属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-HTC使用安卓系统 面临巨额赔偿的控诉
1 | 我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。 | I stumbled upon the rare book in a second -hand bookstore. | |
2 | 一会儿我就会准备好. | I shall be ready in a second or two (in a few second s). | |
3 | 以新加坡的情况来说,鼓励国人熟练掌握一种第二语文(可以是华文、英文、法文、德文、日文、马来文、淡米尔文等),是十分重要的。 | In Singapore, it is important to emphasise the proficiency in a second language--be it Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Malay or Tamil. | |
4 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
5 | ||1:能力倾向测试并不是一种新的想法。||2:流传一个世纪的智力测试颇受政府部门的推崇。||3:查理斯·约翰逊从事心理测试已经40年了,他负责构建用于招聘英国公职人员的测试, 他说,二战的影响深远。||4:英国人对德国军官的工作效率印象深刻,而且他们得知这些军官是通过情报测试选拔出来的。||5:英国为此创建了陆军部选拔委员会。||6:应试者除了要进行文字推理、非文字推理以外,还要挑战词汇联想练习、以及引导小组讨论。 | ||1:Aptitude tests are not a new idea.||2:Intelligence tests have been around for a century and were popular with government departments.||3:Charles Johnson, who has been involved in psychometric testing for 40 years and was responsible for constructing the tests used to recruit British civil servants, says the second world war had a big impact.||4:The British were impressed with the efficiency of German army officers and learned they had been selected with the help of intelligence tests.||5:This led the British to create the War Office Selection Board.||6:Alongside verbal and non-verbal reasoning, it challenged candidates with word-association exercises and being made to lead group discussions. | |
6 | ||1:维也纳这座城市充斥着恐怖和阴谋,对政治暴力并不陌生。||2:1975年,“豺狼卡洛斯”在维也纳劫持了石油输出国组织的石油部长。||3:此后,在这个奥地利首都发生的暗杀事件致使库尔德和车臣等国的民众丧生。||4:但在11月2日以前,维也纳并未像是伦敦、马德里或巴黎等危机四伏的城市一样,爆发过针对平民的袭击事件。||5:但11月2日当晚,维也纳市中心发生了一起持枪和持刀抢劫事件,造成4人死亡,23人受伤,其中有几人伤势严重。||6:在奥地利实行第二次冠状病毒封锁之前,许多民众在最后一次外出喝酒或吃饭时遭到袭击。 | ||1: Teeming with spooks and intrigue, Vienna is no stranger to political violence. ||2: “Carlos the Jackal” held OPEC’s oil ministers hostage there in 1975. ||3: Since then, assassinations in Austria’s capital have claimed the lives of Kurds and Chechens, among others. ||4: But until November 2nd Vienna had largely been spared the attacks on civilians that have menaced cities like London, Madrid or Paris. ||5: That night four people were killed and 23 injured, several of them seriously, during a gun and knife rampage in Vienna’s centre. ||6: Many were attacked as they took their last chance of a drink or a meal before Austria’s second coronavirus lockdown. | |
7 | ||1:在几年前,HTC还是一家很小、很不著名的公司,但是这家台湾公司最近的增长十分引人注目。||2:第二季度它销售了1100万台智能手机,比它去年同期收入的两倍还多。||3:HTC的主要竞争对手——诺基亚、三星和苹果,在智能机方面的销售量仍然是它的两倍左右。||4:但是它的迅速成长,尤其是在苹果的主场——美国的优异表现让它成为了一个需要顾及的对手。 | ||1:UNTIL a few years ago HTC was pretty small and relatively obscure.But the Taiwanese company’s recent growth has been remarkable.||2:In the second quarter it sold 11m smartphones, more than doubling its revenues in the same period last year.||3:HTC’s main rivals, Nokia, Samsung and Apple, still sell around twice as many smartphones.||4:But its rapid growth, especially on Apple’s American home turf, has made it a competitor to reckon with. | |
8 | 说到加速,一些电动汽车不仅要靠电池来提供必要的功率,还要靠一种叫做“超级电容器”的第二能源。电池是马拉松运动员,能够在长途中提供足够的电量。而超级电容器是短跑运动员,能够在瞬间释放大量能量。 | When it comes to putting on pace, some electric vehicles rely not only on a battery to deliver the necessary wattage, but also on a second source of power called a supercapacitor. The battery serves as a marathon runner, providing a steady discharge over a long distance. The supercapacitor is a sprinter, unleashing a large amount of energy rapidly. | |
