属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 里克·佩里的廉价航空模式
1 | 听到希斯特发出低低的埋怨声,他终于开火了。 | A low murmur from hest produced a sudden impulse, and he fired | |
2 | 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。 | The only sound was a murmur , like flattened thunder, far up the glacier | |
3 | 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。博士不时停下来仔细聆听这种声音。 | The only sound was a murmur , like flattened thunder,far up the glacier.Every now and then John paused and listened to it. | |
4 | 维妮佛梨德含着眼泪,忍着痛,可是一声不哼。 | winifred endured the agony with tears in her eyes, but no murmur | |
5 | 我穿过大厅时听到他们的低语声。 | I heard the murmur of their voices as I crossed the hall. | |
6 | 我听到传来一阵哽咽似的低语声和一点笑声,接着是黛西嘹亮而做作的声音。 | I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh, followed by Daisy’s voice on a clear and artificial voice | |
7 | 我也嘟囔着把这种意见表示了。 | And I uttered a murmur to that effect. | |
8 | 我又听到了城市里各种各样的嗡嗡声。 | I heard again the multitudinous murmur of the city. | |
9 | 先拂声弦后角羽,四郊秋叶惊摵摵。 | ...When the player first brushes the Shang string and the Jue and then the Yu, Autumn-leaves in all four quarters are shaken with a murmur . | |
10 | 小河的潺潺声变成了响亮的淙淙声. | The tiny murmur of the brook became a loud brawl . | |
11 | 阳台上那些道貌岸然、可尊可敬的先生们彼此一阵交头接耳,贝灵汉总督表达了这阵窃窃私语的主旨,他说话时语气庄重威严,不过仍含有对他招呼着的那年轻牧师的尊敬。 | There was a murmur among the dignified and reverend occupants of the balcony; and Governor Bellingham gave expression to its purport, speaking in an authoritative voice, although tempered with respect towards the youthful clergyman whom he addressed. | |
12 | 一束灯光从门头上的气窗里透了出来。这使得观望的人群一阵激动,觉得有了希望。随之而来的是一片喃喃的反应声。终于里面响起了吱吱的门闩声,大家都竖起了耳朵。 | A light appeared through the transom overhead. It sent a thrill of possibility through the watchers. There was a murmur of recognition. At last the bars grated inside and the crowd pricked up its ears. | |
13 | 一天,两位恋人惊喜地看到墙上出现了一道小小的缝。通过这条缝,他们可以轻声耳语,诉说绵绵情话,甚至还可以亲吻对方。 | One day to the joyful surprise of the pair, there appeared in the party wall a tiny crack through which they could murmur endearments and even exchange sweet kisses | |
14 | 一条小溪潺潺流过峡谷。 | A small brook glides through the valley with a murmur . | |
15 | 在成吉思汗之前他们就开始歌唱了,在原子弹时代之后,它们还会继续歌唱。那引起想法使我高兴,所以我又低诵这两行诗,因为我心中充满了感激之情。 | They sang before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb. Those thoughts make me glad and I murmur the words again, because I am also grateful. | |
16 | 在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。 | In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook. | |
17 | ||1:许多左翼人士反驳说这只是个假象:佩里先生精力旺盛,用税收减免和其它贿赂从别的州偷来了不少工作。||2:德克萨斯州有数百万人没有医疗保险。||3:该州容忍了严重的不平等。||4:怀疑论者们控告称州长那迷人外表下隐藏着极端主义者,他正在攻击联邦政府,在墨西哥和德克萨斯州之间留下致命的“漏洞百出”的边界,或者是就像同意了279项执行令状那样展示着自己平静的自信。||5:这些批评家们抱怨说,如果人们迁移到德克萨斯州,那是因为他们自甘堕落。 | ||1:A mirage, retort many on the Left: Mr Perry rode an energy boom and stole jobs from other states with tax breaks and other bribes.||2:Millions in Texas lack health insurance.||3:The state tolerates horrible inequalities.||4:Sceptics charge that an extremist lurks behind the governor’s charm, whether he is attacking the federal government for leaving a lethally “porous” border between Mexico and Texas, or displaying a serene confidence as he signed off on 279 executions as governor.||5:If people move to Texas—such critics murmur —it’s because they are happy with crappy. | |
18 | “不要让我进去,”她自言自语道。 | "Don’t let me go in, " she would murmur . | |
19 | “还在倾听查尔斯河的潺潺流水。”我试探着说道。 | "And listening to the murmur of the River Charles, " I suggested. | |
20 | 艾丽西娅:医生在我身上并没有发现任何问题,胸痛只是由于心脏杂音引起的。 | Alicia: The doctors at the hospital could find nothing wrong with me, and attributed my chest pains to a heart murmur . | |
21 | 班长打了我的头一巴掌,说道“不许说话!”但在那之前,我听到了Jim低语“还好”。 | The squad leader slapped my head and said "Don’t talk! , " but not before I heard Jim murmur "Yes. " | |
22 | 并无任何怨言,只是默不作声地背着行李上楼。 | They all kept silence and burdened their luggage stepping upstairs without any murmur . | |
23 | 不管议会中的老油条们嘀咕什么,此番危机中的政局正在步入新领域。 | Whatever Westminster sophisticates murmur , the politics of this crisis are moving into new territory. | |
24 | 彩超对新生儿心脏杂音的评价 | Color Echocardiographic Value for Appraisement of Neonatal Heart Murmur | |
25 | 磋商会议几十年下来,仅仅只有几次因局外人利益受损而产生的抱怨。 | For decades the annual negotiations generated barely a murmur of interest from outsiders. | |
26 | 但是,我低声嘟囔:你去年是在没有真正竞争对手的情况下,才以93%的得票率当选。 | But, I murmur , you were elected by a remarkable 93 per cent of votes only last year, facing no real opposition. | |
27 | 过了好大半天,我又听见她咕噜着:“不,我不要死——他会高兴的——他根本不爱我——他永远也不会想念我!” | ’ Then a good while after I heard her murmur , ’No, I’ll not die--he’d be glad--he does not love me at all--he would never miss me! ’ | |
28 | 她对于这些景象的反应通常是低声的咒骂然后快速灌下一杯速溶咖啡。 | Her reaction to such sights is often to murmur a curse and fetch a cup of instant coffee. | |
29 | 她接过披肩,轻声道了谢,然后将它摊在腿上。 | She accepted the scarf from him with a murmur of thanks, and let it lie in her lap. | |
30 | 就业体检者心脏杂音163例分析 | The Analyse about heart murmur 163 cases in checkup for employment |