1 | (法新社雅加达电)印尼总统梅嘉娃蒂公布二00三年预算草案时表示,明年印尼的经济成长将更加快速。 | (Agence France-Presse, jakarta)-Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri unveiled a draft budget for 2003, which forecasts a faster economic growth for Indonesia in coming year | |
2 | “投资、出口和消费”是经济增长的“三驾马车”。 | Investment, export and consumption are the troika for economic growth | |
3 | 保持经济较快增长。 | To maintain a relatively rapid economic growth . | |
4 | 保持经济适度快速增长 | Maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth | |
5 | 报告说,1997年是经济转轨国家自停止实行中央计划经济以来的第一个经济增长年份,增长率达百分之一点七,1998年预计增长百分之三点二五。 | The report said that 1997 was the first year of economic growth for those countries with transitioning economies since they had stopped implementing centrally planned economies, the rate reaching 1.7%, and estimated to grow by 3.25% for 1998 | |
6 | 不仅经济要上去,社会秩序、社会风气也要搞好,两个文明建设都要超过他们,这才是有中国特色的社会主义。 | ,---not only in terms of economic growth , But also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct---that is, we should surpass them in both material and cultural progress. | |
7 | 不论国际大气候怎样变化,只要我们争得了这一条,就稳如泰山。 | No matter how the international situation changes, so long as we can ensure appropriate economic growth , we shall stand firm as Mount Tai. | |
8 | 不然的话,机构庞大,人浮于事,官僚主义,拖拖拉拉,互相扯皮,你这边往下放权,他那边往上收权,必然会阻碍经济体制改革,拖经济发展的后腿。 | Otherwise, organizational overlapping, overstaffing, bureaucratism, sluggishness, endless disputes over trifles and the repossession of powers devolved to lower levels will retard economic restructuring and economic growth . | |
9 | 财政部在一项声明中说"经济成长向上的趋势仍然稳定,指标确实显示今年下半年的经济活动将加速。" | Ministry of Finance said in a statement that "the trend for a positive economic growth is still stable and indicators suggest faster economic activities in the second half of the year" | |
10 | 充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。 | We must give full scope to the important role of the non-public sector of self-employed, private and other forms of ownership of the economy in stimulating economic growth , creating more jobs and activating the market. | |
11 | 但是公司受到了欧洲经济增长缓慢和旅游业下滑的冲击。 | But the combined business has been hit by weak economic growth in Europe and a drop in tourism | |
12 | 当经济的某一地区的经济增长对另一地区的增长发生不利影响时,据说是回波效应在起作用。 | backwash effects are said to operate where the economic growth in one region of an economy has economic adverse effects on the growth of other regions | |
13 | 调整的结果是限制了违章地区的经济增长。 | The effect of the adjustment is to limit economic growth in the offending region | |
14 | 多种经济成份并存,对促进经济增长,安置闲置人员起到了积极作用 | As the various economic sectors coexist, they have played a positive role in promoting economic growth and employing idle people | |
15 | 多种所有制经济的共同发展,对促进经济增长、满足人们的多样化消费需求、增加就业岗位发挥了重要作用。 | The joint development of diverse forms of ownership has played an important role in promoting economic growth , satisfying people’s varied consumption demands and increasing employment opportunities | |
16 | 发展必须坚持以经济建设为中心,立足中国现实,顺应时代潮流,不断开拓促进先进生产力和先进文化发展的新途径。 | Development requires that we always concentrate on economic growth , Base ourselves on China’s realities, conform to the trend of the times and continue to explore new ways to promote the progress of the advanced productive forces and culture. | |
17 | 改善经济增长质量和效益。注重依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质. | We must pay close attention to improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth by relying on scientific and technological progress and raising the qualities of labor force. | |
18 | 根据跨世纪发展宏伟蓝图,中国将加快建立社会主义市场经济体制,加快实现经济增长方式的根本转变,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展 | According to the blueprint for cross-century development, China will accelerate the establishment of a socialist market economy, speed up a fundamental shift of mode of economic growth and maintain a sustained, rapid and healthy growth of the national economy | |
19 | 根据它的最新估计,今年工业化国家的经济增长率为百分之三点九,明年为百分之三点六。 | According to its newest estimates, the rate of economic growth of industrialized countries this year will be 3.9% and next year it will be 3.6% | |
20 | 关于国际经济合作、特别是恢复发展中国家经济增长和发展的宣言 | Declaration on International Economic Cooperation,in particular the Revitilization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries | |
21 | 关于最近东西方关系演变对世界经济增长、特别是对发展中国家经济增长和发展以及对国际经济合作所产生的影响的阿尔及尔学术讨论会 | Algiers Colloquium on the Impact of the Recent Evolution of East/West Relations on the Growth of the World Economy,in particular on the Economic Growth and Dev’t of the DCs,as well as on International Economic Cooperation | |
22 | 汉密尔顿企图通过航运,制造工业和银行业等方面的多种经营来发展经济。 | hamilton sought economic growth through diversified shipping, manufacturing, and banking | |
23 | 会议认为,推动经济发展和结构调整必须依靠体制创新和科技创新。 | The plenum noted that economic growth and restructuring must rely on scientific and technological innovation | |
24 | 会议认为,推进社会主义现代化建设,必须实现经济发展和社会全面进步。 | The plenum held that it is imperative to realize economic growth and overall social progress in a bid to promote socialist modernization | |
25 | 会议圆满成功,为亚太经合组织的发展注入了新的活力,增强了人们对恢复世界经济增长的信心。 | The complete success of the meeting has injected new vitality into the development of APEC and enhanced people’s confidence in reviving global economic growth | |
26 | 积极发展对经济增长有突破性重大带动作用的高新技术产业。 | We must develop high and new technology industries to provide breakthroughs in stimulating economic growth . | |
27 | 积极培育新的经济增长点 | Actively cultivate new points of economic growth | |
28 | 基金组织还调低了对多数地区和国家明年经济增长的预测。 | The IMF furthermore lowered the forecasts of next year’s economic growth for a large number of regions and countries | |
29 | 继续保持经济较快增长,扩大国内需求,最大限度地创造新的就业机会,增加就业总量。 | Rapid economic growth shall be maintained, domestic demands shall be expanded, and new employment opportunities created to the full, so as to increase total employment | |
30 | 加大投资和消费对经济的双重拉动 | To Boost economic growth through Both increased investment and expanded consumption |