9 | 伴随性习得与第二语言词汇学习策略研究 | Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in a Second Language | |
10 | 本月早些时侯,当爱尔兰投票者在第二次公投时同意签署条约时,卡钦斯基也宣布他决不食言。 | When Irish voters approved the treaty earlier this month in a second referendum, he vowed to keep his word. | |
11 | 不过研究人员再次得到了一个惊喜——苦味化合物能够帮助张开气道,效果比现有的任何哮喘药都好。 | But, in a second surprise, bitter compounds relaxed and opened airways better than any existing asthma drug. | |
12 | 答:您可以将附加信息放到第二个XML文件中。 | Answer: You can put the additional information in a second XML file. | |
13 | 大家保持镇定。我肯定很快就会来电了。 | Everyone, stay calm. I’m sure the power will be back on in a second . | |
14 | 但5年后我再次遭遇坠机时,便把它看成一个信号,说明我应该重新评估自己优先考虑的事情。 | But when, five years later, I was involved in a second crash, I took it as a sign that I should re-evaluate my priorities. | |
15 | 但最近的一项研究表明,聋人阅读者就像是使用第二语言阅读的人。 | But a recent study shows that deaf readers are just like other people learning to read in a second language. | |
16 | 当电压沿第二方向施加时,离子桥消失且可编程电阻器变得基本不导电。 | When a voltage is applied in a second direction, the ion bridge recedes and the programmable resistor becomes essentially non-conductive. | |
17 | 当经济学家杂志拿去出版时,大家期待着他们在第二次选举后执行这项财政紧缩计划。 | As The Economist went to press, they were expected to implement the austerity plan in a second vote. | |
18 | 第二部,研究者收集父亲和孩子睡觉穿的T恤。 | In a second part of the study, the researchers collected T-shirts worn by fathers and their children while sleeping. | |
19 | 第二节点,其是三个或者更多,并且向其设置通过反相第一信号电平而获得的第二信号电平的电压; | second nodes which are three or more and to which a voltage in a second signal level obtained by inverting the first signal level is set; | |
20 | 第二中空部件从所述支撑轴的所述顶端在与所述第一方向相对的第二方向上延伸。 | A second hollow member extends in a second direction opposite to the first direction from the tip end of the support shaft. | |
21 | 对第二语言的熟练可以培养出将自己放到另一种思维角度。 | Fluency in a second language cultivates an ability to put oneself in another point of view. | |
22 | 多行热电元件沿与第一方向垂直的第二方向布置并彼此连接。 | The rows of the thermoelectric elements are arranged in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction and connected to each other. | |
23 | 二代实生与萌芽杉木生长特点分析 | Growth Characteristics Analysis of Seedling and Sprouting Trees in a Second -rotation Chinese fir Plantation | |
24 | 该模式锁定装置适合位于第一极限位置和第二极限位置。 | The mode locking means is adapted to be in a first extreme position and in a second extreme position. | |
25 | 该汽车厂商计划投资50亿元在位于西安的第二个工厂的综合设施上,第二个工厂的产量将与第一个相同。 | The carmaker planned to invest 5 billion yuan ($735 million) in a second factory complex in Xi’an with the same capacity. | |
26 | 该系统能够识别在一种语言中某个词或短语在另一种语言中与哪一个词是最接近的。 | The system identifies which word or phrase in one language is the most likely equivalent in a second language. | |
27 | 该组基片还可以同时进行第二角运动。 | The array of substrates may also be concurrently moved in a second rotational motion. | |
28 | 更糟糕的是,法国可能会发现自己沦为与意大利和西班牙同级的欧洲二流经济体。 | Worse, France might find itself left behind in a second division of European economies rubbing along with Italy and Spain. | |
29 | 公司同时正在做二期规划,进一步扩大生产能力,提供更多的就业岗位。 | The company also plans to expand its capacities in a second phase, also creating more jobs. | |
30 | 官方称在一个雪洞内发现了睡袋、冰镐、绳索,在就近的第二个雪洞内发现了尸体。 | The body was found in a second snow cave near another such cave where rescuers found a sleeping bag, ice axes and rope, officials said. |