 为失去的希望而悲叹 | mourning for lost hopes | |
5 | 为他们的损失而悲哀 | Mourning their loss. | |
6 | 我不为昨日的不幸叹息,过去的已够不幸,不要再赔上今日的运道。 | I will waste not a moment mourning yesterdays misfortunes, yesterdays defeats, yesterday’s aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad? | |
7 | 我立刻想到,这些话正是对我说的。否则,怎么会在我为自己的处境感到悲伤,在我感到自己被上帝和世人丢平时,让我读到这段话呢?" | Immediately it occurr’d, that these words were to me, why else should they be directed in such a manner, just at the moment when I was mourning over my condition, as one forsaken of god and man? | |
8 | 我们不会忘记那些在澳大利亚、在非洲和拉丁美洲为我们默哀和悲痛的人们。 | We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in Australia and Africa and Latin America. | |
9 | 我们向死者表示哀悼。 | We express our mourning for the dead | |
10 | 我们在追悼他时,决心化悲痛为力量。 | We make up our mind to turn grief into strength when mourning over his death. | |
11 | 下半旗志哀。 | The flags are flown at half-mast in mourning . | |
12 | 先是汴京郊外的景象。农民在田里耕作,有钱人扫墓归来。 | In the suburban scene, farmers are working in the fields and wealthy people are returning from mourning their ancestors. | |
13 | 邪恶的确存在,但它一定会受到反对,虽然我们肤色不同,信仰不同,然而我们是一个国家,一起悲痛,一起面对危险 | Evil is real, and it must be opposed. beyond all differences of race or creed, we are one country, mourning together and facing danger together | |
14 | 一年,两年,谁会在乎?爱情不是你在悲痛了五年之后才能订购的东西。你爱这个人,而他也爱你,你们自然应该在一起。”他吁了一口气,我也一样。 | One year, two years – who cares? Love isn’t something you order after five years of mourning . You love this man, he loves you. It’s natural you should be together. " He lets his breath out and I do the same. | |
15 | 因发生地震,土耳其各地取消或推迟了各种文化娱乐活动,全国上下守丧哀悼死难同胞。 | Because of the earthquake, various kinds of cultural and recreational activities were cancelled or postponed in Turkey, for the whole country was in mourning for the countrymen killed in the earthquake | |
16 | 用这样的方法,寄托我们的哀思,使整个人民团结起来。 | In this way we express our mourning for the dead and unite all the people | |
17 | 再哀大学以及一些期待与建议-当前高教学术评鉴的病症与解咒的可能 | Mourning University: Syptoms of Academic Evaluation and Possible Solutions | |
18 | 再论唐代夺情起复制度 | On Official Mourning System of Tang Dynasty | |
19 | 这四十个人也分作两班,单在灵前上香添油,挂幔守灵,供饭供茶,随起举哀,别的事也不与他们相干 | These forty, divided into two shifts, will have the job of burning incense, keeping the lamps filled with oil, hanging up curtains, watching by the coffin, offering sacrificial rice and tea, and mourning with the mourners. Nothing else. | |
20 | 这天一大早妈就把我叫醒了。 | Early that mourning Mother roused me. | |
21 | 正式葬礼的悲哀由于一种潜在的不安所减轻了。 | The stately gloom of official mourning was relieved by an undercurrent of suspense | |
22 | 中国丧服尚白礼俗 | The Custom of Wearing "White" Mourning Dress in China | |
23 | 追悼会会场庄严肃穆。 | The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence. | |
24 | 着(纯黑的)正式丧服. | in deep (first) mourning | |
25 | 着(灰色的)半丧服. | in half (second) mourning | |
26 | 自然就是一个大背景,上演喜剧或悲剧一样适宜。在身心爽朗的日子,空气就如同一杯醇美得令人难以置信的甜酒。 | Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. | |
27 | 走出犯错自责的泥沼 | Step out of Quagmires in Mourning for Making Mistakes | |
28 | 祖母逝世时他们开始服丧. | When grandmother died they went into ( ie started to wear)mourning | |
29 | 最黑的衣服,尤指参加丧礼时穿的衣服。 | Clothing of the darkest hue, especially such clothing worn for mourning . | |
30 | ||1:但这些都是小瑕疵。||2: 对于另一位英国小说家,当时年迈的Rose Macaulay来说,战争粉碎了一切。 ||3:她失去了身患癌症的秘密情人,炸弹摧毁了他们所有的情信。||4:她必须隐藏这份悲伤,这反而加深了心中的痛楚。||5:《战乱情迷》极力证明了那个不断失去的阴郁年代也是激情荡漾,充满文学启发的时代,多么难能可贵。 | ||1: But these are minor complaints. ||2: For the ageing Rose Macaulay, another British novelist of the period, the war was shattering. ||3: Shelost a secret lover to cancer, and his letters to a bomb. ||4: The need to conceal the mourning deepened the grief. ||5: “The Love-charm of Bombs” excels in demonstrating that these years of bleakness and loss were also, for a fortunate few, a time of extraordinary excitement and literary inspiration. |