1 | 此前不锈钢与镍合金压力容器晶间腐蚀敏感性检验原本就在进行着。 | Detections of susceptibility to intergranular corrosion in stainless steel and nickel alloy pressure vessels are always gone on before now. | |
2 | 从那以后他们创建了名为CultureRx的咨询公司帮助其他公司向ROWE转型。 | They have since gone on to found a consulting shop, CultureRx, that helps other companies switch to ROWE. | |
3 | 从那之后,她出演了《3个白痴》,这部戏已经成为印度历史上的最大的一颗重磅炸弹。 | Since then, she landed a role in 3 Idiots, which has gone on to become the biggest blockbuster in Indian history. | |
4 | 从晚明的王学到清初的考据学,中国思想发生了巨大的变化。 | From late Ming’s Wangxue (i. e. the School of Wang) to early Qing’s Textual Criticism, the Chinese ideology has gone on drastic changes. | |
5 | 大部分经费用于改善该州首府圣保罗市的地铁工程及主要干线公路。 | Much of it has gone on improvements to the state capital’s metro and its main arterial roads. | |
6 | 大量的精力花在了军事情报局(WSI)的改革上,后者的确是个困难重重的机构。 | Much energy has gone on reform of the military-intelligence service, the WSI, which was certainly a rum outfit. | |
7 | 但是,基地领导人逃到了巴基斯坦,并准备策划新的袭击,而塔利班也卷土重来。 | But al Qaeda’s leaders had escaped into Pakistan and were plotting new attacks, while the Taliban had regrouped and gone on the offensive. | |
8 | 但是谈判比预计持续了更长的时间,因而谈判发生破裂也不是不可能。 | But the talks have gone on longer than expected, so a breakdown is not impossible. | |
9 | 第一,BNDES很久前就已经开始不断增加贷款了。 | First, BNDES seems to have gone on boosting its loans for too long. | |
10 | 而层叠岩石的化石被一些人认为是几十亿年前发生着同样过程的证据。 | Fossil stromatolites are regarded by some people as evidence of the same thing having gone on billions of years ago. | |
11 | 而久经世故的的未婚女子马诺,已经成为中国最知名的拜金女之一。 | The hard-boiled bachelorette, Ma Nuo, has gone on to become one of China’s most recognizable bai jin nu. | |
12 | 该队一些被弃队员已在冠军赛中显示自己的能力。 | some of the team’s rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships. | |
13 | 港口设施、航空公司、公路、矿产、水坝、工厂、仓库、政府大楼以及影院等都在出售之列。 | Ports, airlines, highways, mines, dams, factories, warehouses, government buildings and cinemas have all gone on the block. | |
14 | 更重要的是,花在奥运会上的钱中,只有不到四分之一的部分是特意用于建设奥运场馆的,例如鸟巢。 | More importantly, less than a quarter of that bill has gone on purpose-built venues such as the Bird’s Nest stadium. | |
15 | 公司企业方面有些例外,还没有出现上世纪90年代末的那种“借贷狂欢”。 | With a few exceptions, the corporate sector had not gone on the kind of borrowing spree seen in the late 1990s. | |
16 | 官方消息:两只野象冲入印度南部街区,造成至少两人死亡。 | Two wild elephants have gone on a rampage in southern India, killing at least one person, officials say. | |
17 | 管家和哈里顿都看不见影儿;大概一个有事出去了,另一个忙他的事儿。 | The housekeeper and Hareton were invisible; one gone on an errand, and the other at his work, probably. | |
18 | 很多救助开支用于外国工资和陆地巡洋舰。 | Much aid spending has also gone on foreign salaries and Landcruisers. | |
19 | 很多山寨开发商已经开始在中国国内外生产一些合法并独具创新的手机产品。 | Many of the shanzhai developers have gone on to produce legitimate and innovative phones, both in China and abroad. | |
20 | 换言之,这意味着青少年十个中有一个前一天晚上玩得太high了根本不清楚他们后来干了什么。 | I think this meant that one in 10 teenagers had got so blasted the night before that they didn’t know what had gone on . | |
21 | 绘画大师莱昂纳多·达芬奇的两幅未曾露面的作品近日在意大利首次公开展出。 | Two previously unseen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have gone on public display for the first time in Italy. | |
22 | 记者:因此,您觉得社会不公对“还出现了什么”是很重要的,并且我们确实需要重视它,是吗? | So you feel inequality is central to what has gone on and that we really need to address that? | |
23 | 结果在新版本发售不到24小时之内,我看到更多的人带着iPad2,甚至比第一代的还多,囧。 | Nope. Less than 24 hours after the new models had gone on sale, I saw more attendees toting them than original iPads. | |
24 | 她继续新的生活,不再有作为受害人要背的额外包袱。 | She has gone on with her life and is free from some of the extra baggage that come with being a victim. | |
25 | 她去多拉格附近进行考古发掘,今年夏天,她还参加了当地大学的一些课程。 | She’s gone on archaeology digs near Durango, Colo. , and she’s taking a class at the local college this summer. | |
26 | 今年以来,广东本田曾爆发数次工人罢工事件,要求加薪。 | Factory workers at Guangdong-based Honda plants have gone on strike to demand higher wages several times this year. | |
27 | 今晚,有多达2000骚乱者在曼彻斯特市中心横冲直撞。 | Up to 2, 000 rioters have gone on the rampage through Manchester city centre tonight. | |
28 | 就算是在我父亲整理行李,和弗洛拉·格曼动身去新奥尔良的时候,母亲也没有大发雷霆过。 | Even when my father packed up and left for New Orleans with Flora Gorman, my mother hadn’t gone on a cussing binge. | |
29 | 开场白句子最可能把房间里刚发生的事和你想说的联系在一起。 | Piece together an opening sentence, preferably one that ties what has just gone on in the room with what you’re going to say. | |
30 | 克林顿夫人将提升她在将来某一天登上总统宝座的几率(美国副总统的三分之一最终正式加冕)。 | Mrs Clinton would boost her chances of getting the presidency some day (a third of all vice-presidents have gone on to the top job). |