1 | 社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动区域会议 | Regional Conference in Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development | |
2 | 社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动信托基 | Trust Fund for the Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development | |
3 | 社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动宣言 | Declaration on the Follow-up of the World Summit for Social Development | |
4 | 世界环境和发展委员会报告后续行动部长级区域会议 | Regional Conference at the Ministerial Level on the Follow-up to the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development | |
5 | 事故查清后应当作出事故发生的原因、过程、危害、采取的措施、处理结果以及遗留问题和防范措施等情况的详细的书面报告,并附有关证明文件。 | Detailed written reports with relevant certifications attached should follow up once thorough investigations of the accidents are completed, providing such information as how the accidents were started, their entire process and damages involved, steps taken to tackle with the situation and their results, as well as problems that remain yet to be resolved, and measures for preventing the reoccurrence of such accidents. | |
6 | 术后恢复顺利。患者于1995年12月6日出院。建议出院后应定期随诊。 | The postoperative course was uneventful. He was discharged on Dec 6, 1995. He was advised to have follow-up examinations after his discharge at regular intervals. | |
7 | 顺着头绪、线索、谣传进行调查 | Follow up a lead, clue, rumour | |
8 | 随着其后两张专辑《范特西》和《八度空间》的推出,他的音乐逐渐统治了亚洲流行乐坛。 | "and with two follow-up albums-""Fantasy"" and ""Eight Dimensions""-his music has come to rule the asian pop world." | |
9 | 他没有照着我的建议做下去。 | He failed to follow up my suggestion. | |
10 | 他们似乎太忙了,没有时间对这一事件采取适当行动。 | They seem to have been too busy to follow up on the affair | |
11 | 它帮助您进行日常决策,使您的运输计划更高效,并能更好地跟踪车辆。 | It helps you make those daily decisions that give you more efficient transport planning and better vehicle follow-up. | |
12 | 推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。 | The salesmen usually follow up a letter with a visit. | |
13 | 为赢得新顾客,追踪调查和最初的接触一样重要。社会工作者的追踪调查使委托人放心 | The follow-up is often as important as the initial contact in gaining new clients. The social worker’s emphasis on followup reassured her clients. | |
14 | 胃镱随诊检查6个月后,发现胃龛影已消除(治愈)。 | Follow up gastroendoscopic examination revealed the niche in the stomach was healed six months later. | |
15 | 我跟苏振华通电话,叫他坚持五天,等后续部队到达指定地点。 | On the telephone I told Su Zhenhua to hold out at the front for five days until the follow-up units reached the designated places. | |
16 | 我们对每一家企业的投资额通常在50万至500万美元之间,并追加投资于业绩良好的已投企业中。 | IDGVC’s investments in individual companies usually fall in the range of $500,000 to $5 million. Follow-up financing is also available to companies with successful performance. | |
17 | 我们也可以争取雇主、雇员、工会、媒体和其他机构的支持,定期举办别开生面的公路安全运动,并进一步把活动推广到整个社区。 | An imaginative road safety campaign, with sustained support of employers, employees, trade unions, media and others, be held at regular intervals with effective follow-up actions aimed at the whole community | |
18 | 我写此信就是想申请你在研讨会上提到的四年级教师的职位。 | This letter is to follow-up about the Fourth Grade Teacher position as discussed at the seminar. | |
19 | 销售部门提供的售后服务;外科手术后的追踪调查 | Follow-up services that are provided by the sales department;a followup examination after the surgery. | |
20 | 协助组织及跟踪工作,扩大接触面,提高成功率 | To help with the organization, follow up and scope expansion of executive’s tasks, and to improve the rate of accomplishment. | |
21 | 血管成形术或者冠状动脉分流术恢复血流到心脏肌肉。后续还包括药物、运动规划、改变饮食与生活形态的建议。 | Angioplasty or coronary bypass restores blood flow to heart muscle. Follow-up may include drugs, exercise programs, and counseling on diet and lifestyle changes. | |
22 | 眼球突出测量:有眼下降至21毫米,左眼下降至19.5毫米。 | Follow-up exophthalmetry showed that the value on the right eye had decreased to 21mm, and that on the left eye to 19.5mm. | |
23 | 要求:至少5年服装业务经验,包括定货后续业务、谈判和工厂选货,熟悉中国纺织市场并具有相应经验 | Requirements: At least 5 years’ experience in garment merchandising (order follow up , negotiation, factory selection). Experience in and knowledge of China’s textile market | |
24 | 一般为上、下两句,分两遍唱完。 | They are generally divided into two lead sentences and two follow-up sentences. | |
25 | 应记录确认的结果及随后的跟踪措施,保存临床评价报告. | The results of validation and the follow-up measures shall be recorded and clinic evaluation report shall be kept. | |
26 | 英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以后,即将出版一部有关的书. | As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book. | |
27 | 拥有一个终年不冻的天然深水良港,是水东开发区发展乙烯后继加工项目的有利条件。 | The possession a natural year-round deep-water ice-free port is a favorable condition of the Shuidong Development Zone for developing ethylene follow-up processing projects | |
28 | 由于这些货物是供应一个特别紧急的订单,如果你方能将此事向船运公司交涉,立即查询事由,我们将十分高兴。 | We are in great need of the goods and we should be glad if you would follow up with the shipping company and make immediate inquiries into the cause. | |
29 | 有关员工怎样参与环境管理体系评审和后续行动? | How are the appropriate employees involved in the review of the EMS and follow-up? | |
30 | 于后续追踪稽核活动中,应查证并记录所采矫正措施的执行情形与效果。 | Follow-up activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action taken. |