1 | 第五十一条 现役军人,革命残废军人,退出现役的军人,革命烈士家属,牺牲、病故军人家属,现役军人家属,应当受到社会的尊重,受到国家和人民群众的优待。 | Article 51. Active servicemen, disabled revolutionary armymen, ex-servicemen, and family members of revolutionary martyrs, of armymen who were killed in action or died of diseases, and of active servicemen shall be esteemed by the general public and given preferential treatment by the state and the masses of people. | |
2 | 第一条 为了保护归侨、侨眷的合法的权利和利益,根据宪法,制定本法。 | Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution with a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese. | |
3 | 调查问卷及采访的结果表明,这些家庭的成员给予彼此的赞扬远比我们预计的要多。 | Questionnaires and interviews showed that the quantity of appreciation family members expressed to one another was even greater than anticipated. | |
4 | 对于那些生活在向日葵社区中的家庭成员,我们衷心祝愿他们,能够实现他们的愿望,摆脱对毒品的依赖,重新回归社会。 | As for those family members of the Sunflower Therapy Community, we truly hope they could eventually achieve their dreams, free themselves from their dependencies on drug and return into society one day | |
5 | 分梨跟"亲人分梨"的"分离"同音。 | "To split a pear" is homophonous with "separate" as in "to separate family members ." | |
6 | 高级干部在对待家属、子女违法犯罪的问题上必须有坚决、明确、毫不含糊的态度,坚决支持查办部门。 | High-ranking cadres whose family members have been involved in criminal activities should take a firm, clear-cut attitude towards those activities and resolutely support the judicial organs that are in charge of their cases. | |
7 | 归侨、侨眷接受境外亲友自愿捐赠的物资用于公益事业的,按照国家有关规定办理并享受减征或者免征关税的优惠待遇。 | Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese who receive materials from donations voluntarily made by their relatives and friends outside the country and will use them in public welfare undertakings shall, in accordance with relevant state regulations, deal with the acceptance and enjoy preferential treatment of duty reduction or exemption. | |
8 | 归侨、侨眷确因境外直系亲属病危、死亡或者限期处理境外财产等特殊情况急需出境的,有关主管部门应当根据申请人提供的有效证明及时审批。 | For returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese who desire to leave the country urgently because of special circumstances such as critical illness(es)or death(s)of their direct lineal relatives or the need for disposition of property outside the country within a prescribed time limit, the competent authorities concerned shall give examination for approval without delay on the basis of valid certificates provided by the applicants. | |
9 | 归侨、侨眷依法成立的社会团体的财产受法律保护,任何组织或者个人不得侵犯。 | The property of the public organizations established according to law by returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall be protected by law, and shall not be infringed upon by any organizations or individuals. | |
10 | 归侨、侨眷有权处分其在境外的财产。 | Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall have the right to dispose of their property outside the country. | |
11 | 国家根据实际情况和归侨、侨眷的特点,给予适当照顾,具体办法由国务院或者国务院有关主管部门规定。 | The state shall, in accordance with the actual conditions and the characteristics of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese, give them appropriate preferential treatment, and the specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the State Council or the relevant competent departments under the State Council. | |
12 | 国家和社会采取多种形式对从事康复工作的人员进行技术培训;向残疾人、残疾人亲属、有关工作人员和志愿工作者普及康复知识,传授康复方法。 | The state and society shall provide various forms of technical training for personnel engaged in rehabilitation work, popularize knowledge of rehabilitation among disabled persons, their family members , relevant staff and volunteers and teach them methods of rehabilitation. | |
13 | 国家机关和国营企业事业单位的归侨、侨眷职工,按照国家有关规定享受出境探亲的待遇。 | Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese who work in state organs or state-owned enterprises and institutions shall enjoy the treatment as provided in the relevant state regulations in respect of leaving the country for the purpose of visiting their relatives. | |
