属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国执业 医师法
1 | 全国拥军优属模范城市 | National Model City for Supporting the Arm Forces and Their Family Members | |
2 | 人们听到他们的缺点会放声大笑,借此(彼此)挖苦。 | The family members laugh and joke when they hear their faults, and then they all burn the old man and the list. | |
3 | 如果被搜查人或者他的家属在逃,或者拒绝签名,应当在记录上注明。 | If the person to be searched or his family members are fugitives or refuse to sign, this shall be noted in the record. | |
4 | 如今,我们还住在那老房子里。我和卡蒂都不错。尽管两只宠物受到家庭成员般的珍爱,但我每次售出我的作品时,我都会感激我的“缪斯” | Today the old house still surrounds us. Katie and I are both doing fine. And although both pets are treated like the cherished family members they are, wheneveranother story is sold, I give thanks to my Muse | |
5 | 身处异域,他无比思念故乡的亲人。 | Being in a foreign land, he longed for his family members at home. | |
6 | 生活中的许多问题,过去只要问问家庭成员,朋友或同事就可能得到解决,但现在,即使是几代同堂的家庭对它们也束手无策 | Many of its problems which were solved by asking family members , friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve | |
7 | 圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 | Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away. | |
8 | 死亡证明书和遗嘱由船长负责保管,并送交家属或者有关方面。 | Both the death certificate and the will shall be taken into safe keeping by the Master and handed over to the family members of the deceased or the organizations concerned. | |
9 | 搜查后,应当写出搜查和扣押犯罪证物的记录,并且由邻居或者其他见证人、被搜查人或者他的家属、执行搜查的人员在记录上签名, | After the search, a record shall be made of the circumstances of the search and of any physical evidence of the crime seized. The record shall be signed by the person searched or his family members , by his neighbours or other witnesses, and by the personnel conducting the search. | |
10 | 索尔到我们家来的那天,我紧张到了极点。妈妈和其他9位家庭成员热情地欢迎他,拥抱他,还用手拍拍他的后背。 | The day Sol came over I was a nervous wreck. Mama and the other nine family members welcomed him with embraces and slaps on the back. | |
11 | 他的家庭成员分散在全国各地。 | His family members are dispersed all over the country. | |
12 | 他每时每刻都思念着亲人。 | He is longing for his family members all the time. | |
13 | 他们叫醒家里其他人,大声地说“圣诞快乐!”所有的礼物都打开后,全家人通常会吃一顿丰盛的早餐。 | They wake up the other family members , calling, “Merry Christmas!” After all the presents are opened, the family will usually have a delicious breakfast. | |
14 | 他们肯定不会让家人在春节时出国。 | They would firmly disapprove if their family members went away on this occasion. | |
15 | 提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准 | Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased. | |
16 | 通过家庭,人和人之间建立了紧密的联系。一个家庭的成员不仅包括爸爸、妈妈、兄弟姐妹,还包括一切有亲属关系的人,甚至包括来自同一个地方的人(老乡)。“老乡”这个词也有很广的含义。 | Close personal contacts are established through families. The family members include not only the father, mother, brothers and sisters, but also all the relatives, even those from the same place (fellow-townsmen). This term has broad implications. | |
17 | 统计资料显示,有别于只包含父母与亲生子女的传统家庭的其他方式,例如单亲家庭、再婚家庭或让孩子与其他亲戚如祖父母生活在一起,孩子的心理健康都是令人不满意的。 | Statistics indicate that the alternatives to traditional nuclear families-single parent families, stepfamilies, and children living with other family members , such as grandparents-are less satisfactory for the mental health of the children | |
18 | 为顺从当前的潮流、听从友人的意见、服从家人的意愿,你下定决心去改变;而遵从你心灵的指引,你会由衷地愿意去改变。 | Following the current trends, the advice of friends, or the wishes of family members result in decision; following you inner compass results in choice. | |
19 | 我们吃了冰淇淋圣代,见到了很久未见的亲戚和即将成为我嫂子的家人,十分高兴。 | We ate ice cream sundaes and had a good time seeing family members that we had not seen for a long time and meeting my soon to be sister in law’s family | |
20 | 我们的祖先那个时代多数是属于贫穷的大家庭,那时,他们的生活非常的辛苦,但却能彼此帮助,彼此照顾。 | In our forefathers’ time, however, family members helped and cared about one another although most people lived in poverty and hardship. | |
21 | 现今,即使是在周末,全家人也很难坐在一起交谈。 | Nowadays it’s very difficult for all the family members to commune together, even at weekends | |
22 | 形式不重要,最重要的是一家人要团圆,可见传统是可以改变的。 | The form is immaterial-the important thing is the presence of all family members . | |
23 | 医师进行实验性临床医疗,应当经医院批准并征得患者本人或者其家属同意。 | Doctors should obtain the approval of the hospitals and the consent of the patients themselves or their family members for experimental clinic treatment. | |
24 | 以及顾问、订货方、供应商、合同商以及家庭成员。 | And advisers/consultants, customers, suppliers, contractors and family members . | |
25 | 因为亚裔美国人中通常家庭成员参加工作的较多,所以他们的人均收入数字并不可观,但仍超过黑人和讲西班牙语国家后裔的人均收入。 | Because Asian-Americans conventionally had more family members working, their per capita income numbers were not quite as impressive, but they still towered over those for blacks and Hispanics | |
26 | 用对家里人的称呼来称呼别人。 | Using the way we address family members to address other people. | |
27 | 在持枪歹徒的威胁下一家人吓得一声不响。 | All the family members were thrown into awestruck silence under the threat of the gunmen | |
28 | 在很多国家,狗被当成人类的朋友,甚至当做是家庭的一员。 | Dog is regarded as a friend of human beings or even one of the family members in many countries. | |
29 | 在南北朝(公元420年至589年)时期。皇家陵墓壁画先以白色粉刷,然后以腥红、黑色、橙色和绿色作壁画主要颜色。 | In the,.Northern and Southern dynasties period(420-589), the murals in the tombs of imperial family members are painted in crimson, black, orange and green on a base of whitewash. | |
30 | 在判处没收财产的时候,不得没收属于犯罪分子家属所有或者应有的财产。 | When a sentence of confiscation of property is imposed, property that belongs to or should belong to family members of the criminal element may not be confiscated. |