属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汇集于集市 Gathered in the marke
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
1 | ||1:桑给巴尔人发现,最好的方法是表面服从英国,暗中继续奴隶贸易。||2: 1873年,举国哀悼Livingstone的逝世,借此机会,Kirk将桑给巴尔首领Barghash bin-Said带到了伦敦,于是人们宣告了英国文明的凯旋。 ||3:Barghash也附和着向英国教会传信会表示,“在愚昧无知的非洲传播神圣的知识之光目标可嘉,此举定会得到上帝的奖赏。”||4:而鲜为人知的是,在回国的路上,Barghash不由自主地在埃及为他的三妻四妾购买了一些精选女奴。 | ||1: The Zanzibaris learned that the best course was publicly to give in to the British, and then just continue trading slaves. ||2: When Kirk took the Sultan of Zanzibar, Barghash bin-Said, to London, taking advantage of the national mourning following the death of Livingstone in 1873, the public declared a victory for British civilisation. ||3: Barghash played along, telling the Church Missionary Society that “spreading the light of godly knowledge among the ignorant in Africa” was a “praiseworthy object and as such will meet with recompense from God.” ||4: Less advertised was that on the journey back home Barghash could not resist buying a selection of women slaves in Egypt for his harem. | |
2 | 文艺;书评;死亡与哀悼;生命的终点站; | Books and Arts; Book Review; Death and mourning ; The end of the line; | |
3 | 这个消息让人为之一震,人们纷纷悲恸哀悼。 | Shock and mourning ensued. | |
4 | 之前版本的DSM规定那些哀痛逝者的行为不应该归为抑郁,但DSM第五版删掉了排除丧亲之痛这条。 | Past versions of the DSM stipulated that those mourning a death should not be classified as depressed. DSM-5 scraps this bereavement exclusion. | |
5 | (而今)只看到,首都各处挂满黑色的悼念的柩衣。 | Instead a black pall of mourning hangs over the capital. | |
6 | (在社交场合送礼时,避免蓝色、白色的礼物,因为这些颜色在中国常用于葬礼)。 | (1)Avoid the colors blue and white for social functions and gifts, as they are the Chinese colors for mourning | |
7 | “对于日本人来说他们最擅长的事是谈论灾后的辛酸和哀痛”她说。 | "One of the things the Japanese are very good at is talking about the aftermath of the disaster -- the poignancy, the mourning , " she says. | |
8 | “我要去那里想想。而且——我想——结束我的伤痛。” | "I’m going there to think. And -- I guess -- to finish mourning . " | |
9 | “谢谢,”曼迪说,已经开始为前几分钟唤起的孤独感哀悼了。她变得有点儿怒火中烧了。 | "Thanks, " Mandy said, already mourning the rousing solitude of a few minutes ago. Bitch had snatched her natural rush. | |
10 | 6月,在主流媒体报道迈克尔·杰克逊去世时,Twitter用户早已在为他默哀。 | In June, Twitter users were mourning Michael Jackson before major news outlets reported his death. |