14 | 国家建设依法征用、拆迁归侨、侨眷私有房屋的,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定给予相应补偿和妥善安置。 | Construction units shall, in accordance with the relevant state regulations, make due compensation and appropriate arrangements for those returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese whose private houses are requisitioned, dismantled or removed according to law for state construction. | |
15 | 几乎每一个人都喜欢朋友、家人之间的友谊。 | Almost everyone enjoys the society of friends and family members . | |
16 | 家庭成员一起分担家务劳动。 | The housework is shared among the family members . | |
17 | 家庭成员之间的不和随着时间的过去而消失。 | The disagreement among the family members healed over with time(喻) | |
18 | 家庭高于一切。各家庭成员都致力于增进彼此的幸福和快乐,他们都希望家庭能长久。 | The family comes first. Family members are dedicated to promoting each other’s welfare and happiness and they expect the family to endure. | |
19 | 杰克能够帮助病人忍受连吗啡也无法抑制的疼痛;它安抚向亲人诀别的家庭成员。 | He had the ability to help patients overcome pain even morphine couldn’t mask. He comforted family members as they said their last good-byes to loved ones. | |
20 | 谨向尼克松先生的家属致以亲切的慰问。 | We express our sincere solicitude for the family members of Mr. Nixon | |
21 | 居民户口簿具有证明居民身份状况以及家庭成员间相互关系的法律效力,是户口登记机关进行户籍调查、核对的主要依据。 | Residence booklet is to legally certify the identity of a citizen and relationship amongst family members . It’s also a primary document for residence registration authority to investigate and verify the residences. | |
22 | 拒绝招收的,当事人或者其亲属、监护人可以要求有关部门处理,有关部门应当责令该学校招收。 | in case of such denial, the disabled students, their family members or guardians may appeal to the relevant authorities for disposition. The relevant authorities shall instruct the schools concerned to enroll the students. | |
23 | 六、留学人员的家属申请出国探望留学人员,应当允许,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国公民出境入境管理法》审批。 | 6. Family members of students studying abroad shall be allowed to visit them abroad if they so apply for. The public security organs shall examine the applications according to the Law of the PRC on the Control of the Exit and Entry of Citizens. | |
24 | 墨子对公正的理解修正了孔子的思想,孔子认为是忠诚的纽带将一家人团结在一起,但是这种联系可能堕化成为裙带关系,为家庭成员提供特权,而无视他们的表现。 | Mozi’s teaching of the sense of the just corrects the Confucian devotion the loyal bonds that unite family members , but which can degenerate into a nepotism that provides privileges to family members regardless of their performances. | |
25 | 您及任何被发给了准入卡的被指定人,必须:一经收到准入卡就在其背面的细条上签名;不要将您的相应密码告诉任何人,包括家人或朋友 | You and any Nominee issued with an Access Card must: sign the strip on the reverse side of the Access Card immediately upon receiving it; not tell anyone including family members or friends your respective Codes | |
26 | 农历八月十五是中秋节。中秋节正是月亮最圆的时候,圆圆的月亮代表着家人的团圆,所以这一天无论如何全家人都要聚一聚。 | The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, when the moon looks roundest, representing family reunion, so the family members would get together on the day in any case. | |
27 | 虐待家庭成员,情节恶劣的,处二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制 | Those mistreating their family members , if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to two years or less in prison, or put under criminal detention or surveillance. | |
28 | 平时不在一起没有关系,但是过节的时候,一定要全家人聚在一起,吃一顿团圆饭。 | It doesn’t matter if the family members cannot get together at ordinary times, but they should have a family reunion dinner on a festival. | |
29 | 前任雇员的范围包括那些由现任或者前任审计师雇佣的人,公司间的互兼董事,或者在这个领域内有家庭成员的人。 | The persons include who have been employed by a current or former auditor, has been an interlocking director, or has family members in these categories. | |
30 | 侨眷是指华侨、归侨在国内的眷属。 | Family members of overseas of Chinese" denote the family members, residing in the country, of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese. |